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Thread: Tolerance to Tren?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Tolerance to Tren?

    I don't know if this is a dumb question or not but can you build a tolerance to Tren A?

    I'm currently on my second cycle of Test and Tren A.
    Same dosage as last time for both.

    Test E 100mg Monday/Thursday
    Tren A 100mg EOD

    I'm getting my tren from a more reputable supplier now and I'm not having any of the sides I had the first time around.
    Strength is increasing yes, but not as quickly. Not sweating in my sleep. Not overly horny. Not having a hard time sleeping.

    Was just wondering if this is me building a tolerance to it or if it could be something else.

    Any ideas welcome.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    perhaps your body adjusted more towards the tren sides and became more tolerable vs the first time you used it. that said, it will still be working 100%. I have the same issue, im not overly horny anymore.

    why not just pin your test E together with tren A EoD ?

    Im not sure if the overly horny thing is your kind of thing, but you can always throw in proviron 50mg ed and it'll solve the horny issues (works for me).

    less horny more metal pounding in the gym

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    When I fist started my never ending bicycle ride I handled tren Ace very well - running my doses into the one Gram weekly territory - never gave me much sides(that was almost a decade ago)

    Last year I had to jump off 250mg weekly because the sides were hitting me so bad

    Depends on how your body handles the compound

    As far as how strong is your tren is easy to tell by its appearance & taste(if it tastes like liquid copper metal, it’s strong af)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I have a possible reasoning for this...

    If I take 500mg test e with 400mg tren e I get insomnia brutal sweats etc.

    If I do 250mg test with 350mg tren e and 200mg tren ace I get no sweats or insomnia. I also dont need any ai.

    Higher test seems to amplify tren sides for me. Or perhaps it is elevating estrogen and thus causing more of a prolactin/progesterone issue.

    I swear sides from all of my cycles are reduced to almost nothing running low test. Even 900mg deca is a smooth ride with 250mg test e for me.

    My ancillary use is almost non existent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
    I don't know if this is a dumb question or not but can you build a tolerance to Tren A?

    I'm currently on my second cycle of Test and Tren A.
    Same dosage as last time for both.

    Test E 100mg Monday/Thursday
    Tren A 100mg EOD

    I'm getting my tren from a more reputable supplier now and I'm not having any of the sides I had the first time around.
    Strength is increasing yes, but not as quickly. Not sweating in my sleep. Not overly horny. Not having a hard time sleeping.

    Was just wondering if this is me building a tolerance to it or if it could be something else.

    Any ideas welcome.

    Thank you.
    I had the same thing happen with ace once I went over 75mg eod it just lost its kick as in more was not better and I wasn’t getting the same affect, laid off of it a while and tried it again at 50mg eod and got the good ole I’m ready to kill the gym feeling, upped it to 100 mg eod and seemed less affective, never figured it out I do always stack with masteron just fyi it smooths out a lot of the sides it’s like penutbutter and jelly

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I have a possible reasoning for this...

    If I take 500mg test e with 400mg tren e I get insomnia brutal sweats etc.

    If I do 250mg test with 350mg tren e and 200mg tren ace I get no sweats or insomnia. I also dont need any ai.

    Higher test seems to amplify tren sides for me. Or perhaps it is elevating estrogen and thus causing more of a prolactin/progesterone issue.

    I swear sides from all of my cycles are reduced to almost nothing running low test. Even 900mg deca is a smooth ride with 250mg test e for me.

    My ancillary use is almost non existent.
    You leave your amount of testosterone lower than Tren-Ace, wouldn't that harm the erection?

    900mg of deca over 250 of testosterone does not generate deca-dick, due to the conversion of the hormone nandrolone into DHN Dihydronandrolone?

  7. #7
    Trenbolone is 10 times more androgenic than testosterone, it's probably your tren is fake or the problem is in your nutritional part!

  8. #8
    Trenbolone is one of the most potent AAS, I don't see the receptors getting addicted to the compound. Trenbolone's androgenicity is something completely magnificent compared to testosterone. I think your tren-ace is fake, or other factors could be hurting your results

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    You leave your amount of testosterone lower than Tren-Ace, wouldn't that harm the erection?

    900mg of deca over 250 of testosterone does not generate deca-dick, due to the conversion of the hormone nandrolone into DHN Dihydronandrolone?
    I’ve only had issues when I’m running more test than a 19-nor. I feel like a million bucks even my sleep is great on my current cycle. You do not need more test than tren or deca.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I’ve only had issues when I’m running more test than a 19-nor. I feel like a million bucks even my sleep is great on my current cycle. You do not need more test than tren or deca.
    Brother but it is necessary to reload dht with masteron and proviron...This is what we all do when using a high amount of deca?
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 02-13-2022 at 11:44 AM.

  11. #11
    Well, example if we use a lower amount of testosterone than deca, 200mg of testo and 600mg+ of deca..we add masteron and proviron to recharge the dht to avoid erection problems, because if the DHN is high the dick doesn't go up right ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Nothing to worry about , my fist cycle of tren had night sweats and the whole dealAnd this time nothing whatsoever, maybe a little difficult to sleep . I always get mid cycle bloods and my test wasover 2500 and free test greater than 800 so the gear is legit but just no sides . Seems like they lessen after a few runs

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