One thing that bothers me about cycling steroids in general is the effect it has on my cardiovascular system. When I’m on steroids, I feel like I can’t lift as much/as heavy, can’t even walk up hills very well, get winded having sex much easier, and my overall cardiovascular conditioning tanks. To be fair, I’ve never done cardio while on cycle. I do notice some benefits in the early weeks when starting the cycle, but it soon turns to shit.
Being that summer is right around the corner, and I should be planning my cycle for the summer, it’s a tough decision between taking steroids to look good vs feeling good and being able to be active in this hot & humid weather. If I do decide to run my cycle in the next few weeks, I want to make sure my diet, supplementation, and cardio are on point. Last summer I could barely keep up with my girlfriend on our walks because my legs would cramp up constantly. It was torture, and I had to pretend like it didn’t hurt until I could barely move.
Do you guys experience anything like this and do you think cardio helps?