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Thread: So is this happy or a sad day? "National Mourning Day"? Niceguy don't like the 2nd

  1. #1

    So is this happy or a sad day? "National Mourning Day"? Niceguy don't like the 2nd

    So is this happy or a sad day? "National Mourning Day"? Niceguy don't like the 2nd

    this is negative

    i didn't know this "spin" on this happy holiday even existed till today

    but it's been around according to google since 1970??

    Jeez...can't we all get along

    we need to get back to basics and the traditional Republican with good intentions US President Geo H W Bush like a kindler gentler nation

    why can't national mourning day be on some other day is beyond me and upsets me

    i edited this post because it was angry

    need to be better and thankful for what's out there that's good -- focus on the good

    if you got a bigger better message, just get it out there...don't need to be so anti-thetical to everything one opposes...

    if my message is worthy, i spread that instead of attacking someone else's message

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone a lot to be thankful, in the best country in the world--the U.S.
    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 11-25-2021 at 05:03 PM.

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