This may be in the wrong section. I thought there was a section just for women, bur not seeing it.
Anywho, posting for my wife. She's 36, two kids, and a gym rat. Her weight fluctuates a lot because she's VERY short. She's like 4'10" and isn't naturally slim. So she struggles.
We went on qn anniversary trip this year and she used some SARMS. It helped
Then she did q cycle using Clen (on two weeks, off two weeks) and 10mg Anavar (5mg AM 5mg PM) for 8 weeks.
Honestly, we just got back from another vacation and went right into the holidays and it's been rough.
Starting over with clean eating! With that said, will still use the Anavar (it's real Rx stuff).
So for a female cycle, what's a good cutter stack with Anavar?
Can we do Anavar/Clen/Phentermine? I'm seeing Phentermine pop up a lot, but ni experience with it. What about L-Carnitine?