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Thread: HPTA recovery after using Tren A

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    South Australia.

    HPTA recovery after using Tren A

    I was thinking of adding Tren A (75mg EOD) to my next cutting cycle which will be
    Test E
    Primo E
    Masteron E.
    HCG 2x 250mg pw
    I was looking to add it in weeks 5-8 of an 11 week cycle when my natural test will be fully crashed anyway so not worried about it crashing my HPTA.
    I have heard a few stories though of Tren making HPTA very slow to recover, is this correct? Does HPTA take much longer to recover after tren compared to other less powerful AAS, or even make it more likely not to fully recover in general even with appropriate PCT??
    Last edited by PHunter; 08-08-2020 at 10:22 PM. Reason: Adding PCT

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    If you run HCG along with the cycle up to a week b4 pct it may even your odds of having a quicker recovery than regular PCT.
    HCG keeps your nuts semi funtionable to the point it actually helps with having a successful pct. Where some guys take two rounds of pct without HCG.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    South Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    If you run HCG along with the cycle up to a week b4 pct it may even your odds of having a quicker recovery than regular PCT.
    HCG keeps your nuts semi funtionable to the point it actually helps with having a successful pct. Where some guys take two rounds of pct without HCG.
    That is what I was hoping to hear. So there is nothing especially nasty about Tren shutting you down for longer than other injectables once you are already down?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Shut down is shut down

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Ur shut down. I just had a baby while on cycle. Science only pertains to the specific species, person, rat. We all have own own coding and resulting outputs and problems from the shit we do. Nobody can say for sure today that tom will be the same. Tom shut down maybe shut up!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Houston, TX
    In my personal experience hcg is more effective when used toward the end of your cycle and or during pct. I think even then its benefit was minimal but that could be due to lower end of the spectrum doses.

    Just my 2 based on personal experience.

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