any need to front load or use a fast acting testosterone ester like prop if doing a 500mg weekly cycle while cruising or already on 100mg a week for trt with it being either a test cyp or E?
any need to front load or use a fast acting testosterone ester like prop if doing a 500mg weekly cycle while cruising or already on 100mg a week for trt with it being either a test cyp or E?
How long does it take for the build up/kick in time already being on trt for so long at 100mg a week to the increase to 500mg test with the Same ester to be exact test cyp? Also if doing the traditional first/beginner test cycle at 500mg a week would you get the same response of the test cycle at if already being on trt as if Jon doe doing his first cycle at 500mg a week without ever being on trt? Or would doing adding another compound be needed as if it was someone’s second cycle?
You will enjoy the 500mg of test without anything else. Give it a couple weeks.
Thanks for the input also I have another question in regards to mk677 with GH since im already on gh since im deficient like trt and on a decent dose of 6iu but still don’t respond well to it based off igf levels would there be any benefit with mk677 since it increases natural production which is something I lack which is why I’m prescribed gh would the mk677 at all work to even the playing field as if someone like me that produces igf naturally we’re to take gh? Or is is it the same process as being on trt which the body knows it’s receiving testosterone synthetically so the body stops producing it?
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