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Thread: The STUPIDEST thing you were ever punished for in school.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..

    The STUPIDEST thing you were ever punished for in school.

    Allright...Well, it's definatley what happend to me today. Some gayass kid came over and unplugged my mouse, and i was like dude wtf? I went over and unplugged the ****ers mouse...My hotass teacher must have been moody today, because usually shes extra nice to me . "DID YOU JUST UNPLUG THAT?!!!" ....Yeah. "Get out of my classroom, NOW! and do NOT come back!!" Allright, whatever (hoss exits room and goes to media center, and chills on AR for the next 20 minutes, ) A couple periods later i was called down, and was talking to Mr Skinnhead...Er, skinner, the asst. principal. '

    'You unplugged a mouse? What is wrong with you???" Hes done it to me about 7 times this week, it's getting old. "You should have told the teacher! Dont take matters into your own hands , who do you think you are?!" I told the teacher, hes still doing it. ANd if i was taking matters into my own hands, i would rearrange his face with the keyboard. "Dont you dare get smart with me..." Ok, whatever. "Now, you're lucky today boy..I was gonna suspend you for three days. But i'm only giving you two days of inschool suspension since you have a good record..." ....ok, what the f uck? I've been in a serious fight last year, and I only got suspended for one day...So now my ass is sitting in this little cubicle, doing my homework and staring at the wall from 7:00 until 2:40...unfu*ckingbelievable!! I unplugged a mouse, and got suspended...This isnt Iraq for God's sake! I wonder what would happen if i went and shoved a potato up his tale pipe and got caught.....

    Anyway, what have you all done that has got you in trouble when you were in school, like the STUPIDEST thing you got suspended for, or detention for, something like that..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Oh, and in a way, this is a good thing. I got the book BDTR suggested, Might is Right, from the libarary. And i'm reading the bio of Arnold thursday ( i got two days of this :rolleye

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Sleighing this bitch in the bathroom during lunchtime.

  4. #4
    ttuPrincess Guest
    I got suspended for shoe polishing a girls car with the words slut, bitch and whore.... I wasnt the only one doing it, but I took all of the blame and actually got an extra day for it because I wouldnt tell who was with me..... my parents didn't care because they hated the girls parents who I did it to.. I slept for 2 days.. it was great!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    I got suspended for shoe polishing a girls car with the words slut, bitch and whore.... I wasnt the only one doing it, but I took all of the blame and actually got an extra day for it because I wouldnt tell who was with me..... my parents didn't care because they hated the girls parents who I did it to.. I slept for 2 days.. it was great!
    Awwww lucky you! I should have asked for the suspension...I would have got to sleep in for two days

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I got suspended for stealing lab supplies from the chem/biology repository... my buds and I had a still running in my garage, we had a lucrative potato alcohol moonshine business at school


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    I got suspended for stealing lab supplies from the chem/biology repository... my buds and I had a still running in my garage, we had a lucrative potato alcohol moonshine business at school


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    I got suspended for stealing lab supplies from the chem/biology repository... my buds and I had a still running in my garage, we had a lucrative potato alcohol moonshine business at school

    Now Red, you're giving me ideas now, lmao!!!! D ang..I know how to create that stuff, it's actually pretty simple. My biology teacher taught me last year, lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    only u hoss

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    This is retarded. In grade 11, I was bored during lunch, and we were sitting in the halls eating lunch. I had a piece of garbage, like a plastic bag crunched up, or maybe it was a juice box type thing. Anyways, I started to throw it to my friend, and he would throw it back to me. Teacher walks by, sees this and sends me to the office. I ****en get two days of "community service" as they called it. For two days I had to gather garbage around the school with a garbage back. IDIOTIC TEACHERS! This teacher, Ms. Williams I believe, was a real bitch too. Lezbo teacher, always moody and pissy, especially towards male students.

    But that's it, I was always the "goodie two shoes" (sp?) type of kid. Most of the teachers liked me, I showed them respect, and vice versa.

    Anywho, that's that. Yeah. On Hoss, that's really fooked up, getting suspended for pulling out a mouse cable. Retards! Teacher probably can't get her husband to give her an orgasim, so she's pissed.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    a fart.

  12. #12
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Grade 5 i was caught selling smokes and playboys out of my locker.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i was suspended for a couple weeks and almost expelled for having scissors???

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by Terinox
    This is retarded. In grade 11, I was bored during lunch, and we were sitting in the halls eating lunch. I had a piece of garbage, like a plastic bag crunched up, or maybe it was a juice box type thing. Anyways, I started to throw it to my friend, and he would throw it back to me. Teacher walks by, sees this and sends me to the office. I ****en get two days of "community service" as they called it. For two days I had to gather garbage around the school with a garbage back. IDIOTIC TEACHERS! This teacher, Ms. Williams I believe, was a real bitch too. Lezbo teacher, always moody and pissy, especially towards male students.

    But that's it, I was always the "goodie two shoes" (sp?) type of kid. Most of the teachers liked me, I showed them respect, and vice versa.

    Anywho, that's that. Yeah. On Hoss, that's really fooked up, getting suspended for pulling out a mouse cable. Retards! Teacher probably can't get her husband to give her an orgasim, so she's pissed.
    Shes 26, engaged to a 40 year old man (another teacher at our school..)...bust out the viagra!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    Grade 5 i was caught selling smokes and playboys out of my locker.
    sorry but i gotta say that is GANGSTA

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I got suspended for calling my grade 9 teacher a dumb ass ho, because I am not spanish and knew more spanish than her which was scary because this lady was supposedly from Chile. She tried to say I copied a report from the internet when i really didn't and I got an F for an A plus paper.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2003
    my junior year in HS, i got in a fight with the starting pitcher of the baseball team. here is the great part ( i love being an athlete) For me, it was 2 days b4 the footbll tem was leaving for the state championship game, and for him, it was the day b4 the baseball team was leaving for a tournament in New notch ****. both are suspensions were postponed for a week and half

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money
    i got my parking permit taking away cause i teacher said she saw me driving wreckless on a saturday. that following monday they called me to the office and took the permit from me so i couldnt drive to school anymore.

    i could go on and on about stupid ish my school did to me.... it also expelled me my senior year. i dont smoke so i never got caught for that, i dont do drugs so i never got introuble for that stuff, never got in a fight.. but for some reason they said school wouldnt function with me there....

    this whole facuilty got fired the following year cause it was found that they were very corrupt and treating students very unfairly. they let hazing go by the sports teams even when the parents reported it and it was a huge thing on the news. guess i got the beginning up there corruptness

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Throwing a snowball in the face of a teacher i hated when i was in 5th grade, that almost got me kicked out of the school

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Throwing a snowball in the face of a teacher i hated when i was in 5th grade, that almost got me kicked out of the school


  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Throwing a snowball in the face of a teacher i hated when i was in 5th grade, that almost got me kicked out of the school
    Two thumbs up bro,

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    houston tx
    in 4th grade i was in major trouble because i flushed the toilet so many times it overflowed and they thought of it as vandalism. And also i got in trouble a few times at school for not shaving. And the worst one was getting caught with fake parking permits. Been in trouble for cussing mannnny times. Otherwise i have my fun and get in my trouble out of school

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Got in trouble for not shaving? Thats so lame nj

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by nj123
    in 4th grade i was in major trouble because i flushed the toilet so many times it overflowed and they thought of it as vandalism. And also i got in trouble a few times at school for not shaving. And the worst one was getting caught with fake parking permits. Been in trouble for cussing mannnny times. Otherwise i have my fun and get in my trouble out of school
    They suspended people at my old high school for not shaving. No warnings. You automatically HAD to remember to shave. First offense was a Saturday school, the next was a 3 day suspension, and the third was a week or explusion. Explusion!!! For a little ****ing facial hair. How dumb.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    houston tx
    yea i know daman its fu*kin gay.. i personally like a little scruff

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    maybe those dumb reasons are what forces so many kids to drp out of high school...I got in trouble so many times in high school I just stopped going for months at a time which led to even more trouble

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In the city I live in, in Maine, theres this gang thing and people call them Gypsys.. (Not a horrible gang, just scam people out of their money, doing a job they were supose to do for them, and doing a friggen horrible job and what not)

    Anyway, my teacher was talking about a leeky roof and how it leeked onto one of her computers.. Right after she was done talking about it, I said outloud "Well the Gypsys prolly did it!"

    Her response was sadlfjhasldjfhalsjdfhladsjhflkjasdhflkasjfd!i!i!i! i!iaskfjhaslfdjalskjfd!i!i!i

    go to the deans office!i!

    the rest of the class got a kick out of it, but my bitchy ass teacher got pissed..


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Throwing a snowball in the face of a teacher i hated when i was in 5th grade, that almost got me kicked out of the school
    LOL..I did similar...I body checked a teacher walking out a class room entrance as I was walking in.....BIG TROUBLE...............

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    wearing a hoodie, which alone made me match a description of someone who slashed a tire somewhere near my dorm.

    i got expelled cause i was suspended the previous year for a fight, booze incident.

    good times.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i got sent home from a camp 100km's from school, and out of school suspension for a week (they said in school, i laughted at them) all for telling a my mates that if anyone looked threw my bag i'd kill them. (teacher was standing behind me, took it as a personal threat and broke down completely, someone started a rumor i had a knife in my bag. and i refused to appologise.

    They wanted to expel me, I told the principal where to go to her face. I told her that the teachers had been searching bags FOR FOOD (weren't supposed to bring our own food to the camp) while we were on a bush walk.

    The camp ran for the rest of the week so i said i'll see u next monday, when i go back to class as normal.

    So really i got out of a **** school camp and got a week off school, rode my bike all day, didn't do any punishment at all


    btw. I've never actually done punishment at school before, no lunchtime detentions, no afternoon detentions, nothing, cause i don't count the above as punishment, seeing as though i dictated what was happening.

    Simple way i did it was always deny stuff to the end. (I mean like forever) and then refuse to do any punishment, even the smallest things, get in trouble for not doing it, and then get teh punishment increased, and increased. until u are sitting in front of the principal faced with being expelled and say, seriously, call my parents and tell them i'm being expelled for not doing my homework. (or whatever it maybe) After getting out of trouble so many times, soon the teachers learned and didn't even try to punish me I was also a smart student with good results which helps.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Well I got suspended for the rest of the year for drinking alcohol at a school function, back in the 9th grade........they had no sence of humor what so ever.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    p.s. I did get expelled a week before my finals. could explain a few things, I just got a letter at home stating not to come back.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The edge everyday


    I once mooned my teacher in class. I got suspended for 3 days and was forever known as "That guy with the zit on his ass"

    poor me



  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could

    got my hands rapped by a ruler.... everyday for not completing the assignments...

    can you guess which school.>????
    The answer to your every question


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  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I karate chopped a girl in the lip in first grade. Put ice down my teachers blouse in preschool. Threw a big wheel bike at a kid in kindergarden. Pushed a kid down a hill in preschool. Cut a girls pig tail off in kindergardern. Got kicked off the bus in 3rd 4th 5th and 6th grade for fighting, starting paper fights, throwing books out the windows, busting a window out. Suspended for breaking a computer screen in 7th grade.(it fell by itself)
    Threw a desk at the teacher in 8th grade (it wasnt gonna hit him)
    Paper fights in 8th grade Spit wads in 8th grade
    Lighting my ex girlfriends inside locker with all her stuff on fire in 9th grade.
    Breaking the drinking fountain in 9th and 10th grade.
    Pulling a kid off the bus in front of the school so I could kick his ass before he got home in 10th grade
    Throwing a bike over the fence cause they locked me in and climbed over it in 10th grade
    Broke a kids wrist in 10th grade cause I threw him against a locker.
    Ditched photo numerous times in 11th
    Put a banana in a tail pipe of a student in 12th grade cause I wanted to see what happenend.
    Got caught having oral sex in the dark room of photo class in 12th
    Doing dohnuts in the parking lot in 12th
    Got caught having regular sex in the dark room in 12th grade.
    Brought a chinese star to school in 5th grade.
    Plotted and actually had the entire 6th grade boycott school for a day just because I could. No one went inside the class rooms for the entire day. That one got me in a lot of trouble.

    Cheated on several final exams cause I knew where the answers were kept.

    ETC. I cant think of the other little crap but I got in trouble for all of those.
    Not counting the ones where I got in trouble for fighting.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    Well its not as good as most of these, but it was pretty stupid. I have received detentions for not wearing a belt, and for having my shirt untucked. ****ed parochial tightasses . . .

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Took a sh*t on a slide...some kid went down it afterwards.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    I karate chopped a girl in the lip in first grade. Put ice down my teachers blouse in preschool. Threw a big wheel bike at a kid in kindergarden. Pushed a kid down a hill in preschool. Cut a girls pig tail off in kindergardern. Got kicked off the bus in 3rd 4th 5th and 6th grade for fighting, starting paper fights, throwing books out the windows, busting a window out. Suspended for breaking a computer screen in 7th grade.(it fell by itself)
    Threw a desk at the teacher in 8th grade (it wasnt gonna hit him)
    Paper fights in 8th grade Spit wads in 8th grade
    Lighting my ex girlfriends inside locker with all her stuff on fire in 9th grade.
    Breaking the drinking fountain in 9th and 10th grade.
    Pulling a kid off the bus in front of the school so I could kick his ass before he got home in 10th grade
    Throwing a bike over the fence cause they locked me in and climbed over it in 10th grade
    Broke a kids wrist in 10th grade cause I threw him against a locker.
    Ditched photo numerous times in 11th
    Put a banana in a tail pipe of a student in 12th grade cause I wanted to see what happenend.
    Got caught having oral sex in the dark room of photo class in 12th
    Doing dohnuts in the parking lot in 12th
    Got caught having regular sex in the dark room in 12th grade.
    Brought a chinese star to school in 5th grade.
    Plotted and actually had the entire 6th grade boycott school for a day just because I could. No one went inside the class rooms for the entire day. That one got me in a lot of trouble.

    Cheated on several final exams cause I knew where the answers were kept.

    ETC. I cant think of the other little crap but I got in trouble for all of those.
    Not counting the ones where I got in trouble for fighting.

    I bet you enjoyed doing everyone of those things, didn't you?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    when i was in 7th grade me and my brother were throwing rocks at the school and my brother hit a window and the best of luck for us was teachers walked in when he threw the rock and the window broke and they told a school cop that was nearby and they caught me and my brother and told us theyre calling cops for vandalism and cops didnt show up after 45 minutes so they let us go and said that god was watching over us and we just left but had 2 weeks of suspension when we got back to the school

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    dam bermich ,bro you remind me of that kid from problem child

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