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Thread: Low dosage question

  1. #1

    Low dosage question

    My first ever cycle I am wanting to try is as follows, goal is hulking but since it's my first cycle I don't want to stack anything other than anavar which I am considering.

    I'm 6'1" 188lbs, 15% BF

    Week 1: Test E 125mg/week
    Week 2: Test E 125mg/week + Anavar 10mg/day
    Week 3: Test E 250mg/week + Anavar 10mg/day
    Week 4: Test E 250mg/week + Anavar 15mg/day
    Week 5: Test E " " + Anavar 15mg/day
    Week 6: Test E " " + Anavar 15mg/day
    Week 7: Same as above
    Week 8: Same as above

    Only planning for an 8 week cycle at first... also the plans for upping Test e to 250 will only be trials, if I have problems with 250mg ill stay at 125 a week

    PCT have nolvadex at usual dosages, will order anything else thst I need if I do think I need it but at this point this is my starting point.

    Any criticisms and thoughts?

    My questions are as follow RE: low dosages

    I'm coming into week 2, wanted to see how I'd go with test first. No side effects at all aside from a morning of stiffness in lower back after first inj. Nothing else. Is there any point taking these low dosages of anavar? I've heard anything under 20mg is useless... even seen someone say under 80mg is useless but don't believe that.

    If I tolerate test well, would it be better to go test 300mg only, no anavar if that's the case that low.dose anavar is pointless?

    I know even 125mg if test has benefits but obviously not outrageous. Just testing water here before I take first dose of anavar...

    I know during my cycle I will gain approx 3-5kg anyway, regardless of these compounds cause that's my goal... I could do that natty

  2. #2
    I’m on 350 cyp and 30mg ostra.

    I’ve been cutting and very happy with the results. Strength keeps going up and putting on a little size.

    I’d up your test to at least 250-300.

    125 is a trt dose.

    Edit. Didn’t see you were tapering. I’d just start with the 250. Have you had blood work done ?
    Last edited by sfour_tay; 10-31-2021 at 07:49 AM.

  3. #3
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    May 2012
    Won’t be much of a bulk on those dosages. Not sure what the point would be of starting at 125mg? Makes zero sense. Start at 500mg and remove the Var. Done.

  4. #4
    I had read the sticky and made a post then was told to make my own thread.

    Reason why I started first week so low is that it's my first ever time taking test. So I tolerated 125mg well, next week I'll go 2 x 125mg, and maybe 10-15mg anavar a day.

    Reason why I wanna use anavar during bulk is so I can still stay lean and bulk using the test combo.

    I will try up the.doses see what I can tolerate.. would it be better to just have 250mg test week 2 no anavar, see how it feels and then introduce anavar week 3? That way I know what's making me feel what (tip from sticky thread to isolate compounds so as to understand body's reaction)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    I had read the sticky and made a post then was told to make my own thread.

    Reason why I started first week so low is that it's my first ever time taking test. So I tolerated 125mg well, next week I'll go 2 x 125mg, and maybe 10-15mg anavar a day.

    Reason why I wanna use anavar during bulk is so I can still stay lean and bulk using the test combo.

    I will try up the.doses see what I can tolerate.. would it be better to just have 250mg test week 2 no anavar, see how it feels and then introduce anavar week 3? That way I know what's making me feel what (tip from sticky thread to isolate compounds so as to understand body's reaction)

    That low of a dose is just enough to shut you down and make recovering that much more difficult.

    Minimum would be 400 in my opinion to make an impact, otherwise you’re just shutting down your HPTA and making a jumpstart that much more difficult.

    Also, if it’s your first run…the idea is to introduce one compound at a time. That way if you react negatively you’ll know the culprit. 400 is no scarier than 250 bud.

    Tarmyg nailed it

  6. #6
    Ok then

    What I might do then, is bump to 250mg this week. Then next week if all good go up to minimum 375mg

    Should I wait till week 3 to start anavar, or see how I go with 375mg test e then week 4 start anavar and only run anavar for 4 weeks of the cycle? Or is that too short.. andshould start var now at low 10mg dosage, then upto 15mg next week

  7. #7
    tar, thanks for the straight up response. So you think no reason to touch the v at all during this cycle and perhaps wait to use it on a future cycle? Is it worth it to introduce v at week 4 or 5 just to help with 'lean bulking"

  8. #8
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    Low dosage question

    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    tar, thanks for the straight up response. So you think no reason to touch the v at all during this cycle and perhaps wait to use it on a future cycle? Is it worth it to introduce v at week 4 or 5 just to help with 'lean bulking"
    Skip it but take Sampsons advice around dosage. As you have so slowly increased this and you are running a slow ester I would consider running this cycle for 14-weeks if you can. No need to so slowly increase your dose but also not wrong really, just no real benefit either way.

  9. #9
    I understand skipping it... but is there benefits being left on the table if not taking it? Cause I want to.hit a goal before Christmas, var might help me hit part of that goal... test e to help bulk and var to keep me lean and hard. I don't just wanna be all bigger but lack that hardened look come christmas

    Edit; come week 4, I've got test running all good... if I was to run var it might be a good time to introduce? Or would you all still say to stay only on test and leave the var.

    Cheers, I know I'm being repetitive. I could just take it without asking.. cause i do wanna take it but I do value your opinions and knowledge on the subject.

  10. #10

    I can get 5000IU of HCG for $175 so I had a look at your link and read 500-1000IU daily for 10 days after cycle when test has left system... then start SERM.

    Is it OK to only do HCG post cycle? Or isnthe whole point to do it during cycle to prevent suppression..

  11. #11
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    Run the test for 8 weeks…see how you do. Diet is going to be the most important.

    Add in the Var to finish out your cycle for 4 to 6 weeks to end.

    Have your PCT spot on

  12. #12
    So essentially run
    Week 1-8 TEST E
    Week 9-12 Var

    I kinda wanna have a short cycle just so I can see how my natural test returns... longer cycles more risk of slower return right... cause it is my first cycle so 12 weeks seems a little long.

    Diet will be on point, it's my #1 focus

  13. #13
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    wrong test for 8 week run. Prop should of been choice.
    you speak of leaving stuff on table, thats exactly what you are doing by running such low dose test, shutting down for min, need to raise it if u are bulking.
    be open to extending cycle couple more weeks, the magic happens then.

    diet will dictate goals, make sure that is in check.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    So essentially run
    Week 1-8 TEST E
    Week 9-12 Var

    I kinda wanna have a short cycle just so I can see how my natural test returns... longer cycles more risk of slower return right... cause it is my first cycle so 12 weeks seems a little long.

    Diet will be on point, it's my #1 focus

    You ask for advice and then haggle with it. If you know what you’re wanting to do…do it.

    Otherwise, listen and follow suit. Makes me crazy when information is solicited only to be ignored or argued with.

    You obviously know what you want and have an idea of what you think is best, so do it.

    Best of luck

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    Ok then

    What I might do then, is bump to 250mg this week. Then next week if all good go up to minimum 375mg

    Should I wait till week 3 to start anavar, or see how I go with 375mg test e then week 4 start anavar and only run anavar for 4 weeks of the cycle? Or is that too short.. andshould start var now at low 10mg dosage, then upto 15mg next week
    Why? 250mg is a waste of time. It's just a high TRT dose. You'll be shut down nearly as bad as on 500mg, except you wont have the gains to show for it.

    And get rid of the var this cycle.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    So essentially run
    Week 1-8 TEST E
    Week 9-12 Var

    I kinda wanna have a short cycle just so I can see how my natural test returns... longer cycles more risk of slower return right... cause it is my first cycle so 12 weeks seems a little long.

    Diet will be on point, it's my #1 focus
    This is fvuking dumb. Your cycle sucks and you refuse to listen to advice.

  17. #17
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    Enth won’t really shine until week 6 in most cases…week 4 if you front load (maybe)

    Ditch the Var as was suggested. Again though, it feels like talking to a wall.

    If you want an 8 week cycle, switch esters as was suggested by Moose. You’ll need prop for that.

    You asked and received…then you asked a different iteration of the same question.

    Someone that continues to chase their tail, ends up smelling their own ass

    Good luck

  18. #18
    I realise seems like I am ignoring advice but I assure you it's all being taken on board. I've upped dosage of test, gunna be at 375mg.. will extend cycle if need be, and organise all for PCT. Also will save the Var for another cycle or as you said Sampson, if I desire to use it and actually do end up extending my cycle.. will use var at the end of the cycle for 4-5 weeks.

    Thanks for all information shared

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    I realise seems like I am ignoring advice but I assure you it's all being taken on board. I've upped dosage of test, gunna be at 375mg.. will extend cycle if need be, and organise all for PCT. Also will save the Var for another cycle or as you said Sampson, if I desire to use it and actually do end up extending my cycle.. will use var at the end of the cycle for 4-5 weeks.

    Thanks for all information shared
    You need to run test E for 12 weeks dude. It takes 5 weeks to kick in

  20. #20
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    I wish everyone would get off of moreplatesmoredate’s sack. He’s the one that started pushing this “low dose, see how your body reacts” trend. He’s a sharp fucking dude but jc the parroting is ridiculous.

    I don’t get how anyone hasn’t touched on exactly what OP is proposing. I skimmed over it, but basically upping his low doses bi-weekly to see how he handles the testosterone.. Your body isn’t going to “react” differently after only 2 weeks of 125mg. Same thing is true if you run 500mg for 2 weeks. Anything in that short of time frame is going to be strictly placebo from a long ester.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367 View Post
    I wish everyone would get off of moreplatesmoredate’s sack. He’s the one that started pushing this “low dose, see how your body reacts” trend. He’s a sharp fucking dude but jc the parroting is ridiculous.

    I don’t get how anyone hasn’t touched on exactly what OP is proposing. I skimmed over it, but basically upping his low doses bi-weekly to see how he handles the testosterone.. Your body isn’t going to “react” differently after only 2 weeks of 125mg. Same thing is true if you run 500mg for 2 weeks. Anything in that short of time frame is going to be strictly placebo from a long ester.

    Not quite sure what you’re saying brother but since you skimmed it…I’ll top line my understanding of his proposal.

    His first “cycle” (not trt) is to run a long ester at low dose for 8 weeks to see how he does…bad idea. Plain and simple, especially given the proposed ester.

    Simple as that. What do I know though? Gave my opinion, take it or leave it. He sought advice, I gave it.

    Like so many before and so many after…they propose a question, solicit advice and then ignore or argue with what is given.

    No skin off of my back…wish him good luck

  22. #22
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    The advice yourself and everyone else gave was spot on! I was just trying to touch more on the fact you can’t increase a long ester that quickly, thinking you’re going to see the sides from a particular dose in 2 weeks time.

    OP, you need to pick a dose and run it the entire course. Wether that be 125mg (I’m on TRT at 200mg and that keeps me in natural range sooooo), or 1025mg.

  23. #23
    Yeah my reasoning for starting low was hesitancy and never having administered any AAS. I am at 375mg / week, no var. Will run it for 8 weeks, with consideration to extend to 10-12 weeks. Either capped with var at the end week 8-12 or just no var at all. Leaning towards no var at all as that's what most have said and makes complete sense to see how I do solely on test, keeping var for a cycle in future.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon2g View Post
    Yeah my reasoning for starting low was hesitancy and never having administered any AAS. I am at 375mg / week, no var. Will run it for 8 weeks, with consideration to extend to 10-12 weeks. Either capped with var at the end week 8-12 or just no var at all. Leaning towards no var at all as that's what most have said and makes complete sense to see how I do solely on test, keeping var for a cycle in future.

    This is my last attempt at logic…

    The difference between 375 and 400 is absolutely negligible…make the math easier on yourself and round to 400.

    Lastly if you are running Enthanate, take a look at the peak plasma level charts and get a grasp on half life, peak plasma levels and trough. Once you have that basic understanding then you will understand why 8 weeks makes zero sense when running that particular ester. Recovery will be the same at 8 weeks as it will at 12, the difference is the extra 4 weeks is essentially the peak of the cycle and where you’ll do some of your best growing.

    Do as you wish, but I implore you to get a better understanding of the chemical compounds you’re about to put in your body and the time it takes to do it’s work.

    Good call on waiting on the Var, if you get side effects you’ll know straightaway what the culprit is..



  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    This is my last attempt at logic…

    The difference between 375 and 400 is absolutely negligible…make the math easier on yourself and round to 400.

    Lastly if you are running Enthanate, take a look at the peak plasma level charts and get a grasp on half life, peak plasma levels and trough. Once you have that basic understanding then you will understand why 8 weeks makes zero sense when running that particular ester. Recovery will be the same at 8 weeks as it will at 12, the difference is the extra 4 weeks is essentially the peak of the cycle and where you’ll do some of your best growing.

    Do as you wish, but I implore you to get a better understanding of the chemical compounds you’re about to put in your body and the time it takes to do it’s work.

    Good call on waiting on the Var, if you get side effects you’ll know straightaway what the culprit is..



    Exactly that ^^^^^
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  26. #26
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    ^^^^^ this gentleman is like “EF Hutton”

    When he talks, you should listen

  27. #27
    I've injured my foot, in a river on a broken bottle and had to have surgery Zane was in hospital for a week. Been on antibiotics lacked appetitie and lost s little weight.

    Question- I am wanting to make thst cycle 12 weeks, am in week 4... so I weight to dose again till I can walk in 2 weeks... or do I keep dosing and in 1 week start training only upper body?

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