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Thread: Why not Tamox on cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Why not Tamox on cycle?

    Hi Guys,

    When I first did my cycles 15+ years ago Tamoxifen was always what was talked about and what I used on cycle for estrogen control. I remember it always working well. Later on people said Arimidex or Aromasin were the way to go and I've always had issues with gyno with those and issues keeping a libido. Just started a Test-C cycle, 800mg first week to front load and 500mg a week there after. On week 2. Starting to feel a little tingle in my left nipple. I took .5mg Adex 2 days ago and felt crummier.

    Why is it Noval/Tamox is no longer suggested? (off memory) I never recall having any issues balancing my estrogen on it. Where with the AI's I always seem to be over/under correcting and not able to hit the sweet spot.

    Also, whats the dosing on tamox now? I dont recall what I used to do. I thought it was 25mg ED.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Why not Tamox on cycle?

    Tamox does not control estrogen. It just stops estrogen from binding to your mammary gland because it competes at the receptor. So if your estrogen balance is okay and your just sensitive at the mammary gland that’s why it works well. Only way to know is to run labs and see what your estrogen vs Testosterone ratio is. Tamox used on pct was usually suggested 40/40/20/20

  3. #3
    Ill typically run 12.5 eod of aromasin as Arimidex makes me feel horrible. I always keep nolvadex on hand and will usually run 20mg a day to keep the nipples from getting itchy or sore. Correct me of Im wrong, but I heard some puffiness and itchiness is normal in the nipples while running a cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by EnduranceCamp View Post
    Ill typically run 12.5 eod of aromasin as Arimidex makes me feel horrible. I always keep nolvadex on hand and will usually run 20mg a day to keep the nipples from getting itchy or sore. Correct me of Im wrong, but I heard some puffiness and itchiness is normal in the nipples while running a cycle?
    Lol I had a friend when I first started cycling years and years ago that would laugh at me when I said my nipples were tingling. He would say that’s good it means the gear is working. That said yeah a little tingling or slight sensitivity is normal but if they hurt you need to react fast

  5. #5
    I recently had gyno surgery and the surgeon left a little bit of the gland around both nipples. I guess to keep it from collapsing. There has been a few time where they hurt enough to get my attention. I would just add 20mg of nolva for a few days.

    Does the pain mean there's actually glandular growth occurring? Whats your opinion on that.

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