So here it is....yhesterday morning on the way into the gym our local radio station in LA (KROQ) was doing a segment on juice. They were talking about the baseball players and why do they take it and does it have any advantage and stuff like that. So they had a doctor come on and talk about roids...of course he talked about the negative shiat about it and that it shrinks your nuts, gives you bitch tits and all this other stuff that they say about steriods. So I disagreed with this dude and knew that no one was going to defend us I decided to call in and set some things straight.
I called in and got right in....I told the screener that what they were saying was true...but that there was others things you could do to counterbalance it. So the screener told me to hang on....and in like two seconds I was speaking on the radio. They opened up with asking me if I take juice...I said I knew people who have...LMFAO...then they asked me about the nuts shrinking...I told the that they do but after 3 weeks or so (give or take) an idividual is to take clomid which will drop your nuts back down to there natural state where they can then again produce natural test....I said some of us call these pills "ball droppers"....the DJs asked the doc if I was right...shiat, the doc thought for a couple of seconds and then said I was exactly right...but he of course said that clomid was made for women to help them get prgenant or some shiat like that....then the Dj's asked if I had bitch tits and I told them no that is why I take nolvadex...they were blown away....becasue of all the negative symptoms the doc had mentioned before I called, I had a drug you could take to counterbalance this ****. Anyway, they then asked me why I take them...I said it is a self gratification helps an idividual get to the next stage of BBing...they then asked why I would harm my body...I said BBer's are some of the most healthy individuals due to strict diets and knowledge of what their body is doing....I then siad that we are putting toxins in our body...but it was no different than those who drink and smoke...we just look
They then said a couple of other things and we hung up....I thought i would share this with you...I thought it was funny and cool...but it just goes to show you that the doctors will always tell you the negative with never looking at the positve....of roids.