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Thread: Noobish Question

  1. #1

    Noobish Question

    Im on TRT right now and they started me at 200 a week.
    Test levels showed 1500+ (obviously,but I went with it for fun).
    I lowered my dose to 120 and at my next next refill I’ll have enough for a blast.
    Estrogen was at 50 and not once did I take an Ai.No high E symptoms.

    Question is,should I take Tamox or ralox during the cycle as a preventive measure on top of an Ai or just stick to the Ai alone?
    They always throw in the Ais too so there is plenty of that .
    Dose would be 400-500 for 12-16 weeks then ill slowly taper down.
    I also have Deca they prescribed me at half my trt dose but I al keeping that at 50mg a week regardless.
    Last edited by wellshii; 03-27-2022 at 03:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    I would recommend doing your 400-500mg Test in two doses a week of 200-250mg. I would take 0.5 or 0.25mg of Arimidex 24hours after each IM, so doing Arimidex 2x a week only while on a blast, no need for anything else. No need to taper down or up, just blast then drop back to your 120mg a week TRT.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    I would recommend doing your 400-500mg Test in two doses a week of 200-250mg. I would take 0.5 or 0.25mg of Arimidex 24hours after each IM, so doing Arimidex 2x a week only while on a blast, no need for anything else. No need to taper down or up, just blast then drop back to your 120mg a week TRT.
    Thank you. I appreciate the response.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii View Post
    Im on TRT right now and they started me at 200 a week.
    Test levels showed 1500+ (obviously,but I went with it for fun).
    I lowered my dose to 120 and at my next next refill I’ll have enough for a blast.
    Estrogen was at 50 and not once did I take an Ai.No high E symptoms.

    Question is,should I take Tamox or ralox during the cycle as a preventive measure on top of an Ai or just stick to the Ai alone?
    They always throw in the Ais too so there is plenty of that .
    Dose would be 400-500 for 12-16 weeks then ill slowly taper down.
    I also have Deca they prescribed me at half my trt dose but I al keeping that at 50mg a week regardless.
    You shouldn't use an AI unless you're suffering from estrogen sides. And no, you don't need tamoxifen or ralox. Have everything on hand, but only use shit if you need it. The goal isn't to take every drug under the sun.

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