how many people take multi vitamins while on a cycle?
how many people take multi vitamins while on a cycle?
I always take a multi. What's your reason for the question?Originally Posted by LilVito469
jusr wondering if it was necessary, I figured it was just a friend and I had a talk about it the other day , I wanted to make shure I was right
Can't hurt to take em.
You should take a multi whether your on OR off.
I take two multi vitamins every day.......I hope that is ok?? I herd it is good for your body to get all the essential vitamins!!!
You should be consistent with them prior to even using AAS. They provide your body with the basic nutritional gaps in your diet... to keep your system healthy and productive. Weight training is considered "healthy" but it puts your body through a lot of stress - physically and physcologically... the nutritional needs of hardcore athletes are much greater than the average Joe Lazyass. Whether you are on or off cycle doesn't matter... in fact, I would think it even more necessary while "on" because of the extreme building processes that your body is subject too...
I agree with everyone else. Take them all the time.
flintstone chewables.. j/k its an important component to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
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