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I decided to come back to this forum for the motivation it gives me to be around other motivated people. Little background, I had a car accident right before covid, still dealing with some ankle/knee issues from it. Broken ribs healed up fine. Turned into a disgusting fat body and kinda used gyms closing for covid be my excuse to stay fat.
Started training again back around june 1st.
Down 20 or so lbs to 247 as of this morning.
Scanned at 19.9%bf, calipered at 21% so I'm somewhere around there
Diet is on point for fat loss. Right about 2000cal per day. I'm about 75% vegetarian after finding out my total cholesterol was well over 300 (can't remember ldl/hdl) Its back down to less than 200 now. I still eat eggs, and whey protien, occasional dairy
Turning 42 this week TRT 200mg test cyp/wk
I run a completly non traditional split of 2 on 1 off 1 on 1 off. Cardio every day
Short term goal: under 15% bf
Long term goal is to maintain that bf% and general well being
Yesterday was pure cardio 15 minutes incline walk 15 incline 3mph followed by intervals with battle ropes and heavy bag 1 minute high intensity, 30 seconds rest 10 rounds of each
Today Leg day
20 minute low intensity cardio warmup max HR 140
Leg press 2 warm up sets 15 reps and 4 working sets of 6-8 with 12 plates(i hate doing math so i just count plates on leg press)
Seated calf raise 4 sets of twelve (2 sets toes in 2 sets toes out) 4 plates
Leg extension 3x10 130/140/150
Leg curl 3x10 80/90/100
Starting to get hard to find plates when the gyms busy to leg press. Think I'm probably comfortable enough to start squatting again next week, but going to go light and do box squats to see how my ankle and knee deal with it.
Not sure anyone will follow this, but all motivation is appreciated. I've been around enough to know what my body responds best to, but suggestions, advice, criticism are always welcome. Everyone can always learn to be better