Hi Guys,
40, 6'1" 210lbs, have run every compound. Been on TRT for a year. Ready to blast again. I dont need nearly as much compounds as most people. I have never been able to run over 400mg of test for example. I get bad sides quickly.
I've loved Deca and EQ in the past but they seem to crash my libido more these days.
I'm currently running 175mg test, 60mg deca and .5mg adex EOD right now. Just added 10mg Winstrol and 10mg Anavar daily to help reduce SHBG.
Looking for some advice on ratios to run that ensure I keep a good libido and get minimal sides.
I have some Injectable DBOL, only thing I've never tried before. Any suggestions on that? Anyone tried injectable Anadrol?
I've got every possible compound on hand.