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Thread: Anyone else tried Clomid&nolvadex as Test booster?(not as pct)

  1. #1

    Anyone else tried Clomid&nolvadex as Test booster?(not as pct)

    ey guys, I have been using Clomid&nolvadex as test booster for 5weeks now. I used it Not as pct but purely as Test booster. My bloodwork last Friday just came back. The result is truly amazing.
    My Test is 1370ng/dL. Reference range 378-1198(male under 40 years old)
    Free Test is 36.9 ng/dL. Reference range 9-26
    SHBG is 20, reference range is 13-76.
    LH is 15.7 Reference range 8.6-1.7 mIU/mL
    FSH is 10.10 mIU/ml, Reference range 12.4-1.5 mIU/ml.

    Just as Reference, my Test level before I started is around 600. But 3 years ago my test was 770. By any measures, it went up 200%.
    So far I have experienced little to no side effects. Sometimes when I watch a movie I became more emotional but otherwise is fine.
    I have better recovery now, before I could only do 4 days a week, 6 days a week is definitely overtrain. But now I am doing 6days a week and recover just fine, and I go heavy every day every set.

    I do feel a overall better sense of well-being. I think I will keep doing this and get my bloodwork done every month

    My strength Has gone up quite a bit over the last one month, Dumbbell Incline Bench press went from 125lbsx2 to 130lbs two sets of 5. So total from 250 to 260 and I did more reps and more sets. This is a very significant improvement tbh, at my bodyweight I have my max Dumbbell Incline Bench Has stayed at 125 ever since covid begins.

    The Clomid&nolva are definitely legit as I purchased them directly from the hospital in my school.
    I was thinking about using hcg But right now this looks like a better option since from what I have read, Clomid&nolvadex is not suppressive and safe for long-term use by men.(I remember seeing some studies done on this
    Last edited by GodOnEarth; 08-24-2021 at 02:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Clomid is used in the US as HRT for men that are secondary or don't want or need to get on the needle yet. I've used it for 2+ years, though the zuclomiphene molecule brings problems. In fact, I suspect that most, if not all, of the problems associated with long term clomid use are actually zuclomiphene related.

    As an experiment, I have been considering getting my doc to get enclomiphene compounded and switch from clomid to enclomiphene. I'm also leaning towards switching to the needle but don't mind using myself as a lab rat a bit longer.

    Note that I have tried enclomiphene in research chemical form and from ExpressPCT (presumably, the only pharma enclomiphene available). I'm not sure I would call the experiment complete though, until I try US compounded form.

    Also, to state the obvious: this is a steroid forum. Expect responses to reflect this, by and large. Not a criticism of responses or the question, just level setting.
    Do you mind sharing what the dosage you use and what side effects you experienced?

    And yea I understand

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    My dosage has varied. I started at 50 mg 3x per week, and am presently at 12.5mg 4x per week. I prefer lower peaks and higher valleys to higher peaks and lower valleys, thus the more frequent, yet smaller dose. My total T presently is around 800 (400 without therapy) but has been over range, dependent upon dose.

    Clomid brings the estrogen, no doubt because of the zuclomiphene. It also seems to raise SHBG, I have tried dealing with that via boron, and have recently been adding super low dose proviron (around 12.5mg per day to start) into my protocol. The clomid is prescribed, the proviron is UGL. It is possible I will up the proviron, try enclomiphene or just switch to the needle at some point soon.
    I was thinking if it also raise your free test then this would be a perfect form of HRT.
    Have you checked your free test, if so whats the number? Normally when SHBG are higher free test are lower right

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by GodOnEarth View Post
    I was thinking if it also raise your free test then this would be a perfect form of HRT.
    Have you checked your free test, if so whats the number? Normally when SHBG are higher free test are lower right
    Yes. But why not use proviron instead?

    If minimizing SHBG and maximizing free test is your goal. Way less sides than Nolva in my opinion and feel way better on it

  5. #5
    I never experience any sides with nolva(and I used 30-40mg a day), with clomid it might make me emotional but not nolva.
    And I heard a lot of different saying about Proviron, some says it is suppressive others say it's the only steroid that does not. But I have never seen any studies supporting that
    Last edited by GodOnEarth; 08-23-2021 at 11:16 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Clomid is certainly recognized in the TRT circle as a longer term solution and as a way great way to do a restart with your HPTA and has more studies backing up longer term use solely for that purpose.

    In my own experience I have not run into Nolva being utilized in the same capacities. Not doubting you, I just can’t speak to it.

    I can speak to proviron and it’s impact on releasing free T that’s bound to SHBG…it’s magical. I personally have not experienced a shutdown in production but in all truthfulness, I’ve only used it to augment my TRT in terms of adjunct to oils. I know it’s used as mono therapy in some clinics though which makes me think it must not have that much of a negative impact on productivity or it’s offset on total t with the onset of free t it offers up.

    The gold standard for hypogonadism is testosterone and there are plenty of options outside of just injectables. I know guys who have had much success with gels and pellets.

    To each their own, sounds like your exploring lots of options. I’ve been in a medically supervised TRT role for almost a decade and long term nolvadex use for maintenance is something I haven’t heard and am not familiar with.

    Clomid and proviron, I am

    50 mgs of proviron is my bread and butter

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