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Thread: my first cycle any opininions??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    my first cycle any opininions??

    starting a cycle of deca, dbol, winny's and inulin i will pyramid on the deca and then add the dianabol tabs at about 25 mg a day and i will pyramid the deca till i reach around 400 mg a week the last 6 weeks of my cycle i will add in the winstrol injections and throughout this cycle i will be taking an insulin injection everyother day for two weeks and then cycle off a week of the insulin and then start back up o my body does not get used to it. does anyone see any flaws in my cycle??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    You should throw some test in.. I would go with test, over slin.. Any paticular reason why you don't want to run test with this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    no need to pyramid for one thing, you running the deca for 6 weeks is another thing, you adding winny here and there through out the cycle? thats another thing, 25mg of dbol is like taking aspirin. thats only 15mg more than a bridge, kind of a waste IMHO. I couldnt comment on the insulin since I dont have much knowledge on it but I am sure it is wrong also since the rest of the cycle is poorly laid out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    1. Don't pyramid the Deca

    2. Run the Dbol at 30 mg.....10 mg 3x a day

    3. Run Test E or Cyp instead of insulin.....see how your body reacts to the aas before messing around with insulin

    How long are you planning on running the Deca?? Start the Dbol off right away to jumpstart the cycle and run it for 4-6 weeks.

  5. #5
    Swellin Guest
    Trash the entire thing. Why would you want to use so many things on your first cycle? Find out how things work for you, before you decide to load your body with everything you can get your hands on.
    Ron posted a thread entitled "Newbies this is for you."
    Take a look at is a sticky. It is also in my signature.

    I subscribe to his school of thought on a first cycle. I think it should be test or test and deca or test and eq.
    It just makes sense.

    No way would I run slin as a newb!

    Take a look at the thread I mentioned...that is a fantastic cycle that he posted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    insulin can be very dangerous if used incorrectly, and judging from what you just wrote cycle you would probably use it incorrectly. Stick with test and don't forget about PCT.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    Trash the entire thing. Why would you want to use so many things on your first cycle? Find out how things work for you, before you decide to load your body with everything you can get your hands on.
    Ron posted a thread entitled "Newbies this is for you."
    Take a look at is a sticky. It is also in my signature.

    I subscribe to his school of thought on a first cycle. I think it should be test or test and deca or test and eq.
    It just makes sense.

    No way would I run slin as a newb!

    Take a look at the thread I mentioned...that is a fantastic cycle that he posted.

    swellin is 110% correct. i would never ever run slin your first cycle. start out with something light such as JUST test. your first cycle to get some experience under your belt. it's just like in basketball, you cant step on the court for the first time and turn into a michael jordan persay.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    first off the only reaon i am pyramiding on is because this is my first time and im pyramiding off because i dont want to crash iwill take clomid after. inulin i know how to use because i have used it in the past it i humulin R im throwing in the dbol through the cycle and towards the end winstrol injections my cycle will last 10 weeks.

  9. #9
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by gerard4780
    first off the only reaon i am pyramiding on is because this is my first time and im pyramiding off because i dont want to crash iwill take clomid after. inulin i know how to use because i have used it in the past it i humulin R im throwing in the dbol through the cycle and towards the end winstrol injections my cycle will last 10 weeks.
    Pyramiding up is a huge waste of your money and your time. Slowly ramping up will be of no help to you. It takes time for the blood levels to get where you want them...don't make it take longer by not using enough gear early on.

    The idea about pyramiding down for a softer landing sounds good...but I don't believe it. I know guys that think it helps some, but your natural test levels are less than 100mg per week. If you go over that for any length of time, your natural test will stop flowing. Dropping from 500mg to 100mg should actually have zero effect on getting your natural test levels back will still be shut down. For me, this is simply "in theory," as I have no specific knowledge of pyramding and recovery. Pheedno had an wexcellent post on this somewhere, but it has been 6 months since I read it.

    I am not a dbol man, but I can tell you that the bulk of the folks who use it, won't go over 5 weeks with it.

    For God's sake, put some test in this thing.

    Did you follow the link I mentioned and read Ron's post?

    This is only in your best interest.

    Again, I say leave the insulin alone for your first have no idea how your body will react to the gear...much less the combination of gear and slin.

    You only get one body...don't **** it up by trying to do too much, too fast. Be safe bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I'll say it since it's been said before, your cycle sucks. Take some test. Sorry, reality sucks and so does the cycle. Yes, you will see some results but read up on deca...make sure you are ready for it and don't just rely on what the big guy at the gym told you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i know how to properly use insulin and have used it before for a few weeks i already started the deca and insulin and am now going to not pyramid on the way on deca but just go at 200 mg a week and 25mg of dianabol tabs, insulin everyother day after workout and end for a period of 6 weeks go on winstrol injections and then come off with clomid. by the way i was thinkin about using pump in my calves to help proportion them to the rest of my body what do you think?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ^^^ deca for 6 weeks? Alright, you are officially "That Guy" The guy who juices who doesn't know what the hell he is doing. Slow down...hope it goes well for you with that "cycle"

  13. #13
    Swellin Guest
    You must realize that 50 is actually trying to help! He is trying to shame you into doing some research. Don't misunderstand...we are all here to help, and we all asked about dumb cycles at first. I sure did.
    Please add some test to this cycle. Deca did nothing to me for the first 5 weeks. Around weeks 5-6, my libido took a nose dive. I knew that the deca was finally having an effect. I bumped my test 100mg, and that certainly cured the problem.
    Deca needs to be run for a minimum of 10-12 weeks to be done correctly and receive the benefits. I would also suggest running it around 300 and your test at 400. If you experience the same problem I had, you need to be able to get your hands on more Run the thing out to 10 weeks. If you go with enanthate, run it one week past the deca. If you go with cyp, you should be good to go with 10 weeks each.
    That way, both compounds clear out around the same time...this way you can start pct without having a week of just deca in your system, at the end.

  14. #14
    Swellin Guest
    On second thought, if you don't like the advice we are giving you, PM one of the respected mods here at AR and tell them your thoughts. I have had great luck from all of the guys, but three that really standout in this situation are MudMan, Pheedno, & Ron.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Anyway...Flaws?....(Clearing Throat)
    Well, your way is ALMOST exactly how I'd do it...I'll show you how I would do it if I were you, and you tell me if you can see the resemblance.
    My Way (for you):
    Test Enanthate 250mg E4D.
    See, almost Identical.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    On second thought, if you don't like the advice we are giving you, PM one of the respected mods here at AR and tell them your thoughts. I have had great luck from all of the guys, but three that really standout in this situation are MudMan, Pheedno, & Ron.
    Excellent advice....AR has a Deeeeep Bench!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i am not doing the deca for 6 weeks im doing it for 10 weeks with dbol and then towards the end of the cycle winstrol

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by gerard4780
    starting a cycle of deca, dbol, winny's and inulin i will pyramid on the deca and then add the dianabol tabs at about 25 mg a day and i will pyramid the deca till i reach around 400 mg a week the last 6 weeks of my cycle i will add in the winstrol injections and throughout this cycle i will be taking an insulin injection everyother day for two weeks and then cycle off a week of the insulin and then start back up o my body does not get used to it. does anyone see any flaws in my cycle??
    Going way too complicated on a first cycle bro, especially since your not that knowledgable about hormone experimentation
    1. Need some test, a cycle without test is poor one. Just too many possible negative factors that could happen
    2. For a first, test alone is going to put double digit poundage on you. Their is no need to throw in anymore
    3. Add one compound at a time. Test for a first, then on the second add another compound. If sides develope, your not going to difinitively know which compound(or combonation) is giving the problem.
    4. Pyramiding is pointless, that what the ester is for. It has a half life that creates a graduall redection in plasma levels as time passess. Basically, it's self tapering
    5. The body doesn't get "used" to hormones. You have upregualtion with saturation, not downregualtion.

    Do some more research and it would be best if your final decision was something along the lines of:
    250mg Enan E4D
    20mg Nolva ED throughout cycle
    Clomid/Nolva combo for PCT

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    so let me get this straight here you think i should just take test and then also take nolvadex and clomid, i know test is good but i thought that doing deca with dbols would work since it is my first time and also insulin cause ive used that in the past, i could go get some test if i really want to, do you really think test is what i should do and no deca and dbol? thanks.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    do you really think test is what i should do and no deca and dbol? thanks.

    lol,yep........i think thats what their sayin

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    Anyway...Flaws?....(Clearing Throat)
    Well, your way is ALMOST exactly how I'd do it...I'll show you how I would do it if I were you, and you tell me if you can see the resemblance.
    My Way (for you):
    Test Enanthate 250mg E4D.
    See, almost Identical.
    That was a bit harsh, sorry Bro, but you were gettin' all crazy on that cycle, and left out the only thing you REALLY need.
    We're just trying to help, my humor was meant to be that, but it sounds Flamish, but you get the point.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ok i guess i will go get some test and just take it with insulin what doses you think i should take and for how long?

  23. #23
    Swellin Guest
    250 mg every 4 days for 10-12 weeks. It should do everything you want & more!

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