Always heard EQ was good if you are prone to Male Pattern Baldness, but yesterday someone posted saying it was a dht derivative. I think that is false. Anyone have input?
I found this today searching the net that would seem to say that EQ can not even convert to DHT.
If you are not familiar with boldenone, it is the anabolic steroid found in the injectable veterinary preparations Equipoise®, Ganabol, Ultragan and Equi-gan. The activity of boldenone is highly anabolic, with only low to moderate androgenic potency. It is likewise an efficient builder of muscle tissue, although is much less apt to produce androgenic side effects (oily skin, acne, hair loss, body/facial hair growth) compared to an androgen such as testosterone. Lowered androgenic activity is largely due to an inability of this hormone to interact with the 5alpha-reductase enzyme, which is responsible for reducing testosterone to its more androgenic form dihydrotestosterone.