This is worth the read... Long story, but actually funny in some way...
So I left my old company about 1 1/2 years ago to work for my current company... My old company was one of worst run and most unprofessional operations I've ever experienced in my entire professional career...
At the very end before I left my old company I was asked to do some things that were in my opinion unethical and even though they were not illegal, still had me very uneasy..
I ended up doing it because it was a direct request from my direct manager and was told to do it or else, so I did...
I then started looking for new employment right away and it was good I did because a few weeks later a meeting was called with myself, my direct manager and a regional VP asshole...
Well, making this very long story as short as possible I was accused of a few things that i did in fact do after being told to do so by my manager... The regional VP did all the talking and my manager just sat there with his mouth closed to save his ass... I am never one to rat, not my style so I took it like
a man up until the point where this regional VP made a threat about what he would like to do to me...![]()
I was on week 13 of a 16 week bulking cycle and was somewhere around 236lbs at 5'8" and i stood up... close the door of the office and leaned against the door blocking anyone from leaving the room telling him he had his chance if he was up for it...
I have never really experienced the so called roid rage crap, but i was seconds away from exploding and it was only the 3 of us in the office...
It was all i could do not to put both of them in the hospital for this **** I am not a MMA expert like alot of bros on this board, but i am a tough ****ing jersey boy that has been in his share of street fights and have had bricks, bottles and other objects busted over my head and no one to date has put me down or knocked me out ever...
I would have ****ing wrecked these 2 real bad, no Doubt in my mind...
I let it go telling them what i thought and how poorly they manage their business and accounts and told the regional VP anytime he had the balls
to step up to the plate and take a swing I'd be happy to let him get one in...
I ended up being suspended for 1 week, which just meant they were looking
for a replacement ASAP and also making sure they didn't put the company in
some legal trouble by how they handled things, which they did, but I'm not one for the legal route to go to court... I am however one to get even...
Anyway 2 days later I turned in my resignation letter and started my new job with my current company shortly after that which I honest to god love and now look forward to going to work everyday...
I just found out that my old company has purchased my current company for
an all cash deal and all employees with my company will need to re-apply to be offered a position with my old company...![]()
This is un f u c k ing believeable isn't it???
The same assholes are still in their current positions and they are looking to
merge the offices together... Now how f u c k ed am I???
It's almost to funny...![]()