Here I am 6' tall, 255 lbs.
430 bench press, 500 squat, and a 315 seated military press.![]()
I lift more for strength but would like to start getting some definition too. What ya think I could improve on. Maybe take a cutting cycle.
Here I am 6' tall, 255 lbs.
430 bench press, 500 squat, and a 315 seated military press.![]()
I lift more for strength but would like to start getting some definition too. What ya think I could improve on. Maybe take a cutting cycle.
looking huge bro. lets see some back pics and some others.
Well, your obviously big (benching 4 plates, impressive). I would recommend a strong cutting cycle, you would look insane!
What's your diet and cardio routine like? If you follow the advice on this board, you will look awesome. I guess it's time to cut you up.
Looking Biggggg, but just taking a cutting cycle will not work. You need to incorperate cardio and good nutritional habits as well.
Looking very large!
You are obviously a big guy, but I kinda find it difficult to believe that you are pressing 315 overhead judging from the size of your delts.
I would guess you do pretty much all power movements. Try incorporating some laterals and raises. This will also increase your bench press.
What do you do for legs (quads)? Is 500 your max?
Looking huge Bro. Keep up the good work.![]()
My delts do look a little small in that pic, but I can press 315 overhead. 500 is my max on squat. It seems a little weak compared to my bench max, I know.
As for my leg work out
Squats, leg extensions, leg press...(quads)
leg curls....(hams)
A serious diet is in order, expect your strength to drop though. Face it, being strong is good, looking strong and cut is GREAT!(for most)
Awesome size bro. Kepp up the good work. I would consider a nice cutting cycle for the summer. What does your cycle look like now?
Before I say anything else, I don't want you to think I am calling you weak or anything.![]()
I'm sure there is more to your workout than just what was mentioned. And I hope you mix up sets and reps and so-on.
If you'd like to hear more about what I could suggest (increasing your squat tremendously) feel free to PM me.
As far as what FitforLife has to say (nothing personal) but I'd have to disagree. I eat pretty much whatever I want and am able to maintain my bodyfat between 8-10%. It's all in how you use what you consume. (I seldom do cardio either, besides a warm-up)
Keep hittin it hard though!
No flam guest poser!
BUt i think what fit for life was trying to say is that in general if yuo diet properly u should loose a little strength, thats a no brainer!! I am not saying everyone does but the majority of people will.
Also U say u eat preatty much whatever u want and still maintain a 10-12 % bodyfat.
well that would make it obvious that u have a preatty high metabalizm then as for sir hugenstein it look like his metabolizm is slower and probaly is. althought he probaly puts on a great deal of muscle and strenght fairly easily.
You see you cant say I eat this and dont gain any fat because every one genetics are differant. I agrree with fit 4 life
If sir hugenstein goal is to get leaner then a good diet is intake. I dont care what anyone say with out a good diet you wont loose much fat.![]()
Everyone has their own idea of what "good" is. I, at one time in my life (many years ago) could also eat anything and remain lean. That just let me know how good I could have looked if I had a good deit plan. Not to bash or be disrespectful, but in my opinion the guy in the picture shown here is at least 30% bf. I would never in a million years guess weight training existed. This is once again what "I" see. You are what you eat, in time no one is exempt from that rule, or maybe I should say very few are? If its the "big man" look that some like, so be it. For me and most of the people I know, Lean and muscular is the ticket. Naturally!
You are obviously a big strong guy but your B/F is high and that makes you look rounded and soft.Saying that you have a good base to cut from.
I agree with Fit for Lifes statements for most people watching their diet and doing cardio is the only way they manage to keep lean.
Hey bro .... it's apparent your not lacking in the mass and strength catagory ... i'd reccomend a cutting cycle to bring out all that huge you'll be one bad MOFO.
good luck![]()
The FIRST thing you need to do is get you bf% measured. You have size but as far as the picture goes not a lot of definition. What are your goals ? I think you really need to hit cardio and start to keep a low carb , low fat diet. Do cardio for about 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. I wouldn't suggest doing a cutting cycle in the next couple months. Stick with the cardio and diet I suggested and in the next few months I think you will see lots of improvement. Good luck.
Very solid Bro. Excellent base!
Guest Poser you mention that you can eat most anything you want and maintain 8-10%, which is probably true. I used to be that way, when I was in my 20's I could never put on weight, was waaaaay skinny. Now that I am older I look at food and my waist expands.Originally posted by GuestPoser
Before I say anything else, I don't want you to think I am calling you weak or anything.![]()
I'm sure there is more to your workout than just what was mentioned. And I hope you mix up sets and reps and so-on.
If you'd like to hear more about what I could suggest (increasing your squat tremendously) feel free to PM me.
As far as what FitforLife has to say (nothing personal) but I'd have to disagree. I eat pretty much whatever I want and am able to maintain my bodyfat between 8-10%. It's all in how you use what you consume. (I seldom do cardio either, besides a warm-up)
Keep hittin it hard though!
Do you guys think your body type can change with time? Can you be an ecto as a kid and then become a meso later in life (and all the other combos of the three). ????
I think you need to work on your shoulders a lot more. I mean this is before you cut. That just IMO. I mean looking at the pic you would probably have to lose like 50 pounds in order be cut and when that happens you would look as wide without the delts. So if you plan on cutting sooner or later then go for later. Just try and eat clean and work on your delt more and before you know you'll be losing fat too.
Thanks Tennis, I wasn't sure if you are the same or can change, guess that makes sense, since its happened to me, and I know others who after being skinny kids are now extremely obese.Originally posted by Tennis_God
Canes....A persons metabolism changes with time. People who were once scrawny as children due to a high metabolism can become largely obese as adults, due to a decrease in metabolism and lack of change of diet.
looking good bro, how much cardio are you doing a week?, be honest.
Bro you got some big as arms there ! It is no wonder your so strong. Keep up the good work.
Everybody thanks for the feedback.
I maybe....maybe hit a stationary bike once a week. Just started a cycle mon. And have been doing more bike the past couple weeks. I guess I'll run like once a week, I just dont care for it. Just trying to look more presentable for South Padre, this year. As presentable as a beer drinking, roid using, frat guy can be.
As Dabum stated,cut up and you would be insane. No doubt. Bro, You are one big dude.
Could we get a pic of you legs?
I don't think anyone who has any knowledge at all can argue with that. Even if you can eat what ever you want and not gain much body fat NOW, sooner or later you metabolism will begin to slow down and all those years of eating what ever you wished will begin to take their toll. Bad habits are hard to break, not impossible mind you, just hard. I do agree on it is all in how you use what you consume, but there will come a time that you will not realistically be able to burn off all of what you consume and there in lies where a proper diet and good eating habits are invaluable.Originally posted by BullDogg20
No flam guest poser!
If sir hugenstein goal is to get leaner then a good diet is intake. I dont care what anyone say with out a good diet you wont loose much fat.![]()
Like BullDogg20 said, "anyone without a good diet will not loose much fat"
Last edited by Tobey; 01-30-2002 at 07:37 AM.
I can't diss your habits bro, cuz i drink beer too and party hard, but if you want to get defined bro, you gotta step up the cardio, atleast 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time.
That is what I call power!!
I need updates!!
Keep us motivated.
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