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Thread: Test + tren cycle

  1. #1

    Test + tren cycle

    I've taken high doses of test and anadrol in the past. Up to 750mg of test with 100mg of anadrol. Estrogen was high as fuk but I don't seem to carry many estrogen sides besides water retention. Anyways, I'm pretty strength focused although like to look good and lean as well. My goal is to get my squat and deadlift over 700 pounds with a 400 pound bench. On the test anadrol cycle I got somewhat close. I hit 655 deadlift with ease at the end of the cycle and was doing 605 for 5 rep sets. Bench was at 365, it is my toughest lift. Didn't get to max squat, was dealing with a lingering shoulder injury...

    I've been off all PEDs for 5 months and got blood work back today, everything is in optimal ranges, besides Total 400 test and 8 free test. Doc is prescribing me trt. Anyways I Pinned 100mg of tren ace along with 250mg of test cyp this afternoon. I know what test does to me but wanting to start moderate with tren. Assuming I handle it well, is pinning 150mg eod excessive for a first tren cycle? Hoping to compete in a few months if things are going well.
    Last edited by rise_against; 10-21-2021 at 12:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    I've taken high doses of test and anadrol in the past. Up to 750mg of test with 100mg of anadrol. Estrogen was high as fuk but I don't seem to carry many estrogen sides besides water retention. Anyways, I'm pretty strength focused although like to look good and lean as well. My goal is to get my squat and deadlift over 700 pounds with a 400 pound bench. On the test anadrol cycle I got somewhat close. I hit 655 deadlift with ease at the end of the cycle and was doing 605 for 5 rep sets. Bench was at 365, it is my toughest lift. Didn't get to max squat, was dealing with a lingering shoulder injury...

    I've been off all PEDs for 5 months and got blood work back today, everything is in optimal ranges, besides Total 400 test and 8 free test. Doc is prescribing me trt. Anyways I Pinned 100mg of tren ace along with 250mg of test cyp this afternoon. I know what test does to me but wanting to start moderate with tren. Assuming I handle it well, is pinning 150mg eod excessive for a first tren cycle? Hoping to compete in a few months if things are going well.
    I don't think 150mg EOD is excessive, but why not do 100mg and see how that works for you?

  3. #3
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    La Cocina
    Dosages are fine, I agree with Honkey though as well. Either or…

    For me, tren is a much better recomp drug than it is pure strength drug. I’d up my test, add some deca (or NPP if you want a short ester) and run an oral for 6 weeks. Add in some MK677 and up my calories, better recipe for success in the strength department…for me anyways

    Best of luck

  4. #4
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    Mar 2006
    put ur seat belt on.

    i think 150eod tren ace for first timer is high. tren is a nasty bitch man. you will get what u want from the 100mg eod, stay there for first run.

  5. #5
    I heard Pete Rubbish and a couple other power guys say they preferred tren over anadrol for strength. So giving it a try to compare to anadrol. I can handle 750mg of test well. Maybe I will push the test up and keep dose at 100mg eod. I've never done deca but can get it. Maybe I'll add some anavar in later in the cycle. I don't mind a lean recomp. I'm carrying a bit more bodyfat than normal. Still can see abs but would like to lean up. Should I eat slightly over maintenance to recomp?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    I heard Pete Rubbish and a couple other power guys say they preferred tren over anadrol for strength. So giving it a try to compare to anadrol. I can handle 750mg of test well. Maybe I will push the test up and keep dose at 100mg eod. I've never done deca but can get it. Maybe I'll add some anavar in later in the cycle. I don't mind a lean recomp. I'm carrying a bit more bodyfat than normal. Still can see abs but would like to lean up. Should I eat slightly over maintenance to recomp?
    I tend to carb cycle and go over maintenance on lifting days and under on rest days. Going to depend on how your body responds and reacts

    Tren just naturally makes me thermogenenic too and fat comes off

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    put ur seat belt on.

    i think 150eod tren ace for first timer is high. tren is a nasty bitch man. you will get what u want from the 100mg eod, stay there for first run.
    I hear that a lot. I'm a couple weeks in and really don't really notice too many sides. I notice I have have a little more trouble falling asleep than usual on the days I pin. But sleep well once I fall asleep. No mood changes so far. I hear that there are a couple steroids that actually can make you angry, tren being one of them. But no irritation or paranoia what so ever so far.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    so many of us have been banned from this site from to much tren. lol

    it happens.

    hows the seating?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I was gonna start by own post but this relatively close to what I wanted so gonna hijack since I feel like rise and me are in the same boat!

    Am I pussy footing with tren at 60mg EOD??

    I had to stretch my old vial of SP tren 75mg/ml until I was able to reach out to Val. Went 37.5 EOD for almost 2 weeks, then 45mg EOD to finish out week 3 and starting week 4 at 60mg with ******* tren.

    Along side 200mg test and 200mg mast weekly. Some aesthetics. Zero strength or neg sides.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    so many of us have been banned from this site from to much tren. lol

    it happens.

    hows the seating?
    What do you mean by how's the seating? Guess I'm starting to regain my strength which is cool. Added 20 pound to my working deadlift sets each week so far. Don't notice a lot in physique change yet but it's only been a couple weeks

  11. #11
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    Sep 2012
    150EOD comes out to an average of 3.5 pins per week which comes out to 525MG weekly. Bruh that is a shit ton of Tren, plus this is Ace which contains more active agent than Tren E.

    Maybe take less for your first Tren cycle.

    Even if you are handling the more obvious sides well, you cant see or feel what its doing to your kidneys, cardiovascular system and brain. Do 100 this time and then 150 for your next cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    I've taken high doses of test and anadrol in the past. Up to 750mg of test with 100mg of anadrol. Estrogen was high as fuk but I don't seem to carry many estrogen sides besides water retention. Anyways, I'm pretty strength focused although like to look good and lean as well. My goal is to get my squat and deadlift over 700 pounds with a 400 pound bench. On the test anadrol cycle I got somewhat close. I hit 655 deadlift with ease at the end of the cycle and was doing 605 for 5 rep sets. Bench was at 365, it is my toughest lift. Didn't get to max squat, was dealing with a lingering shoulder injury...

    I've been off all PEDs for 5 months and got blood work back today, everything is in optimal ranges, besides Total 400 test and 8 free test. Doc is prescribing me trt. Anyways I Pinned 100mg of tren ace along with 250mg of test cyp this afternoon. I know what test does to me but wanting to start moderate with tren. Assuming I handle it well, is pinning 150mg eod excessive for a first tren cycle? Hoping to compete in a few months if things are going well.
    I would say yes.
    I would go 50 eod in the first weeks.
    Then raise to 100.
    Remember, tren a and e are not the same. Not even close.
    Even if tren dont necessary by the most toxic drug, it offers by far the hardest impact on your mental health.

    Sent fra min SM-G998B via Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    What do you mean by how's the seating? Guess I'm starting to regain my strength which is cool. Added 20 pound to my working deadlift sets each week so far. Don't notice a lot in physique change yet but it's only been a couple weeks
    sorry, I meant how is the sweating

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    sorry, I meant how is the sweating
    Pretty Minimal

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    First time I used tren it was 100mg eod with test prop 100 eod and my strength went through the roof. I hit a 10 lbs pr in squats every week for 5 weeks, it was incredible.

    100mg eod would be enough imo for a first-timer.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    I've taken high doses of test and anadrol in the past. Up to 750mg of test with 100mg of anadrol. Estrogen was high as fuk but I don't seem to carry many estrogen sides besides water retention. Anyways, I'm pretty strength focused although like to look good and lean as well. My goal is to get my squat and deadlift over 700 pounds with a 400 pound bench. On the test anadrol cycle I got somewhat close. I hit 655 deadlift with ease at the end of the cycle and was doing 605 for 5 rep sets. Bench was at 365, it is my toughest lift. Didn't get to max squat, was dealing with a lingering shoulder injury...

    I've been off all PEDs for 5 months and got blood work back today, everything is in optimal ranges, besides Total 400 test and 8 free test. Doc is prescribing me trt. Anyways I Pinned 100mg of tren ace along with 250mg of test cyp this afternoon. I know what test does to me but wanting to start moderate with tren. Assuming I handle it well, is pinning 150mg eod excessive for a first tren cycle? Hoping to compete in a few months if things are going well.
    Have you got your TRT dialed in with your endo ?.

    You know your fine with 750mg of test/wk which is a good number, but i do think that 150mg Tren A eod is a lot for a first time.

    Usually 50/75mg eod is enough expecially for a first time it is a seriously strong compound with no mercy.

  17. #17
    About a month into my cycle. Putting on considerable size. Strength is improving every workout. I'm not back to where I was at the end of my last cycle but do think I will finish this cycle stronger than I've been in the past. Don't really have any side effects besides mild acne and water retention from the test. I have some AIs on hand but probably won't use them. Not naturally an angry person but do feel more argumentative than normal. Haven't said anything I've regretted and haven't lost control but definitely am more confrontational. Wouldn't say that's really a bad thing but can see how it could cause issues in people with a temper... Sex drive is off the charts on tren, girlfriend likes that so it's all good.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Are you still at 150mg EOD? And nothing crazy in regards to sides? I’ve made my way up to 80mg EOD and I finally hit the sweet spot. Libido is solid, strength is there finally. Nothing crazy but more reps for each set so. And the look. Lol I look bananas with a pump. Zero sides aside from sleep is a little off. But I also have a 5 month old between me and the wife in our bed, who turns in to a robot dinosaur throughout the night so that could be some of the sleep quality issues but lol

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367 View Post
    Are you still at 150mg EOD? And nothing crazy in regards to sides? I’ve made my way up to 80mg EOD and I finally hit the sweet spot. Libido is solid, strength is there finally. Nothing crazy but more reps for each set so. And the look. Lol I look bananas with a pump. Zero sides aside from sleep is a little off. But I also have a 5 month old between me and the wife in our bed, who turns in to a robot dinosaur throughout the night so that could be some of the sleep quality issues but lol
    100mg eod and 750mg test cyp. I went straight into a strength block. Lots of heavy triples, probably some muscle memory involved but definitely getting way stronger
    Last edited by rise_against; 11-29-2021 at 08:35 PM.

  20. #20
    But no nothing crazy for sides. Will get blood work done in a few weeks. I had some insomnia the first couple weeks but that kind of went away. Have had a few nights where I wake up sweaty but it isn't every night for whatever reason. Mostly just a heightened mood more than anything.

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