I started a cycle of t-400, tren-E, and Anavar. It was supposed to be 12 weeks, but at 8 weeks I got blood work and backed off. I pinned twice a week to get:
Week 1-8: 500mg/week t-400, 300mg/week tren-e
Week 5-8: 50mg Anavar ED
Week 1-8: Aromasin, 12.5mg EOD
My blood work showed 290pmol/L Estradiol with the test indicating 159 as the upper limit on the normal threshold. I had some small sensitivity in the nipples and also have what feels like a small hard spot about half a centimetre to the right of one of my nipples (but still under the areola).
I reduced my intake and increased aromatize for 4 weeks to:
Week 9-12: 250mg/week t-400, 150mg/week tren-e
Aromasin - 25mg ED (4 times as much)
I cut out the Anavar.
I received a blood test and my Estradiol increased to 332 pmol/L. I’m confused. I read Exemestane (aromasin) works best after 2-3 days so I thought it would have went down by now.
Any suggestions or ideas? I want to finish my Anavar but want to wait until levels are down. I don’t think the tren is the issue. Should I cruise until I get more blood work? Should I increase the Aromasin dose? Maybe I have a shitty product.
I’m paranoid about Gyno. Not sure what my risk is.
Any help is appreciated.