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Thread: Pain for days

  1. #1

    Pain for days

    Hi guys. I'm on my fourth week Test e 2x 250mg / week. This is my second cycle ever. My jab days are (jab 1) tuesday and (jab 2) Saturday

    Week one i did both jabs in my shoulder
    Week two i did both jabs in my shoulder
    Week three i did both jabs in my quad
    Week four i did both jabs in my quad

    While week one, two, three went smoothly (little to no pain afterwards), my fourth week was kinda hell ish. I jabbed my right quad last Tuesday and today (Saturday), the spot where I jabbed is red, I'm not able to walk properly and it's kinda swollen. If i stand too much, I get this burning sensation in my leg. Is this cause for concern? I only use new needles and I alcohol prep everything.

    Worth mentioning is that week three second jab was done in my right quad, and week four first jab was also done in my right quad. Maybe i did not give my right quad enough time to heal between jabs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I avoid quads. It’s easy to do a bad shot. If it doesn’t start getting better in a week or the redness expands, gets hot to touch, you get a slight fever, etc., I’d go see a dr. You’re most likely fine. The reason you shouldn’t do quads is because they are further away from your heart as compared to shoulders or even glutes, and as a result receive less blood flow, so the chances of infection are higher.

    Personally, I prefer rotating shoulders. Glutes are my second choice.

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