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Thread: Best steroids for strength and power?

  1. #1

    Best steroids for strength and power?

    Don't think I'm interested in taking anadrol or tren anytime in the near future. Still pretty new to gear. Of some of the more mild compounds what's going to give the best strength gains without gaining 10 pounds of water weight? Winstrol, anavar, and nandralone sound promising. I compete in powerlifting and want a boost

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Personally, if you can set aside the water weight fear, I would opt for d'bol @ 20mg pre-workout. It does elevate E2, but it is also out of your system rather quickly.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    Don't think I'm interested in taking anadrol or tren anytime in the near future. Still pretty new to gear. Of some of the more mild compounds what's going to give the best strength gains without gaining 10 pounds of water weight? Winstrol, anavar, and nandralone sound promising. I compete in powerlifting and want a boost
    Halo is great for strength

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    Halo is great for strength
    True, but isnt “mild” at all, actually a very harsh compound .

    To be honest if werent going to do drugs like tren or anadrol i wouldnt even compete in a non tested meet. You probably better off competing in a tested event. The other guys aren’t gonna be on mild androgens I wouldn’t think
    My first meet, i had 25mg dbol and 50 drol pre meet day and tren, test, mast, and npp for the cycle i trained for about 6-8 weeks prior adjusting compounds as needed

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Great place to check out the power rating of the AAS is on the steroid profiles. They use testosterone as a 100 so you can judge everything else off of that. Where tren comes in at 500. I think everyone has their own preferrence on them but liked the D'bol for a pre-workout.

  6. #6
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    The Dude Abides
    If you can put up with the sides, superdrol can put on a lot of strength. I had better strength gains than dbol.

  7. #7
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    The "best" strength based compounds are going to be more harsh than Tren. Like Cuz mentioned Halo is harsh. Same goes for Methyl-Tren and Cheque Drops.
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  8. #8
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    Test, mast, npp, anavar will provide strength without a ton of water. I think you are on the right track. Mast helps free up bound test and makes me very strong. I almost never cycle without it because i like it to much. Winstrol never did anything except make my back hurt. Winny is great for “shielding” muscles during a caloric deficit. I wouldnt say its great for powerlifting.

    Dbol is another one of my favorites but it makes me so puffy. I Definitely save that for the winter.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Halo is the king of strength steroids. It excites me taking it but it is very toxic unfortunately. I swear I got stronger instantly when I took it. I’m not joking it’s weird almost like it re-writes some pathway in the brain and let’s you access your true strength.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Trenbolone seems the king for cutting for bodybuilding, but has less uses in sport. Many powerlifters do use it, but some, including myself, don't seem to get a good strength benefit from it. Larry Wheels has also said it doesn't work for him very well publicly.

    Halo seems hit and miss based upon anecdotes, some guys swear by it, others dont see much. I didnt get much benefit even after trying several UGLs.

    Test and deca are quite popular in powerlifting and for good reason. Dbol and anadrol the last couple weeks before a max/comp also quite useful. I like masteron as well. Winstrol causes too much joint pain and have had injuries from it, but some report they dont get much joint problems. For me, anavar is trash.

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