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Thread: Prop Only

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be

    Prop Only

    Im startin RT prop at 150mg eod for a total of 10 weeks. I'll let you all know how it goes

    Unfortunately my computer is possesed by demons -or so i think- and I have trouble staying on for very long at a time so I dont know how often I can update this. But I thought I'd let you guys know anyway!

    Im eating about 250g protein per day. I started eating smaller meals but more often. Before I ate around 3-4 meals per day but now I eat at least 5 or 6. with snacks in between. I likes to snack on tuna salad and club crackers. Im thinking about buying some slimfast. It has 40g carb, and 10 g protein.

    Hmmm how about some quick shout outs:
    Lewd - for your insight on short esters and diet
    majorpecs - for bein a cool local bro...good luck with your cycle
    tnt - ya your gone now but still learned a lot from you
    warrior - for your patented clomid therapy, even though i will not be using it with this short ester cycel.
    BigGreen - even though you lost the notes your still a big help
    tolinka - another cool semi-local bro

    Too many more to shout out to, i gotta go anyways my chicken be burnin on the grill oh no!!!!!

    ill get back to you guys later

    Last edited by symatech; 09-17-2003 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Sounds good Sym. Keep us posted!
    and how bout some b4 stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Sym...good luck buddy...toss one on the grill for me.

    And I know how that possessed PC story goes


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I would stay away from Slim Fast - it is a soy-based supplement. Check on the T-Mag article from a few issues ago called "The Evils of Soy." My personal fovorite MRP's are Myoplex... taste like pudding... they give you 42 grams of a low-sugar/carb protein (mostly from casein) source and you can usually get them online at about a buck and a half a packet ( has 42 pack priced at $58.50)... and when it comes down to it - thats cheap for a 42 gram serving of protein to add to your diet.

    Have fun!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Thanks warrior, I'll check it out.

    Some before stats

    height - 6' (or 5'11", i dunno but around there)
    weight - 175lbs +/- depending on water
    bench - 245 3 reps
    squat - 425 - 5 reps
    deadlift - 455 - 2 reps
    not sure about max on my arm exercises...
    military press (infront of neck of course ) 165 - 3 reps

    Im really hoping to gain some strength. Obviously some size too, but lately Ive been getting more satisfaction from passing my previous maxes than from getting much bigger. Now im not really that big of a guy so mass is always welcome, but strength is my ultimate goal. I was thinking of adding some var to this cycle but issues with availability and price were factors as well. Most likely the next cycle -whenver that is- will have some var.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yup soy is evil boosting the estro levels when on gear is nothing you want to do

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    ok so 1 day later and my right leg hurts like a bitch. seriously im glad leg day is over for the week because id have to miss that shit. Hope this goes away soon because in a week or two ill have shot all over my body and will be immobile

    aside from that i feel like i have a fever and flu symptoms, but im tough so ill just suck it up and keep on truckin!!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Good luck bro keep us updated... i'm gonna run rt prop for my winter/spring cycle and thinking about the var too..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    yes im going to add the var now....or so i plan. only its powder so muuuch cheaper!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be


    Yay i feel much better now. No more flu symptoms, chills, night sweats etc. My leg still hurts but not nearly as much. Tomorrow morning Im going to put .5cc in each one of my traps and prolly .5 cc in one of my calfs. Kinda nervous about the traps but the sooner i start the sooner I get better at it

    Diet is still good cant wait till I start the var

    My computer still has problems but I think I have at least got the gremlins in check. I have to set my resolution low so Im always scrollin left and right just to read posts but its better than installing windows all the damn time.

    Till next time...


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Its official, prop is the shit. Im thinkin I might go to ED injections.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    well, just for kicks....

    Prop still kicks ass. Went to ED injections a while ago. I wouldnt have it any other way. I like injecting a lot. its fun, and a good way to start the day imo.

    The var tastes like complete shit, but I like it. I am now repping at my old maxes easily. I feel like I could work out all day. Weight hasnt gone up much, but Im not too worried. I am lovin the strength gains soooooo much.

    My right leg seems to be getting smaller....hopefully this 'infection' is going away. Prop is now off of my list of calf injections. Still injecting about everywhere else.

    Quad injections are the worst, I hate them more than anything.

    well thats it for now, just chillin here eatin some tuna readin the board.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    well, just for kicks....

    Prop still kicks ass. Went to ED injections a while ago. I wouldnt have it any other way. I like injecting a lot. its fun, and a good way to start the day imo.
    Sick sick puppy

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Whats up bro? Any improvments in your physique?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Whats up bro? Any improvments in your physique?
    Are you mixing the prop w/ anything I know when I shot 150mgs of rt, just to see what it was like. It hurt for days eveerywhere I injected

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    no i am not diluting it. straight prop. and yes sometimes it kills. my left arm is a bit red and swollen, probably because I hit bi and tri there on the same day. Its tough sometimes but worth the pain. "no pain no gain"

    I have noticed improvements in my physique, but only recently. I pulled a shirt on the other day and noticed that it was tight across the chest and that my arms fill out the whole arm holes. It's strange though because I didnt notice a difference in the mirror, but then again rarely do. Friends have been starting to say something about it....i just smile and nod and say thanks.

    I had not weighed myself in a while so i jumped on the scale today at the gym and came in at 186. im happy, and am learning a lot from this cycle.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    Quad injections are the worst, I hate them more than anything.
    word, doode...i totally agree with you.

    is this your cycle thread? where are those numbers? =)

    repping your old maxes...thats the shit...i hope i have results like that!

    write more...=)

    -- clocky

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    heres where im at now clock:

    135 - 10reps
    185 - 8reps
    205 - 6reps
    225 - 5reps
    245 - 4reps

    225 - 10reps
    315 - 8reps
    375 - 6 reps
    405 - 5reps
    425 - 4reps - (the is the same as my max, only this is at the end of a workout)

    225 - 10reps
    315 - 8reps
    375 - 6reps
    405 - 5reps
    425 - 5reps

    well thats the basics right there. i get stronger everyday. i hope to far exceed this by the end of the next 5 weeks.

    thats it for now...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    damn doode, you're much stronger than me... especially squats (my legs suck, i top out at like 250). i need to go eat more steroids or something...

    -- clocky

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    sp wtf ever happened? end result? I'm getting ready to start prop/anavar cycle. Give me some results

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    how far along are u in ur cycle so far?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    cycle ended w while back. i got about 15lbs of solid muslce....very little water. i was more impressed with my strength gains though. For some reason, although i can hit 425(+) on the squat, i dont really want to. my legs have always been much stronger than the rest of me...hence the low bench. prolly cause thats all i used to work (rather opposite than most kids) I am ending my leg workouts at about 385. But im hoping to switch to DC's routine soon. So Ill drop the weight even more but in the end be pushin myself harder. Ive already been planning my second cycle. But honestly I dont think it will be too soon. I dont want to jump the gun.

    the only complaint i have is that towards week 8, I became very lethargic. I suppose thats why they say not to run prop that long. but i still loved it. pct was fine, although clomid sucks balls cause i got really depressed and never got any cool visuals like i kept hearing. oh well.

    next cycle I might experiment running my clomid a little different from the standard 300 100 50 etc. we'll see how it goes.
    Last edited by symatech; 02-14-2004 at 12:03 PM.

  23. #23
    Just curious what other ways are there to run clomid. I'm doing pct right now and been feeling like a lump on a log since I started. Any other suggestions would be great.

    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    cycle ended w while back. i got about 15lbs of solid muslce....very little water. i was more impressed with my strength gains though. For some reason, although i can hit 425(+) on the squat, i dont really want to. my legs have always been much stronger than the rest of me...hence the low bench. prolly cause thats all i used to work (rather opposite than most kids) I am ending my leg workouts at about 385. But im hoping to switch to DC's routine soon. So Ill drop the weight even more but in the end be pushin myself harder. Ive already been planning my second cycle. But honestly I dont think it will be too soon. I dont want to jump the gun.

    the only complaint i have is that towards week 8, I became very lethargic. I suppose thats why they say not to run prop that long. but i still loved it. pct was fine, although clomid sucks balls cause i got really depressed and never got any cool visuals like i kept hearing. oh well.

    next cycle I might experiment running my clomid a little different from the standard 300 100 50 etc. we'll see how it goes.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    well, from my research all other ways of running clomid require you to begin the drug before your cycle is over. some advocate 50mg/day throughout the cycle. while warrior and big green i think were discussing starting clomid at the first half life before the cycle ended. like if you ran sust for 10 weeks, then start clomid 3 weeks before last injection. im still lookin into this. but i have yet to hear an experienced person say they did not prefer to run it this way. i think next cycle im going to try 50mg ed. mikexxl was sayin somehtin about that a long time ago.

  25. #25
    Interesting. However, I think for the time being I'm going to stick with the traditional dosage. I'll just have to stop being a big baby and suck it up. Now don't make me start crying


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