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Thread: Forget muscle -- maximize fat burning? Full 1mo+ fast?

  1. #1

    Forget muscle -- maximize fat burning? Full 1mo+ fast?

    Hey guys,

    I'll do the reading/research, but if somebody could just point me in the right direction (ie what to look up) that would be great.

    Is there something I can do to maximize fat burn? I am literally considering a 1month+ total fast (with proper nutrient support via supps), before I go down to a more typical 600-700 cal deficit. I already take plenty of Adderall -- which from what i have read is far better than an ECA stack.

    Long story short I don't care about preserve lean muscle mass at the moment. Some things happened and i basically gained 100lb of fat over 9mo. My skin is being stretched and i need to cut as fast as possible w/ minimal long-term damage to prevent long-term loose skin. I will get back into muscle building when i am down at least 50lb.

    Any resources you suggest would be appreciated? If you know any legit medical practicioners who offer paid consulting services I'm down to pay for that as well. I realize i have a lot to learn/research to do whichever route i end up going. Oh and I am 27 yrs old.


    Adding my post from later in this thread for more context:
    So I will elaborate. Yea i recognize that it's just calories in calories out. I have been 9% BF before, with solid amount of muscle.

    Long story short I had depression issues for the past 9mo and during this time I just ate myself away w/ no gym -- this will never happen again. I'm not making excuses, I did this to myself and i'll pay the price. But what I am trying to get accross is that my situation isn't the typical fatty asking for a "shortcut and to lose weight and have it happen as quickly as possible". The consistency and lifestyle changes that need to come with first-time losers aren't relevant to me.

    I know i will get back to 10% BF w/ a regular 500cal deficit. I am extremely worried about my lose skin and this is why i'm looking for alternative methods. If there's 3.5k cal in a pound. for me to lose 100lb (which would only be ~20% BF), this would take 22 months! I will not accept that.

    I realize that my squats increase test, and generally lifting might accelerate fat loss -- I'm back to lifting/exercising 5-6 days a week but this won't cut this down enough.

    In terms of the long-term fast -- yeah this will hvae to be closely monitored. I'll be getting bloodwork done throughout and taking special nutrients/supplements. One of the things i need to do more studying on is the long term effects post doing a 1mo+ fast -- there is some evidence from a study in the '60's that it permanently reducuses your BMR, well beyond the fasting period. Unfortunatley most modern fasting studies don't assess BMR 1year+ after the fast. This would give me reason to consider alternatives (ie a proper cut)... TBD. But this fasting idea is a pretty niche topic and I don't expect to find the most up to date info on an anabolic forum (for good reason).

    ANd yeah i've done keto and IF.

    Regarding spreading out small meals throughout the day -- I thought this was bro science? That the only thing that matters is consistency: your body will adapt and use and save calories/carbs for when they are needed.

    Thanks for reading guys i appreciate it.
    Last edited by HappenstanceStoicism; 09-28-2020 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by HappenstanceStoicism View Post
    Hey guys,

    I'll do the reading/research, but if somebody could just point me in the right direction (ie what to look up) that would be great.

    Is there something I can do to maximize fat burn? I am literally considering a 1month+ total fast (with proper nutrient support via supps), before I go down to a more typical 600-700 cal deficit. I already take plenty of Adderall -- which from what i have read is far better than an ECA stack.

    Long story short I don't care about preserve lean muscle mass at the moment. Some things happened and i basically gained 100lb of fat over 9mo. My skin is being stretched and i need to cut as fast as possible w/ minimal long-term damage to prevent long-term loose skin. I will get back into muscle building when i am down at least 50lb.

    Any resources you suggest would be appreciated? If you know any legit medical practicioners who offer paid consulting services I'm down to pay for that as well. I realize i have a lot to learn/research to do whichever route i end up going. Oh and I am 27 yrs old.


    Count those calories and eat small meals many times per day. Dont eat until you are full, stop eating before you get full. Take fiber to help with blood sugar stabilization amongst other benefits. Keep working out as muscle burns calories for you too.

    In the end losing weight in general can be simplified to burning more calories than you consume.

    Dont just stop eating or you will end up with nutritional deficiencies which will ultimately lead to much more serious problems than not liking what you see in the mirror.

    Not touching on addy or any other diet substance. Not necessary. If it was this important for you not to be overweight you should have controlled your calorie consumption at minimum.

    Best of luck to you. Hope my 2 proves at least somewhat helpful.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2018
    Looks like you want a very complicated solution to a simple problem. You ate too much, you gained fat. Now you must eat less to lose it.

    You can eat higher density foods, eat a lot of cabbage soup, do keto, fast, or anything else, but it's your determination and commitment to your diet that will ensure your success.

    It's very easy to gain weight, but mentally very difficult to lose it.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2018

  5. #5
    Hi guys thanks for the replys.

    So I will elaborate. Yea i recognize that it's just calories in calories out. I have been 9% BF before, with solid amount of muscle.

    Long story short I had depression issues for the past 9mo and during this time I just ate myself away w/ no gym -- this will never happen again. I'm not making excuses, I did this to myself and i'll pay the price. But what I am trying to get accross is that my situation isn't the typical fatty asking for a "shortcut and to lose weight and have it happen as quickly as possible". The consistency and lifestyle changes that need to come with first-time losers aren't relevant to me.

    I know i will get back to 10% BF w/ a regular 500cal deficit. I am extremely worried about my lose skin and this is why i'm looking for alternative methods. If there's 3.5k cal in a pound. for me to lose 100lb (which would only be ~20% BF), this would take 22 months! I will not accept that.

    I realize that my squats increase test, and generally lifting might accelerate fat loss -- I'm back to lifting/exercising 5-6 days a week but this won't cut this down enough.

    In terms of the long-term fast -- yeah this will hvae to be closely monitored. I'll be getting bloodwork done throughout and taking special nutrients/supplements. One of the things i need to do more studying on is the long term effects post doing a 1mo+ fast -- there is some evidence from a study in the '60's that it permanently reducuses your BMR, well beyond the fasting period. Unfortunatley most modern fasting studies don't assess BMR 1year+ after the fast. This would give me reason to consider alternatives (ie a proper cut)... TBD. But this fasting idea is a pretty niche topic and I don't expect to find the most up to date info on an anabolic forum (for good reason).

    ANd yeah i've done keto and IF.

    Regarding spreading out small meals throughout the day -- I thought this was bro science? That the only thing that matters is consistency: your body will adapt and use and save calories/carbs for when they are needed.

    Thanks for reading guys i appreciate it.
    Last edited by HappenstanceStoicism; 09-28-2020 at 01:53 PM.

  6. #6

    What's the difference in the following?:

    Assume two people have a BMR of 2k calories.
    - One guy eats 1k calories a day w/ no extra caloric expenditure = -1k deficit.
    - Second guy eats 2k calroeis a day w/ 1k caloric expenditure through cardio or something = -1k deficit

    Wouldn't the only difference be that person 2 is probably hvaing some small amout of protein syntehsis happening, despite being on the same caloric deficit?

    Thanks everyone

  7. #7
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    I feel your pain, over the years i've balooned up an extra 50lbs of fat probably 3 or 4 times because of various injuries, depression, etc. Each time loosing it has actually become a little easier. I've tried fasting. I've fasted for 21 days with nothing but water, black coffee and a daily multi vit. I dropped 23lbs or so and as soon as i started eating again I pretty much gained it all back.

    Your body is smart, when you fast eventually it goes into conservation mode and as soon as calories become available it will store them as fat again as much as it can. There are all kinds of short cuts out there claiming to burn fat, and some of them do temporarily. But for long term fat loss there really is no substitute for hard work.

    But here are some simple tips from someone who's lost a lot of fat in his life
    -Don't eat within 3 hours of going to sleep
    -Wake up and put clothes on and go straight into cardio, 60 minutes of medium intensity hr of 130-140bpm
    -Eat low glycemic carbs especially for breakfast
    -Drink water, 1 gallon a day, add some amino acid mix for flavor if you want.
    -Fiber is your friend, leafy greens especially
    -Don't weight yourself every day, once ever 2 weeks to start, and take measurements, not all progress is made in lbs.
    -Hire a trainer or life coach. Especially if you have problems holding yourself accountable

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ephemeral View Post
    Also thanks. i have purchased

  9. #9
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by HappenstanceStoicism View Post

    What's the difference in the following?:

    Assume two people have a BMR of 2k calories.
    - One guy eats 1k calories a day w/ no extra caloric expenditure = -1k deficit.
    - Second guy eats 2k calroeis a day w/ 1k caloric expenditure through cardio or something = -1k deficit

    Wouldn't the only difference be that person 2 is probably hvaing some small amout of protein syntehsis happening, despite being on the same caloric deficit?

    Thanks everyone
    Guy number one probably isn't getting the required nutrients his body needs, and is also probably feeling lethargic, being sedentary probably has higher cholesterol, triglycerides, etc

    Guy number 2 probably has way more energy, and be overall healthier than guy number 1. Food also has something called "thermic value" that means that your body actually burns calories just to digest it. Less calories means less energy expenditure by your body to digest them

  10. #10
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    May 2012
    Plenty of clinics that will allow extended fasts under medical supervision. Also massive amount of forums and Facebook groups dedicated to the same purpose. Now, I see these posts from time to time and I always post the same link. Longest fast ever to show that it indeed can be done, 382 days on water.

    Good luck but stay safe.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Plenty of clinics that will allow extended fasts under medical supervision. Also massive amount of forums and Facebook groups dedicated to the same purpose. Now, I see these posts from time to time and I always post the same link. Longest fast ever to show that it indeed can be done, 382 days on water.

    Good luck but stay safe.

    Yes thanks you -- I have heard of this man before. Long term fasting can be dangerous but under the right supervision and guidance it can be a lot less dangerous.

    But in terms of additional supplementation -- anabolic or non anabolic-- there is nothing that really makes sense here? Winstrol, anavar, etc?? It's all about a deficit?


  12. #12
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    stimulants can help, ECA +t3 was a favorite of mine in my 20's to help shed fat. But then again all they're doing is creating calorie deficits artificially. Winny will make your muscles harder, kinda like mast does. To me its useless as anything other than a pre competition cycle for a harder look. Var wont do much either besides making your recovery easier from the rediculous amount of cardio you should be doing. just my last .02

  13. #13
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    Sep 2011
    Well, you could do more than a 500cal deficit to burn fat. If your very overweight, you could lose 2lbs of fat a week on 1000cal deficit.

    Doing long fasts all day without eating any food isn't realistic.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Small View Post
    Well, you could do more than a 500cal deficit to burn fat. If your very overweight, you could lose 2lbs of fat a week on 1000cal deficit.

    Doing long fasts all day without eating any food isn't realistic.
    So, how long do you think it took Christian Bale to lose his weight for that movie? I think his daily food intake was an apple.

  15. #15
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    Sep 2020
    even if the adderall doesn't help with fat loss you're freaking lazer focused

    what a post

    good luck bro

    i'm fat too

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by HappenstanceStoicism View Post
    Hi guys thanks for the replys.

    So I will elaborate. Yea i recognize that it's just calories in calories out. I have been 9% BF before, with solid amount of muscle.

    Long story short I had depression issues for the past 9mo and during this time I just ate myself away w/ no gym -- this will never happen again. I'm not making excuses, I did this to myself and i'll pay the price. But what I am trying to get accross is that my situation isn't the typical fatty asking for a "shortcut and to lose weight and have it happen as quickly as possible". The consistency and lifestyle changes that need to come with first-time losers aren't relevant to me.

    I know i will get back to 10% BF w/ a regular 500cal deficit. I am extremely worried about my lose skin and this is why i'm looking for alternative methods. If there's 3.5k cal in a pound. for me to lose 100lb (which would only be ~20% BF), this would take 22 months! I will not accept that.

    I realize that my squats increase test, and generally lifting might accelerate fat loss -- I'm back to lifting/exercising 5-6 days a week but this won't cut this down enough.

    In terms of the long-term fast -- yeah this will hvae to be closely monitored. I'll be getting bloodwork done throughout and taking special nutrients/supplements. One of the things i need to do more studying on is the long term effects post doing a 1mo+ fast -- there is some evidence from a study in the '60's that it permanently reducuses your BMR, well beyond the fasting period. Unfortunatley most modern fasting studies don't assess BMR 1year+ after the fast. This would give me reason to consider alternatives (ie a proper cut)... TBD. But this fasting idea is a pretty niche topic and I don't expect to find the most up to date info on an anabolic forum (for good reason).

    ANd yeah i've done keto and IF.

    Regarding spreading out small meals throughout the day -- I thought this was bro science? That the only thing that matters is consistency: your body will adapt and use and save calories/carbs for when they are needed.

    Thanks for reading guys i appreciate it.
    A woman I knew lost about 100 lbs after having her stomach stapled. She lost it pretty quickly, too. She looks great now. All that is, is simply eating less. If I were you, I would maybe just have 2 meals a day and fast the rest of the time. No snacking at all, not even "healthy" snacks. You can probably lose about 5 lbs a week that way. Just keep reducing the calorie intake until you reach whatever weight loss rate you want and try to keep it there. The good thing is that the furthest away you are from your ideal weight, the more weight you will lose (initially). You might lose the first 50 lbs in 4 months, but lose the last 50 in 7. I want to lose 10 lbs. of fat, but it's gonna be harder for me to lose 10 lbs. of fat than for you to lose 20 - because you are further away from being fit, at the moment, than I am. That's how it works. So don't think you can't lose a good amount of weight relatively quickly.

    I wouldn't even lift weights during this time. Just some bands and pushups/situps a couple of times a week. Breaking muscle down from lifting will only make you that much hungrier. More meals will be too difficult. Ideally you should spend as little time as possible preparing and thinking about food when fasting/dieting imo.

    Good luck man

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