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Thread: Coming off t3 but need to do bloodwork for new clinic.

  1. #1

    Coming off t3 but need to do bloodwork for new clinic.

    I need to do bloodwork for my new clinic soon but I’m ramping down my t3.

    im at 25mcg right now. I ordered some nuEthix thyro boost to try and help with restart during rebound. But part of me is wondering if I just stay at 25mcg, since I have read this is what my normal natural production is.

    just curious what you guys think.

    Thyro boost gets here in two days but temped to stay on 25mcg through bloodwork and hope everything looks normal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    There is no need to ramp down! I have used T3 for years and never had any bother (blood work)

    Saying that we are all different so no harm in checking blood work. I can stop T3 at 75mcg a day and get bloods done 2-3 wks later and all good.

    You are already suppressing your thyroid so it is pointless reducing your dose.

  3. #3
    I understand the suppression. I just feel ramping down after a week at each dose (100-75-50-25)
    Is easier on the system. Im speaking in regards from going from a very hyper state to hypo state vs going from to a very hyper, less hyper, normal then to hypo, is an easier transition on the body.

    Like falling from 10 feet but landing every 2 feet the way down opposed to just crashing down the 10 feet. Going to hurt either way. One is just more manageable. In my anecdotal experience.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    I understand the suppression. I just feel ramping down after a week at each dose (100-75-50-25)
    Is easier on the system. Im speaking in regards from going from a very hyper state to hypo state vs going from to a very hyper, less hyper, normal then to hypo, is an easier transition on the body.

    Like falling from 10 feet but landing every 2 feet the way down opposed to just crashing down the 10 feet. Going to hurt either way. One is just more manageable. In my anecdotal experience.
    Your thinking is all wrong, your very over thinking it. Just calm a bit.

    If you run a cycle, do you for instance go 100mg then 200mg then 300mg per week. ?? No of course you don't..
    Same applies, what you want to do is prolong the suppression with the silly reduction of the compound.

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