i play rugby here and last season i was on test enth and some dbols, couldn't run for ****. i have heard that some gear negatively effects your cardio capacity. is this true, and if so, what would anyone recommend instead.
thnx in advance
i play rugby here and last season i was on test enth and some dbols, couldn't run for ****. i have heard that some gear negatively effects your cardio capacity. is this true, and if so, what would anyone recommend instead.
thnx in advance
Believe it or not cardio makes ASS use more effective, just don't overdo it.
Cardio helps the blood flow, resulting in more nutrients/vitamins/minerals being sent to the muscles, and in some individuals, it actually increases the appetite.
I'm all for Cardio while on the sauce...that is if you can stand the shin splints. Ouch.
yep, the shin splints suck alot.
So when on AS I should do about 30 to 40 minutes every 3 days?
I've had the same problem, I am a pro fighter and wouldn't dream of taking a fight while I am on a cycle. My cardio is reduced to 1/3 of what it is when I am off. Also, when I am training for a fight there is no room to be lifting like you need to on AAS. Does anybody know why cardio conditioning is so effected??
agreed mman, it is so much more difficult to get to an "optimum" state of fitness while on AS. YOu simply get winded waaay too quickly. when i'm off i can run a marathon, but when i'm on i get winded in the first 40minute half. mman, have you found any certain gear or combinations that aren't as detrimental as say sus and enanthate?
Not yet........when I am on it is for strength and bulking purposes only. When I am off I have no problems cutting weight or maintaining a low bf%. I know a lot of endurance athletes use steroids like winstrol while competing but I have never used it so I couldn't tell you.
Whats up with the shin splints? I've had brutal shin splints and calf cramping even just walking since I injected in my calfs about three years ago. The pain started right after the first shot and has not fully gone away, used to be really bad when I was playing hockey, I was just wondering what you guys thought
Increased blood flow my man. With the AS, your heart is a muscle like anything else. So naturally, it's going to grow and pump harder and faster. With the excess muscle and the increased blood flow, it's like simulating the 'pumps' from a drop set. Cardio is effected because of that. The increased blood flow doesn't directly effect your cardiorespiratory system, but the muscles and the amount of blood volume does directly effect how much oxygen your muscles use up. Hence, your muscles tend to take all of the oxygen and burn out before your lungs actually do.
Yeah those **** shin splints are the worst. Jogging @ 260lbs is hard on the body, guess I'll be sticking to the cycle and walking with an incline.
Yeah stationary bicycle is good! just 30 minutes 3 times a week on non training days(lifting) works for me. When doing cardio after lifting chances are you will be out of gas, same as cardio and then lifting, you won't have the necessary fuel to lift.
A 5 minute warm up (light cardio) before lifting is recommended.
Excellent thread! I've been wondering about this myself.
I normally do a fair amoung of cardio and I've noticed my cardio capacity falls off on a cycle too -just feel sluggish and wheezy compared to normal. I hate the feeling. I feel like Superman in the gym but I'm Granpa Jones when I'm doing cardio.
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