Thanks guys for the resources I greatly appreciate it, I will continue looking further into them.
I've decided I am going to split my dosage into 2 injections, monday & thursday. This will help me prevent it being a rollercoaster ride.
So I used the
Steroid Plotter and did 200mg every 3.5days (Totalling 400mg of Test Enanthate per week). After first 4 weeks I see it levelling out.
I would also like to add HCG into the cycle, which I will look further into today.
Do you think its worth starting the cycle at a lower dosage like 250 or 300 then increasing by 50mg once I know my body reacts fine to it. Once I reach 400mg I stay there until the end of the cycle?
I also would like to know your opinion about a low dose longer period PCT plan (8weeks), Using it as a test booster and allows rbc hemocrit to come down inbetween cycles whilst keeping test levels stable.
What would you think about a PCT plan like this?
1-4 weeks:
25mg Clomid + Nolvdex 10mg
4-8 weeks:
25mg Clomid