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Thread: Need help to lower testosterone

  1. #1

    Need help to lower testosterone

    I been on nebido for 5 years or anvar in usa . 1000mg every 8 week. And now the doctor suddenly wanna so blood work after not caring for so many years . I had bad comments when visiting dr questions me why I use nebido when I’m there for other things . I’m soon 50 and it’s been life changing with try from being always tired and no sex just : I don’t work out much because elbow is damaged .

    Since dr seem to be blind in testosterone and not caring about the shbg im so afraid my test will be a little to high and he might fuck up ny interval . Is there any way to lower it ???

    I want to try anything before I go take blood to get it lower.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    Thinking outside the box here...

    New Doctor?

  3. #3
    Is there still doctor opting for nebido for patients?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Danin76 View Post
    I been on nebido for 5 years or anvar in usa . 1000mg every 8 week. And now the doctor suddenly wanna so blood work after not caring for so many years . I had bad comments when visiting dr questions me why I use nebido when I’m there for other things . I’m soon 50 and it’s been life changing with try from being always tired and no sex just : I don’t work out much because elbow is damaged .

    Since dr seem to be blind in testosterone and not caring about the shbg im so afraid my test will be a little to high and he might fuck up ny interval . Is there any way to lower it ???

    I want to try anything before I go take blood to get it lower.
    He is basically checking what test levels the nebido is putting you on. There's no way to lower the test when it's measuring the exogenous testosteron. Would have been another thing if it was your natural test levels they where testing.

    Anyway, they can't make any decisions regarding your need for hrt based on you nebido levels anyway, they might adjust the intervals but then just get back to them after 10 weeks and say that you fel like crap for the two weeks between week 8-10 and ask that they shorten the intervals again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Is there still doctor opting for nebido for patients?

    In Europe yes. It'sactually preferred in many countries and they don't even use enan

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post
    In Europe yes. It'sactually preferred in many countries and they don't even use enan
    Applying only every 30 days, wouldn't there be fluctuations in testosterone levels and peaks?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Applying only every 30 days, wouldn't there be fluctuations in testosterone levels and peaks?

    The intervals is between 8-12 weeks so 56-84 days. The clinics usually go by the test value just before next shot. If it's ~18 nmol/L they keep the intervals. Usually they don't care about the peak value, so yeah, it starts high and then goes down steadily to ~18 before next pin (ideally).

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post
    The intervals is between 8-12 weeks so 56-84 days. The clinics usually go by the test value just before next shot. If it's ~18 nmol/L they keep the intervals. Usually they don't care about the peak value, so yeah, it starts high and then goes down steadily to ~18 before next pin (ideally).
    Got it, thanks!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Are you against putting yourself on TRT instead of relying on a clinic?

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