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Thread: A poll for all you america haters and saddam lovers

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    A poll for all you america haters and saddam lovers

    Now although its understandable that they arent all happy about an invasion of their country - notice that a LARGE majority think their life is better than before the war and think that things are going to be even better in the future - Why? because of what the US has done.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Goooo USA!@ Even thought I'm against our troops dying..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON

    Now although its understandable that they arent all happy about an invasion of their country - notice that a LARGE majority think their life is better than before the war and think that things are going to be even better in the future - Why? because of what the US has done.
    thats awesome, but you know the idiots that hate the USA will say that its not true or it was a BS poll or that the christians caused it to end up in the manner it do. its always something with these terrorists. no matter what truth you smack them in the head with they still just deny seeing it. close minded people really really really suck lol

  4. #4
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I agree that Saddam needed to be removed from power. But lying about weapons of mass destruction to accomplish this was not the right way to go about it. And BTW, i'm not an American hater or a saddam lover. My heart goes out to all the fallen troops.

  5. #5
    i wouldnt want a "SINGLE" canadian solider dying for the betterment of an iraqi's life.


  6. #6
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    you guys are perhaps a bit to parochial to see the underlying point - its not because Iraqis are happy to be rid of Saddam and have a chance at a real life that it is worth sacrificing American lives for, as noble as that may be. What is important is that if Iraq succeeds, there will be intense pressure on every other country in the region to be more democratic and get away from supporting terrorist orgs because they will want what Iraqis have - we see even as we speak something is going on in Syria where there is some sort of rebellion happening with the Kurds rising up. The realignment of the ME WILL make the US and the west safer if for no reason that a society that feels relatively prosperous is a hard one to recruit terrorists or money - now all we need to do is put the full hammer on the Saudis to stop the cash.

  7. #7
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    What is important is that if Iraq succeeds, there will be intense pressure on every other country in the region to be more democratic

    This is correct. I'm sure you know what's going to happen next. You've read the bible. Just wait till the US puts pressure on china and Russia.

  8. #8
    One step back, two steps forward!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    This is correct. I'm sure you know what's going to happen next. You've read the bible. Just wait till the US puts pressure on china and Russia.
    why on russia? they arent communist anymore. they have been trying to become a democracy

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    How in the world can anyone say that removing Saddam from power was not a good amazes me. Some people actually feel sorry for Saddam now!!?? Some people say that Iraq was better off before he was removed!!?? It amazes me.

    The sad thing is that the Kerry party is hoping for more trouble with terrorists and the middle east...he thinks that it will help him get elected. Supporting Kerry = supporting terrorists.



  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    why on russia? they arent communist anymore. they have been trying to become a democracy
    See, the thing is that a lot of people want to bow down to these terrorist organizations and countries. They think that if we leave them alone then they will leave us alone. Pretty pathetic....just let them have their way and everything will be okay....WOW.

    jcstomper...I'm not questioning your post....I was questioning the logic that goes along with the question you were asking to someone else. People think that since we are willing to fight these horrific groups of people that we will be starting the end of the world....i.e. Russia (which you pointed out wasn't valid arguement) China, etc.



  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    ...What is important is that if Iraq succeeds, there will be intense pressure on every other country in the region to be more democratic and get away from supporting terrorist orgs because they will want what Iraqis have - we see even as we speak something is going on in Syria where there is some sort of rebellion happening with the Kurds rising up. The realignment of the ME WILL make the US and the west safer if for no reason that a society that feels relatively prosperous is a hard one to recruit terrorists or money - now all we need to do is put the full hammer on the Saudis to stop the cash.
    BINGO!!!!!!!!! Why is that so hard for people to realize?

    The arguement of "I don't want SOLDIERS dying....." Wake up people...they are soldiers....they will gladly die for the better good of their's their job. Ask them, they will confirm it.



  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Those are some pretty striking statistics. Especially the Iraqi's positive outlook on their future. Even the ones who are against the occupation seem to believe the country will eventually be in a better condition because of the war.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    terrible that thier killing thier own now..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig

    jcstomper...I'm not questioning your post....I was questioning the logic that goes along with the question you were asking to someone else. People think that since we are willing to fight these horrific groups of people that we will be starting the end of the world....i.e. Russia (which you pointed out wasn't valid arguement) China, etc.


    but why would the USA need to put pressure on Russia? im still confused about that?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    but why would the USA need to put pressure on Russia? im still confused about that?
    They don't bro....I was agreeing with your disagreement.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot

    terrible that thier killing thier own now..
    There are terrible people all over the world bro...even here in the US. Who would believe that an American citizen would want to kill their own? It happens...don't let the media confuse reality.

    New book contains McVeigh's first public comments on bombing

    Timothy McVeigh said he was willing to become a suicide bomber and drive his van into the Alfred P. Murrah federal building, according to a new book on the murderous militiaman. He also referred to the children killed in the Oklahoma City bombing as 'collateral damage' and expressed remorse only that their deaths damaged his cause. McVeigh's comments, and the book itself, didn't sit well with some relatives of bombing victims.



  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    They don't bro....I was agreeing with your disagreement.
    oh ok, i must have read your post wrong. glad we are on the same page

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
    i wouldnt want a "SINGLE" canadian solider dying for the betterment of an iraqi's life.

    Exactly the way I feel about our guys..I would understand making sacrifices for a people that would be appreciative..but htose animals..they do appreciate anything , unless some Imam or Mullah tells them to do so!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    How in the world can anyone say that removing Saddam from power was not a good amazes me. Some people actually feel sorry for Saddam now!!?? Some people say that Iraq was better off before he was removed!!?? It amazes me.

    The sad thing is that the Kerry party is hoping for more trouble with terrorists and the middle east...he thinks that it will help him get elected. Supporting Kerry = supporting terrorists.


    No one argues that saddam was a bad guy, but there are many countries with leaders that will make saddam look harmless.

    The one thing that made me very mad towards the bush administration was colin powell's speech at the UN a year ago. A very overwelming speech when i heard, especially when he said "These are not assertions, these are facts based on solid intelligence". Every single statement in that speech has been proven false, and thats when I really lost trust in the administration. Last I heard of about 2-3 weeks ago, there is still no found connection between Iraq and al-qaeda, that makes me angry.

    I think Iraq for the moment probably was better off with saddam for the moment. It really seems like the Bush administration was expecting the Iraqi's to jump for glee in open arms. It may have been that way at first, but a couple days later they were asking where is my water? food? schools? infrastructure? The list goes on and the Bush administration just wasn't prepared. You could definitely make the argument that life is getting better in Iraq now, but there's a whole lot of other places that had it much worse with no sight in the future of anything getting better.

    On the last point about the dems supporting terrorists, this really goes both ways with the republicans also. Look at the republicans trying to push back their release date on the 9/11 investigations. How bad do you think Bush would want to catch bin laden, probably assure him victory, but what would that have to do anything with him, it would be a great military victory, but even if kerry was pres, i don't see why it should reflect well on him.

    The last statement about kerry=supporting terrorists, well c'mon now be real. I know alot of people see politicians as liars and theives but just watch c-span every now and then. Sure you can see guys on each side (especially in election year) taking shots at the other party, but you can still tell that they (especially congressman) really do care about their jobs and want to make a difference and do whats right. I have never seen so many congressmen on both sides so mad about this administration. They voted a year ago to give the president basically the power to do just about anything, including the use of nukes, based on pretty much the same info given to the public prior the war, a couple weeks ago the armed services committee questioned george tenet and you really saw how the bush administration misconstrued the facts, not the CIA, and congressman from both parties were very upset clearly. But the thing that really gets me is that after all of this, you find out what the war really cost america, several lives, and when you hear about all the programs that have to be cut because of a huge additional interest on the debt, a congressman from D.C has to now deal with a program for impovershed familes that helped 297,000 african americans with basic needs, and it really just breaks your heart.

    So this is alot longer than I intended, but the fact that anyone would state that an american supports terrorism is ridiculous.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    The question is, are we going to finish what we started?

    We have a history as a country of walking in and stomping all over a country and then leaving long before the job is actually finished.


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