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Thread: Breast Milk Pills

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control

    Breast Milk Pills

    My friends dad used to be a power lifter. During his prime, he hit 600 lbs bench. Here's a little history, he won Icarian's first ever bench contest. He's 50 years old now, hasn't missed a day working out for the last 10-15 years, not being able to lift heavy sine his prime, but the only problem is he has the joint, wrist, and muscle pains associated with years of hard lifting. He told me he read a few articles stating that breast milk pills helps heals your joints, heals your bones, and even gain a little lean muscle. Colustrum is what it's called. Any help and info would help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Colostrum is found in a nursing mothers milk. It is said to have some pretty hefty anabolic properties to it. But unfortunatly it also has a heavy price tag. It was marketed heavily for awhile but now seems to have died down. So whether its building properties are more suited for infants than for grown men trying to add lean weight or probably not proven yet - at least from a reliable study. I say, if you have money lieing around and want to try adding some into your shakes - give it a shot for a month or two and see how it effects your training. Otherwise just stick to the good ol' whey and casein sources of protein... and if you are looking for a boost - a cheaper alternative is adding additional glutamine. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your muscles and will further aid the muscle building process...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Out of Control
    His dad is dead set on taking this stuff, seeing that this is not an illegal supplement, is there anyone that can identify a store or online site I can buy this from?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    date someone thats pregnet and you'll get it for, kidding, I'll like to get more info on this, time to search the net.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Warrior is pretty much right.

    Colostrum is actually a sort of "pre-milk" in that it is the first thing that the mother lactates, before true lacation sets in. Colostrum is high in anitbodies, growth factors, and all sorts of other fun stuff. Theoretically, it should be a great supplement, assuming you could get the real stuff. However, like Warrior said, it's incredibly expensive...and they also use bovine (cow) colostrum, not much that makes a difference, i'm not sure (i don't think it's a big deal).

    If he's set on taking it, and has the $$ to blow...then by all means, see if he notices a difference. My personal opinion is that I wouldn't waste my money.

  6. #6
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    I did my research on the web. Colostrum is a thick yellow fluid produced from the mammary glands during the first hours after birth. This fluid is so important that without it, many newborn mammals would simply die. It is not only a source of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals, but it also contains several biologically-active molecules which are essential to the body's immune and growth functions. After nearly 10 years of research, scientists now believe that bovine (cow) colostrum is the only safe alternative for human consumption. Not only are the immune and growth factors found in bovine colostrum virtually identical to those in human colostrum, the immune factors are reportedly four times richer.Moreover, bovine colostrum contains special glyco-proteins and protease inhibitors, which are found extremely effective in protecting colostrum's active components from the destructive forces of the human body's digestive system. There are almost no side effects to taking this. It's pretty much a one sided positive supplement.

    If anyone wants to purchase colostrum this is a really good site to buy it off of:

  7. #7
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    This stuff's not expensive at all. Pretty cheap to tell you the truth. It's even cheaper right now, 40% off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    ha.... I saw the title said breast in it so I clicked and then I saw the word mammary as I read!!!! Those words make me laugh. But anyways That is some good info for everyone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Bump for the people who haven't seen this

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Out of Control
    One more BUMP couldnt hurt

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Again, it's been a while, *bump* for the people who don't know about this. This works great on joints, bones, etc!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    ive taken this for years and (knock on wood) haven't been sick with cold or flu!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Colostrum is found in a nursing mothers milk. It is said to have some pretty hefty anabolic properties to it. But unfortunatly it also has a heavy price tag. It was marketed heavily for awhile but now seems to have died down. So whether its building properties are more suited for infants than for grown men trying to add lean weight or probably not proven yet - at least from a reliable study. I say, if you have money lieing around and want to try adding some into your shakes - give it a shot for a month or two and see how it effects your training. Otherwise just stick to the good ol' whey and casein sources of protein... and if you are looking for a boost - a cheaper alternative is adding additional glutamine. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your muscles and will further aid the muscle building process...
    does this mean we can drink titty milk? god im so excited

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    so can anyone tell us how it worked for them?
    Any experiences with this?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    No that aint expensive!!! Yeah right $105.00 for two bottles. I wonder whats better 2 bottles of this stuff or two bottles of Testosterone for the same price..

    I reaad this post a while back and since then I have been milking my girlfreind ever since. At least now I have an excuse. hehehehe. Breast milk is good, it beats cow milk any day the week. My girlfreind said a woman can keep producing milk for years if they do it right and dont let them dry up. Now the trick is getting her to let them milk for that long.. Well see how it goes I havnt noticed anything spectacular yet.

    At least now I dont feel like a weirdo!!!! woo hoo

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Thumbs up

    I live in Australia and last night on pay-tv there was a show called 'High Performance' and it was a scientific study conducted in QLD australia to see the effectiveness of steroids over 6 weeks on different events that take place @ the olympics ( 100m sprint, 5km jog, shot-put). All the 24 participants did a 1 rep max on bench press and leg press.
    There was a steroid group, of which some were given a placebo and the others were given test enan ( dont know the dosage- but it was very low) and another group of guys used supplements.
    The strongest 8 runners in the 100m sprint consisted of 7 from the steroid group ( of which some took a placebo injection ) and one from the supplement group who was taking colostrum ( think it was the bovine form).
    In the 100m sprint all the people who were given the test enan. smashed their personal bests by around 5-9%. The interesting thing was that the guy who took colostrum actually beat some of the steroid users ( think he ended up getting the 2nd best improvement). Obviously the steroid users raised their pb's for bench+leg press but the one taking colostrum seemed to keep pretty much on par with them throughout the experiment
    There defenitely were a lot of variables that affected the outcome of the race but it seems to me that colostrum seemed to help a fair bit ( maybe not as much as the test, but still it helped to a noticeable degree).

    Did anyone else see this show? If so, plz correct me if I've mad any mistakes or add more info if i've left anything out.
    Just thought this might be of interest to all you guys.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    I personally like it better fresh, and its free!! lol/jk
    To tell you the truth its the first time I heard this. I might actually do l little more reading on it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yea, i saw the show! exactly agree wiv what you said...however there were so many variables it was hardly a fair test!!

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