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Thread: Test only cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Test only cycle

    Just a few quick questions for everyone whos ran a test enan only cycle before.

    How long till you noticed that it started to kick in?
    How much weight did you add in weeks 1 to 5 (water/fat included)?

    The reason I'm asking is because I just took my 6th shot of enanthate at 400mg/week and I literally dont notice **** except for some hairloss. I've went up maybe 3lbs (probably fat from eatting over maintanence), got a tad bit of hairloss, nuts haven't shrank any, 0% in strenght increase, and 0lbs waterweight.

    I'm pretty sure my gear is bunk, or else I would of probably noticed SOMETHING by now, but I just want to check out everyones experinces before I go after the scamming whore that sold me this ****.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    my first cycle consisting of only test took about 5 weeks to kick. it all depends on how your body composition was before starting.

    those early weeks of the cycle can be deceiving since you might be replacing fat with muscle.

    remember, quality mass is different than overall mass since you want to minimize any fat gain.

    you just finished week 3 then im guessing?

    give it another week and a half and if the scale hasn't changed or you don't look bigger/fuller then i would wonder about your gear. food for thought: why would a bunk product cause hairloss? think about that one.

  3. #3
    Are you injecting 2x a week?

    Stats? How old are you, How much you weigh?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    yes if your injecting two times a week like you should be doing then your only in week my last cycle i felt my sex drive up pretty quick (week 2-3)...but i didnt feel it in the gym untill week took a while for me...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I'm actually doing 1 shot a week of 400mg. Not 2 shots a week at 200mg. I'm on the 6th shot which means Im on week 5 or 6 (depending on how you look at it)

    I can tell you right now no fat has been replaced by muscle, since there have been no strength increases.

    As for the hairloss issue I'm wondering if my gear is severly underdosed?

    Bleh... next time I'll just go with prop... then I'll know right away if it's bunk or not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    For me I can really start to feel it in week 4 or 5!!!! You should defnitely be feeling it by week 6! What type of gear are you using?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    I'm in week 4-5 now, and I've begin to feel things kick in a little. Just be patient and keep it up. Just a little suggestion, maybe some of the others can follow up, but I think maybe if you split up the 400mg into 2 shots a week of 200mg you may be able to keep your test levels a little more stable. This might help the hair loss issue. Anyone?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    For me, my first cycle was Enth. 400mg evrey 5 days and I felt it kick in fully in week 5 and weeks 6 and 7 seven were even better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New Orleans
    Quote Originally Posted by zillano9
    I'm in week 4-5 now, and I've begin to feel things kick in a little. Just be patient and keep it up. Just a little suggestion, maybe some of the others can follow up, but I think maybe if you split up the 400mg into 2 shots a week of 200mg you may be able to keep your test levels a little more stable. This might help the hair loss issue. Anyone?
    bump for a response to this one!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbo23
    bump for a response to this one!
    i dont know if it would help with the hair loss...i think thats gonna happen regardless of blood levels if your prone to it....also yes 2X EW will keep blood levels and keep you less prone to gyno

  11. #11
    I'm currently on week 3 of my test only cycle. Didn't notice anything the first two weeks, but this third week has gone really well. Tonight my squat went up 40 pounds. That kinda took me by surprise. I've gained 5 pounds in the 2.75 weeks, but I'm not really sure of what yet (fat/muscle/water).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Gothenburg in Sweden
    A friend of mine is running the same cycle as you do.. and for him it kicked in around week 4 and 5.. Im on the same cycle to.. but mine is 600mg/week.. we both are doing our first cycle and we are in week 8 now.. and he has gaind almost 20lbs and me around 30lbs.. so we are gaining alot..
    But we splitt our injection too 2 times every week.. try to do that.. like zillano9 said.. that could help you keep the test levels more stable...

    Good luck bro !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i just finished a test only cycle. i took iranian test eneth (GRAB IT IF YOU CAN GET SOME!!!!) i took one amp (1ml at 250mg), every 8 days for a little over 2 months, and i gained about 15-20 pounds. my bench went from 225 to 285e! its been over 2 weeks since my last injection and i lost 5 pounds, however im not puffy anymore. i think most of what i lost was water sofar,cause i can actually see the difference when i flex, and rest my bicep. im taking clomid now.

    so in conclusion i think yoru stuff is definatly bunk. your taking more than me, and by week 6 i had a solid 15+pounds on me. i didnt gain much weight at all anything the last 3 weeks. just strength.

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