O.K. I have done alot of searching and haven't seen much on short cycles. Am I wasting my time with this planned cycle. This is my first cycle, so I think its quite mild. I started at 10 mg/day d-bol, and upped to 20/day after 5 days. I plan on running 20/day for weeks 1-6 and will be starting sust today (one week after first d-bol) week 2-7 = 500mg sust. From what I've been reading lately sust should run atleast 8 weeks. I was planning on a cycle that would not have many side effects or a lengthy recovery time. I would like to gain 15-20lbs. Is this reasonable or should I extend the sust. Sorry if this seems confusing I just finished a nightshift and I'm a little out of it.
Oh yeah, I am very lean (not sure what %) and managed to go from 154 to 177 after a year of steady training and good diet. (Supplemented with prohormones a couple of times).
10mg d-bol/day week 1
20mg d-bol/day week 2-6
500 sust week 2-7