hey bros, listen to this. im at college now and my girlfriend came down to visit me. she brought her younger brother who i know pretty well, hes young, only a senior in highschool. he has a couple freshman buddies he knows and comes down to party with them. anyway, we were chatting when he first got here and he said that last weekend him and his friends were trying to get some ecstasy and they got ripped off. after giving him sh*t for wanting to do dumb stuff like that in the first place, i asked what they looked like. get this, he said they were little pink tablets in the shape of a pentagon with a little squiggle mark on the back!!!!!
i went into my room and got my dbol and said, "like this?". he said exactly the same. i told him they were a weight lifting supplement (didn't want to say too much) that could be bought for less than $50 for a hundred, and he got ripped of hardcore. he said him and his buddies pitched in to get 10 of them at a staggering $20 a piece! some douche bag out there is selling 40 cent pink thais for $20. and who knows how many more kids he ripped off. this d*ck head probably made enough off of 25 dbol for his next two cycles.
my girlfriends little brother is stupid for trying to get ecstasy in the first place, but i cant believe this guy is doing this to people. i just hope i run into him on the street so i can show him exactly how much i've benefitted from dbol (as well as EQ and enanth) in the past weeks!