Hey bros
I was just wondering your thoughts on a kick start, I know d-bol and prop do different things, but what do you think is better. keep in mind it will be added with test eth and tren..![]()
Hey bros
I was just wondering your thoughts on a kick start, I know d-bol and prop do different things, but what do you think is better. keep in mind it will be added with test eth and tren..![]()
Either one. D-bol might give you some unpleasant lower back pains and bloat.
I have always taken d-bol in the past and had no problems, but I havent taken prop, I have been reading about using it for a kick start, and at the end or in cutting cycles..so I was just wondring??
Not too sure which is better HW, but a good friend at the gym will never do his cycle without his T-prop as a start.
If you have never tried it before, now is the time to do so
i prefer to end with prop....like to get thangs started with russian dbols.....abombs coming up
I like to start with prop.. dbol makes me bloat way too much. Although I hate the pain prop gives me at the beginning of a cycle. But I get use to it after a a couple weeks.
I prefer dbol. I love my candy.![]()
I do believe prop=less side affectsOriginally Posted by SGFuryZ
easy..d-bol.. although, I honestly have never tried anything else. But the d-bol was awesome. Nothing like jumping up in poundages like a madman!!
havent ever ran prop. but dbols definatly get things rolling fast!! the lower back pain is no joke though. ive had a hard time laying down after back days while on it.. good stuff though..
Start and end with Prop
never again will i use d-bol .**** i had the pump in my lower back and calvs and sheens .i could barley walk at one point .it got so bad that i was in tears i thought i was going to die .and that was from 30 mg of that **** a day .so for my op d-bol not a bloody chance
I usually start with both!
I used to start with d-bol and use prop at the end.
If it's strength increases you want rigth away I would go with d-bol.
I would go with prop bc it is more solid gains and not all that water retention you get with dbol. I also think test prop is a little better on the body than dbol, and dbol give me such bad back pains that i sometimes can barely finish a workout. Also I get blood in my crap for dbol.
i used d-bol this cycle and it was OK...ill probly use it again in a bulker, but i am more apt to use prop next time, but i would say either one youll be happy with.
Originally Posted by KeyMastur
I definately have lower back pains with mine, nothing horrible, but noticeable
I'm also taking Prop now, only have taken 2 shots, haven't seen any gains or anything yet, I'm also taking 2 10mg Dbol pills a day.
I like prop..
he aint kidding, i was hoping these back pains were from shoveling the snow. It is just insane and im only doing 30/mg day.Originally Posted by KeyMastur
prop and var
the instant and huge gains you get from dbol are hard to pass up. Even lower doses will notices significant results. Gotta love the dbol trap and arm pumps.
Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
DBOL !!!
Hey bros,
Thanks for all the great responses, does anyone have any objections on doing both, the only reason I say this is b/c if I decide to go with the prop then I will have a crap load of d-bol hanging around the house. I am doing a tren and test eth cycle and so with the already eod injections, using the prop wouldnt be a problem...a lot of you said start and end with it, Im doing a 12 week cycle so would you do 4 wks to start and 4wk up untill the PCT?? would you use it at 100mg eod?? oh and I have never had any problem as for a low back pain with d-bol, I use the naposim 40mg-50mg ed, 6+ wks..
Thanks again
Last edited by HollywoodM3; 01-27-2004 at 10:26 PM.
If you dont want to injet ED..Dbol..
However if you want solid keepable gains..start adn end with Prop
Is this a begginers cycle or have you done fine before?
Well, If I were you, lets say you were cycling for 10 weeks. You run Fina n the beggining of your cycle until the 6th week. Then I would run winstrol in the last 4-5 weeks. While injecting dosages of test e between 400-500. This would be a kick ass cycle as there is no need for dbol or test prop. Don't waste your money on either. One of the best lean mass cycles out there is fina and winny.
This cycle that im going on will be my first time using fina or prop (if I deside to go wth prop), but It will also be a cycle extender.im coming of a short 6wker. just b/c I ordered it in time and it will be easy to hop on. just to give you an idea of the cycle.
wk 1-12 Test eth 500mg 2wk
wk 1-10 Tren 100mg eod
wks 1-4 d-bol 40mg ed...???<---Im thinking of using prop istead..or both??
Nolva 10mg ed
PCT 300, 100, 50, nolva 20mg
I have HCG
I was thinking of going with the prop from wks 1-4..or so Im not to sure as to how long. and wks 12-15, I also am unsure of what dose to use, I was thinkin 100mg eod, b/c of the fina eod injection. I was also going to use the d-bol just b/c I wont having anything to do with them. Im lookng forward to hearing what everyone has to say
Thanks for all the help
If it's steady gains then prop is what you want. If it's a dramatic increase in strength to prepare you for the cycle then dbol is what you want. It all depends, I would weigh it out. If want, run both, but the dbol at a lower dosage, and end with prop but 75mg a day, or 70mg a day to avoid tappering off from teh 500mg of enanthate you got running.
i've never ran prop, but i jumpstarted with dbol before, and I loved it. Great Pumps, and i mean ......Great Pumps......i did notice some lower back pain tho, not sure if its related to the dbol
Not sure if it makes any diffrent.. a lots of replys here..
I use d-bols right now in my first cycle and its great... stronger the ever.. and good gains....
Good Luck
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