Whats up Everyone,
Been a second since my last post. I'm working on mapping out my fall, very similar to last years.
WK 1-16 500 TE
WK 1-16 600 EQ
EOD .25 mg Adex
Cruise for 12 weeks, had good bloods along with results with this it just took sometime.
followed by summer cycle (different compounds) and cruise
However I have two new compounds I'm not as familiar with. Starting with timing, to add them or leave them out all together. First is Dianabol the other is HCG. My thoughts where to jump start the cycle with the Dianabol. Not sure when to add the hcg.
WK 1-5 Dianabol 50mg daily (25mg in the morning, 25mg in the afternoon)
WK 1-16 500 TE
WK 1-16 600 EQ
EOD .25 mg Adex
Back to cruising
Not sure about the HCG, new compound to me. Ive read that it can do wonders coming off EQ. I have read of people taking it while on cycle. I have two weeks of cruise left, thought about tossing it on top of that (TE 150mg wk)
Thank all of you in advance for taking the time to read and respond.