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Thread: 2nd cycle. First was 15 YRS ago

  1. #1

    2nd cycle. First was 15 YRS ago

    I was a gym rat when I was 19. By the time I was 25 I did enough research to commit to ONE cycle. It was Test E, WIN, DBol with post recovery. I did a ton of research and with my natural attributes I didn't need a second cycle.

    But now I'm 40. So that sucks. So here I am again looking for a different cycle but I'm very paranoid and responsible about my body and what I put into it. I have a slender torso, but can't get rid of this stupid 10-15 lbs in the gym. Plus I want that kickstart being a gym rat again. I idealized Arnold growing up and honestly I just love his attitude about hitting the weights. Life isn't easy for anyone.

    I did my research and concluded on a cycle that is fits my desires. Test E around 100-140 MG and with HGH @ 2 IU a day. I'll experiment and see how my body reacts. Prolonged TRT isn't what I need but supplemental TRT because my body is now 40. So I'm shooting from the hip learning my second cycle. Any suggestions appreciated.

  2. #2
    Most will tell you that shutting yourself down for 100-140mg of test a test isn't worth it.

    Real TRT is 80-100mg of test a week with TRT clinics prescribing 200mg of test a week.

    There is a chance that when you come off you will have damaged your HPTA.
    Meanwhile you have barely giving your body more than it naturally produces.

    Get your testosterone checked.

    There is a chance you are low T and will be prescribed TRT.

    There is no such thing as supplemental TRT.

    (If you give your body testosterone it will simply produce less... it does not add on.)

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Everything DD said above.
    Get full blood work and establish baselines.
    Hit us up if you're not sure what to get.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Most will tell you that shutting yourself down for 100-140mg of test a test isn't worth it.

    Real TRT is 80-100mg of test a week with TRT clinics prescribing 200mg of test a week.

    There is a chance that when you come off you will have damaged your HPTA.
    Meanwhile you have barely giving your body more than it naturally produces.

    Get your testosterone checked.

    There is a chance you are low T and will be prescribed TRT.

    There is no such thing as supplemental TRT.

    (If you give your body testosterone it will simply produce less... it does not add on.)
    Injecting Test E needs to be @ 200MG you are suggesting?

    I should get a blood test for which blood baselines?

    I just bought enough supplies for 12 weeks. My muscle memory will react quick and I'll get my results in 8 weeks is my expectation. Then I'll post recover back to natural test. I don't have crazy desires, but I'm just thinking about being in my 40's, 50's etc and want to supplement responsibly.

  5. #5
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    Will echo everything from above. Full bloodwork, then if you are going to cycle, go with higher test and then do PCT. Are you sticking with the HGH permanently? You’re young so agree about you being hesitant to go for the TRT.

    Is there a long-term plan after this kickstart?

  6. #6
    Do not run a cycle under 400mg of test a week IMO...
    (or 250 test plus something else...)

    Anything less would be risking something for practically nothing.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Without speaking for @TheDeadliftingDog, here is what I think he is saying and that I am onboard with:

    1 - get your current blood work to see if you already qualify for prescribed TRT
    2 - your current cycle suggestion is mid to low (edit: my opinion) TRT levels
    3 - the dosage you are suggesting may not even get you to your natural levels
    4 - you run the risk of permanent shutdown for a TRT dose. If you are going to run the risk, make it worth your while (like 300 to 500mg test per week)

    Blood work should include Total and Free T, Estradiol Sensitive, LH and FSH, DHT, SHBG, PSA and TSH. Well, those are the ones I would pull, anyhow. These will help you assess your current situation and determine if there is a need for prescribed TRT or if your suggested dose would do anything for you.

    Note that you could get by without some of those tests, but at 40 years old, they become more important.

    Do you have all your PCT drugs and other ancillaries?
    If I go to a Dr and get blood work my Test levels are just normal. I'm just looking to spike my Test. I'll follow it with a diet and want low dose HGH. I'll hop off it in 8 weeks. Don't be scared to be offensive telling me I am a dumbass.. I can take it ..This is just that I think I want to do.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyinlow View Post
    If I go to a Dr and get blood work my Test levels are just normal. I'm just looking to spike my Test. I'll follow it with a diet and want low dose HGH. I'll hop off it in 8 weeks. Don't be scared to be offensive telling me I am a dumbass.. I can take it ..This is just that I think I want to do.
    Not that you would have forgotten, BUT 15 years ago you were 25. Just be prepared that you won’t respond the same way at 40. I think what everyone is alluding to is that with the time and effort, you don’t want to waste it and your dosages might have underwhelming results.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyinlow View Post
    If I go to a Dr and get blood work my Test levels are just normal. I'm just looking to spike my Test. I'll follow it with a diet and want low dose HGH. I'll hop off it in 8 weeks. Don't be scared to be offensive telling me I am a dumbass.. I can take it ..This is just that I think I want to do.
    If your doctor doesn't think you need TRT, you can always go to a trt clinic and get treated through them. Regardless of who you get treatment through, they're going to likely run bloodwork frequently when you first start treatment, until your hormones level out and then they'll do it at a spaced out interval. So if you plan to blast, you might want to wait until they're spacing out the bloodwork with long intervals. If you show up with free and total test levels that are outside the range of what you should have based on the dose they give you, they'll likely stop treatment. Also, they'll adjust your dosage to get your test "optimal," so you really don't want to do any gear until you're stable and they're happy with your levels. You might also be able to get them to give you a low dose HGH rx too.

    If they offer you the androgel, try to get them to give you injections instead. Absorption sucks on the gel, it irritates the skin and you really don't want your wife or kids having contact with your skin where you rub it on.

    Some of the places will let you have the medicine at home and let you administer the injections. Some places will require you to go in so they can pin you. The place I went to in Vegas, required everybody to show up and get pinned. They charged about $200 a month for the treatment and some insurances will cover it. I paid out of pocket.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 05-10-2021 at 11:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Not that you would have forgotten, BUT 15 years ago you were 25. Just be prepared that you won’t respond the same way at 40. I think what everyone is alluding to is that with the time and effort, you don’t want to waste it and your dosages might have underwhelming results.
    I guess I'll just have to break myself in for a good couple months. Then I'll get a blood test done before I start a cycle.

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