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Thread: Test, Tbol, Anavar: 12 week cycle questions

  1. #1

    Test, Tbol, Anavar: 12 week cycle questions

    People are on both sides of whether tbol and anavar should be taken together. I'm considering a cycle with both, but not at the same time. The turinabol would be to improve endurance, stamina, strength after some injuries and time off. The var would be to add a little muscle and lean out.

    Yes, I'll have a proper diet and add pct (will plan that part next, but not before planning out the cycle), including some Hcg probably.

    12 weeks

    week 1-8: Test E 250mg/week, Tbol 30mg/day

    week 7-12: Test E 250mg/week, Anavar 60mg/day (20mg 3x day)

    week 14: Start PCT

    Even though Tbol and Anavar wil only overlap a little, it's still a 12-week cycle.

    1. Is it too long?

    2. It is better to just take both at same time for less time?

    3. Should I run each for 6 weeks and switch at the halfway point?

    4. Test E at 250mg enough?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    How many cycles have you run?

    It seems like you have multiple goals with this cycle, based on your compounds and post. Pick one. 12 weeks really isn't that long a time. Build your cycle around that one goal.

    Also, 250mg test per week is a little low. Maybe bump that to 400mg or so, and pick one oral as a kickstart, based on your goal.

    And finally, IDK if 12 weeks of orals is a good idea. Neither is OVERLY liver stressing, but those are not baby doses.

    Just food for thought.

  3. #3
    So maybe: Weeks 1-8 Anavar?

    I was hoping to get full synergy between test and var by waiting for the var until test was fully engaged.

    Thanks for the response. I was really hoping to get some more feedback for this. Maybe I need to learn to make catchier titles or something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by downsouthyall View Post
    So maybe: Weeks 1-8 Anavar?

    I was hoping to get full synergy between test and var by waiting for the var until test was fully engaged.

    Thanks for the response. I was really hoping to get some more feedback for this. Maybe I need to learn to make catchier titles or something.
    That's not a bad plan, but you should feel the test by week 6 or so.

    And yeah, with the holidays, things are a little slow right now. But you really can't go wrong with test and var.

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