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Thread: Advice for the wife, a women’s experience appreciated

  1. #1

    Advice for the wife, a women’s experience appreciated

    My wife is 34, been lifting on and off for 5yrs. She’s in good shape and has 4 kids so we are done. First 3 kids were boys and she bounced back quick but after her last pregnancy (our daughter) she is now super effected by estrogen. PMS/bloating etc. I’m 40, cycled numerous times and consider myself educated in Peds. She’s done Var/clen/t3 a couple of times but is afraid she may react to the Var differently so she wanted to try a different approach. I mentioned a SERM like Nolvadex since it still allows for estro in the liver/joints etc and may help with the bloating. It’s also stimulates LH and FSH along with test. So the libido increase would be appreciated as well. My question is for any females with experience on a SERM, do you think this is a viable option?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Griff579 View Post
    My wife is 34, been lifting on and off for 5yrs. She’s in good shape and has 4 kids so we are done. First 3 kids were boys and she bounced back quick but after her last pregnancy (our daughter) she is now super effected by estrogen. PMS/bloating etc. I’m 40, cycled numerous times and consider myself educated in Peds. She’s done Var/clen/t3 a couple of times but is afraid she may react to the Var differently so she wanted to try a different approach. I mentioned a SERM like Nolvadex since it still allows for estro in the liver/joints etc and may help with the bloating. It’s also stimulates LH and FSH along with test. So the libido increase would be appreciated as well. My question is for any females with experience on a SERM, do you think this is a viable option?

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    Have her start an account here and gain access to the woman’s only admin.

    That’s the best advice I have

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Welcome to the forums by the way.

    Wasn’t trying to be dismissive, hope it didn’t come across that way. We see guys posting for their woman a lot and ultimately guys have limited experience regarding your topic. There’s definitely some guys that’ll chime in, but posting alongside other woman who can share their anecdotes is the best bet. Hope that makes sense...

  4. #4
    Didn’t seem like that at all bud, didn’t realize there was a women’s forum. Haven’t been on one of these for 10+ yrs lol. It actually makes perfect sense and I’ll mention it to her. In the meantime if anyone does want to chime in the more experiences and opinions are prob a good thing. Anyways thanks for the direction and welcome. Appreciate it

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  5. #5
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    Dec 2014
    have her go to an hrt doctor so she can get real help. you see some females that come to the conclusion of using peds on their own which i would never knock. most of the time its recommended by their partner which is rediculous. not accusing you of this either. to me if the roles were reversed and my girlfriend said you should start taking some progesterone and estrogen it will help you get in better shape. i would think that sounded like the dumbest shit i ever heard, but this happens all the time to women.

    obviously some women do this completely on there own, but thats more the exception. having a female use compounds that mimic male sex hormones to get in shape is just fucked. she has had multiple kids she just needs to work harder and get her hormones balanced. she doesnt need serms, sarms or any AAS unless prescribed to get her back to homeostasis.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    have her go to an hrt doctor so she can get real help. you see some females that come to the conclusion of using peds on their own which i would never knock. most of the time its recommended by their partner which is rediculous. not accusing you of this either. to me if the roles were reversed and my girlfriend said you should start taking some progesterone and estrogen it will help you get in better shape. i would think that sounded like the dumbest shit i ever heard, but this happens all the time to women.

    obviously some women do this completely on there own, but thats more the exception. having a female use compounds that mimic male sex hormones to get in shape is just fucked. she has had multiple kids she just needs to work harder and get her hormones balanced. she doesnt need serms, sarms or any AAS unless prescribed to get her back to homeostasis.
    I hear ya, and it’s not me pushing her towards peds. I’m sure I share some responsibility in her decision prob just from watching me over the years but I’ve actually held her back from more serious compounds. Btw, I know several women on peds and they handle them well.. So I just want to clarify, she has been to a woman’s clinic and they said she is all within normal range other than iron and D deficiency. It’s seems she is just more prone to the effects of estrogen than before, not that her levels are out of whack.. Make sense?

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Have her start an account here and gain access to the woman’s only admin.

    That’s the best advice I have
    Just wanted to circle back as the wife did check in with another female athlete we know and basically since the she is on birth control a SERM is a big no no, I’m sure you can imagine why.. plus we’re not trying to have more kids.. funny I didn’t even think to consider the bc, prob an out of site outta mind type thing. But just wanted give an update and say thanks, your advice was spot on.. she’ll be consulting with our friend from now on.

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  8. #8
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    La Cocina
    Ya man, I wouldn’t have even thought about that connection and unless a guy in here coaches woman, I doubt anyone would’ve that about that component either. Happy she’s found someone she can consult with. As men, we are simply “problem solvers”...many times to our own detriment!

    Wishing you both the best!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    As men, we are simply “problem solvers”...many times to our own detriment!
    My wife agrees. I just have not told her she is wrong yet, maybe tomorrow [emoji6]

  10. #10
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    Jun 2008
    My wife is on HRT after we got her labs done a year ago and test levels were very low. Just to give you an idea of what her HRT looks like....
    20mg test cyp weekly sub q
    100mg progesterone daily
    20mg anavar daily run for 60 days then 60 days off.
    She follows the vertical diet and trains 5-6 days a week and always get asked if shes getting ready for a show.
    Good luck but def get a blood test for her first. We use private md labs.
    BTW she is also 34yo.
    Last edited by warchild; 02-24-2021 at 03:05 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    My wife is on HRT after we got her labs done a year ago and test levels were very low. Just to give you an idea of what her HRT looks like....
    20mg test cyp weekly sub q
    100mg progesterone daily
    20mg anavar daily run for 60 days then 60 days off.
    She follows the vertical diet and trains 5-6 days a week and always get asked if shes getting ready for a show.
    Good luck but def get a blood test for her first. We use private md labs.
    BTW she is also 34yo.
    Right on thanks for sharing. It’s crazy how many people react so differently then to what’s generally accepted as standard. I would imagine this is even more exaggerated among women. I agree, blood work is key.

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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Griff579 View Post
    My wife is 34, been lifting on and off for 5yrs. She’s in good shape and has 4 kids so we are done. First 3 kids were boys and she bounced back quick but after her last pregnancy (our daughter) she is now super effected by estrogen. PMS/bloating etc. I’m 40, cycled numerous times and consider myself educated in Peds. She’s done Var/clen/t3 a couple of times but is afraid she may react to the Var differently so she wanted to try a different approach. I mentioned a SERM like Nolvadex since it still allows for estro in the liver/joints etc and may help with the bloating. It’s also stimulates LH and FSH along with test. So the libido increase would be appreciated as well. My question is for any females with experience on a SERM, do you think this is a viable option?

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    Hi, female here.

    I think first, your wife should get a complete bloodwork done to get a baseline of where she is at. Hormones are a tricky thing. Pregnancy changes them and our 40's brings about other changes.

    Asking if she's going to well with this or that compound is the million dollar question, especially with females. We really are our own petri dish. I've cycled winni, var, masteron, and masteron with var, and currently cycling NPP. All have given me varying results and not necessarily similar to other females.

    My advice is to pick something in relation to the goals she has, make sure her diet is tight, get bloodwork done periodically throughout her cycle to monitor changes (and when the cycle is done), and go low and slow with dosing. She can always abandon her cycle if it isn't working for her.

    Results and reactions to compounds are different for each person, including dosages.

    Hope this helps.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshowbarbie View Post
    Hi, female here.

    I think first, your wife should get a complete bloodwork done to get a baseline of where she is at. Hormones are a tricky thing. Pregnancy changes them and our 40's brings about other changes.

    Asking if she's going to well with this or that compound is the million dollar question, especially with females. We really are our own petri dish. I've cycled winni, var, masteron, and masteron with var, and currently cycling NPP. All have given me varying results and not necessarily similar to other females.

    My advice is to pick something in relation to the goals she has, make sure her diet is tight, get bloodwork done periodically throughout her cycle to monitor changes (and when the cycle is done), and go low and slow with dosing. She can always abandon her cycle if it isn't working for her.

    Results and reactions to compounds are different for each person, including dosages.

    Hope this helps.
    Thank you, appreciate the feedback, she decided she’s gonna start back on a Var/clen/t3 with the Var a 5mg to see how it feels. We are both doing blood work in a week or so.. However, I’m curious about your experience on the mast, did you run it alone or just in the two stacks you mentioned and what type of dose?

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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Griff579 View Post
    Thank you, appreciate the feedback, she decided she’s gonna start back on a Var/clen/t3 with the Var a 5mg to see how it feels. We are both doing blood work in a week or so.. However, I’m curious about your experience on the mast, did you run it alone or just in the two stacks you mentioned and what type of dose?

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    I ran Masteron alone around 100mg week (inj E2D) for 10 weeks then stacked it with Var 20mg per day for 5 weeks. Mild strength increases and dried me out. Would be good for a cut, I think. Stacked with Var my strength went up a little more and recovery boosted. Not sure if I would repeat this cycle or not.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    My wife is on HRT after we got her labs done a year ago and test levels were very low. Just to give you an idea of what her HRT looks like....
    20mg test cyp weekly sub q
    100mg progesterone daily
    20mg anavar daily run for 60 days then 60 days off.
    She follows the vertical diet and trains 5-6 days a week and always get asked if shes getting ready for a show.
    Good luck but def get a blood test for her first. We use private md labs.
    BTW she is also 34yo.
    How does she handle that much test? My wife was doing 4mg Test P 3x a week and got clitoral growth she was really bothered by and we cant reverse. I dont know if what we had was over dosed or what. She felt great on it and sex drive was thru the roof. Body hair increased a lot too. So we stopped and switched to deca as per her dr's request. It has her feeling well but the libido isnt the same.

  16. #16
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    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshowbarbie View Post
    Hi, female here.

    I think first, your wife should get a complete bloodwork done to get a baseline of where she is at. Hormones are a tricky thing. Pregnancy changes them and our 40's brings about other changes.

    Asking if she's going to well with this or that compound is the million dollar question, especially with females. We really are our own petri dish. I've cycled winni, var, masteron, and masteron with var, and currently cycling NPP. All have given me varying results and not necessarily similar to other females.

    My advice is to pick something in relation to the goals she has, make sure her diet is tight, get bloodwork done periodically throughout her cycle to monitor changes (and when the cycle is done), and go low and slow with dosing. She can always abandon her cycle if it isn't working for her.

    Results and reactions to compounds are different for each person, including dosages.

    Hope this helps.
    Curious your experience. My wife is currently doing 2.5mg Var, plus 20mg Deca a week. She used to be on 4mg TestP 3x a week for a few years and felt great on it but the slow clitoral growth made her stop. Her libido was great but the hair growth and clitoral growth was a stopper. She's never felt the same again. We did blood work 3x. always her levels were normal. Her testosterone was even on the high side coming right off but she felt terrible. She feels good on 20mg Deca now but would like to get the libido back to where it was. Whats your experiences ? Would love to hear ! Her Dr. is prescribing the Deca, 2.5Mg var and once a week winstrol injection of 10mg as well to reduce SHBG.

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