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Thread: Hgh with test and tren

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Hgh with test and tren

    Just checking if this is the norm for a cycle? Also i read online a " cycle" of hgh should be 4 to 6 weeks, but i read also, you wont see resilts for 6 months. Also can i get input on a good iu daily pin on pharm hgh to build muscle / cut belly fat. Im 5'8" 175. Just getting bck in , an believe in muscle memory to get me bck right. My concerns are negative side effects from sugar levels, diabetes as ive read. Thnx in advance for all advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hgh needs to be ran for long periods of time. 4-6 weeks is a joke. I’ve been on 5-5.5ius daily for over a year now. If you have been off for a while might be best to leave the tren out for a few months.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Why is that? Leaving tren

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    If you are just getting going again there is no reason to take Tren.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    i agree with redz get the best results from your body and re gain some size then when you hit a sticking spot then add the tren. if you add the tren now you loose out on the bodies gains kinda cheating your self plus its toxic use a less harsh compound first just my thought no disrespect intended

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I see you guys point. Thnx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Hgh will need to be run 6 months + and effects more noticeable in older people. On high doses of hgh you will build insulin resistance and so management becomes much more complicated when one includes GLP-1 agonists, metformin, basal insulins; with basal insulin generally preferred in this context. These come with their own dangers especially since athletes may not take the proper precautions using frequent glucometer testing or have access to a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) system. Long term high dose can lead to type 2.

    It sounds more like you just want to get ripped for summer, maybe to impress the girl in your profile pic?? While I would never advise tren for someone getting back into training, as you say; test and tren, given the right diet and training, will rip you up. So will something like mast/test, winstrol/test, primo/test, etc for harm reduction.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    4-6 weeks of anything IMO is pretty much a joke. Its just starting to kick in at week 4.

    As said, HGH is a slow long term commitment no matter how much you take be it 1iu or 5iu a day. 4 months would be the minimum IMO otherwise save your money.

    I also agree, no reason for Tren if you are getting back into things. Sort of like putting 101 octane gas in your car today because you are in the process of adding turbos and plan on going to the track in a couple of weeks. lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Hgh will need to be run 6 months + and effects more noticeable in older people. On high doses of hgh you will build insulin resistance and so management becomes much more complicated when one includes GLP-1 agonists, metformin, basal insulins; with basal insulin generally preferred in this context. These come with their own dangers especially since athletes may not take the proper precautions using frequent glucometer testing or have access to a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) system. Long term high dose can lead to type 2.

    It sounds more like you just want to get ripped for summer, maybe to impress the girl in your profile pic?? While I would never advise tren for someone getting back into training, as you say; test and tren, given the right diet and training, will rip you up. So will something like mast/test, winstrol/test, primo/test, etc for harm reduction.
    Sounds like most people, looking for instant gratification and wait until summer to get ripped for summer. They watched to many commercials for 60 second abs. lol

    Best time to start getting ready for summer is at the end of winter, beginning of spring as long as you dont require to much maintenance.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Sounds like most people, looking for instant gratification and wait until summer to get ripped for summer. They watched to many commercials for 60 second abs. lol

    Best time to start getting ready for summer is at the end of winter, beginning of spring as long as you dont require to much maintenance.
    Agree with you 100% on the instant gratification generation...

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