Hi Guys,
When I first did my cycles 15+ years ago Tamoxifen was always what was talked about and what I used on cycle for estrogen control. I remember it always working well. Later on people said Arimidex or Aromasin were the way to go and I've always had issues with gyno with those and issues keeping a libido. Just started a Test-C cycle, 800mg first week to front load and 500mg a week there after. On week 2. Starting to feel a little tingle in my left nipple. I took .5mg Adex 2 days ago and felt crummier.
Why is it Noval/Tamox is no longer suggested? (off memory) I never recall having any issues balancing my estrogen on it. Where with the AI's I always seem to be over/under correcting and not able to hit the sweet spot.
Also, whats the dosing on tamox now? I dont recall what I used to do. I thought it was 25mg ED.