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Thread: Did You Know?

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    the only movie i can remember for jack nikelson is the one wher he turn into a wolf

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    the only movie i can remember for jack nikelson is the one wher he turn into a wolf

    that was Wolf (1994) i believe? Dang M'guy u need to get out more...


  3. #163
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    today i went out after a year without fun i watched " passion of the christ"

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    today i went out after a year without fun i watched " passion of the christ"

    Seriously though, if thats really the case u need to give urself a break every now and then. If not u just become like a robot. As we say, u need to stop and smell the roses.


  5. #165
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin
    So i apologize guys.

    thank you

    just kidding bro.. no hard feelings ehg?

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    thank you

    just kidding bro.. no hard feelings ehg?

    We can agree to disagree on things. i shouldnt have lost my cool! none bro


  7. #167
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    yeah me too im sorry for all the **** i said about you

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    yeah me too im sorry for all the **** i said about you

    im sorry also!


  9. #169
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Gearhead007
    What I think about terrorists!

    Turn the volume UP... This rocks.

    For cable modem users only... (Big file).

    Bro i got so carried away i forgot to mention that song and video KICKS ASS!!! Do u know who sings that song?

    This ones KICK ASS also..

    Both worth the download bros!


  10. #170
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    unfortunately, I have to correct a few factual points of error. Rak-ani erred on a few points. especially regarding the attack on a U.S. nabal vessel. it was the USS liberty that was attacked in 1967 during the 6 day war. It was not a submarine but a communications ship in international water. the reason for the lack of diplomatic riff was that johnston decided to let it go in order to become allies with israel (we were not at that time). error or not, there is no escuse for shooting men adrift in the water... that is clearly a war crime.

    the other is that "technically" israel still occupies the land of 3 nations (albeit one has been resolved by treaty). even the government of isreal recognizes this, when they argue that they must come to separate resolutions with syria and jordan. The UN sent a team to verify that Israel had retreated to its border with LEBANON, not Syria or Jordan. Now Jordan has politically (to be honest I don't know if they have done it legally) ceded the west bank to the palestinians. Syria still lays claim to the Golan. Spin it any way you want, israel occupies syrian territory, and they want it back. Technically, the UN resolution declaring that israel is illegally occupying the golan, and illegally annexed the west bank is still valid as it has never been rescinded (I am unsure whether or not legally it still holds for gaza, but this is more of a legacy issue since that was resolved by treaty long ago.).
    An international law expert would probably know the intricacies more than me, but it has gotten really convuluted legally.

    overall, by and large, both sets of facts are true (to my knowledge), they just present incomplete data and are biased by presentation. 2 sides to a story. I do urge people to read the liberty website, though. if you have time google israeli spy and click on some of the links (from both conservative and liberal papers)

  11. #171
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin
    im sorry also!

    Man this is so touching I'm going to cry.

  12. #172
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Its 'A Few well hung men'..... Oh no, thats the one Tock watches, lol..J/K Tock.

    The movie is 'A few good men'.
    Edited by me because some folks can't take a bit of humor without turning it into something vulgar.
    Last edited by Tock; 03-24-2004 at 11:48 PM.

  13. #173
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    today i went out after a year without fun i watched " passion of the christ"

    So, you still haven't had any fun. Ever consider buying yourself a motorcycle? Now that's fun . . .

  14. #174
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    What is this crap - dont let me see stupid statements like this again - CYC

  15. #175
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Fun!, M'guy. Beirut is great fun. And if you don't like, or can't go drinking and clubbing there you can always go down south and run through a mine field chasing wabbits

    Or hey, how about buy yourself a wheelchair, start up a terrorist organisation and see how long you live, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  16. #176
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Fun!, M'guy. Beirut is great fun. And if you don't like, or can't go drinking and clubbing there you can always go down south and run through a mine field chasing wabbits

    Or hey, how about buy yourself a wheelchair, start up a terrorist organisation and see how long you live, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by jeffylyte
    unfortunately, I have to correct a few factual points of error. Rak-ani erred on a few points. especially regarding the attack on a U.S. nabal vessel. it was the USS liberty that was attacked in 1967 during the 6 day war. It was not a submarine but a communications ship in international water. the reason for the lack of diplomatic riff was that johnston decided to let it go in order to become allies with israel (we were not at that time). error or not, there is no escuse for shooting men adrift in the water... that is clearly a war crime.

    the other is that "technically" israel still occupies the land of 3 nations (albeit one has been resolved by treaty). even the government of isreal recognizes this, when they argue that they must come to separate resolutions with syria and jordan. The UN sent a team to verify that Israel had retreated to its border with LEBANON, not Syria or Jordan. Now Jordan has politically (to be honest I don't know if they have done it legally) ceded the west bank to the palestinians. Syria still lays claim to the Golan. Spin it any way you want, israel occupies syrian territory, and they want it back. Technically, the UN resolution declaring that israel is illegally occupying the golan, and illegally annexed the west bank is still valid as it has never been rescinded (I am unsure whether or not legally it still holds for gaza, but this is more of a legacy issue since that was resolved by treaty long ago.).
    An international law expert would probably know the intricacies more than me, but it has gotten really convuluted legally.

    overall, by and large, both sets of facts are true (to my knowledge), they just present incomplete data and are biased by presentation. 2 sides to a story. I do urge people to read the liberty website, though. if you have time google israeli spy and click on some of the links (from both conservative and liberal papers)
    Regarding your first point, yes, you're right, Liberty was a spy ship not a submarine. My mistake, but not a crucial one as it doesn't change the events. Israel thought it was Egyptian and called it to identify itself 3 times before attacking. The ship didn't identify itself and was shot. Israel thought it hit an Egyptian submarine and only after the attack relized the mistake. I don't know what logic leads you to belive that Israel would purposely target military personel of it's best ally in the world. What good would Israel get out of purposely targeting US ships? And about shooting men in the water, I quote from the website you posted:
    "During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship
    USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and
    motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded."

    So lets assume the attack did last 75 minutes, and involved Israeli airforce planes and marines' boats. Don't you think an attack this long with this much effort from the Israeli side would have resulted in more deaths, if they were, as you said, shot in the water as well?

    Regarding your second point, I was replying to the accusation that Israel occupies land of Lebanon and Syria, as M'Guy stated. My correction was regarding what we used to call the "security zone" in South Lebanon and that has been evacuated by Barak long ago. You might have alson noticed in anothter thread - I think, that M'Guy talks about "when we (hizballa) liberated south lebanon" which contridicts his claim that Israel still occupies it. Regarding Syria, yes, the Golan Heights are still occupied, and will stay occupied as long as Israel doesn't feel secure that it doesn't endanger her to give it back. This is not the land I was talking about when saying the UN verified that the withdraw was to leagal borders, and I should have probably made that point clearer.

  18. #178
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Rak_Ani
    Regarding your second point, I was replying to the accusation that Israel occupies land of Lebanon and Syria, as M'Guy stated. My correction was regarding what we used to call the "security zone" in South Lebanon and that has been evacuated by Barak long ago. You might have alson noticed in anothter thread - I think, that M'Guy talks about "when we (hizballa) liberated south lebanon" which contridicts his claim that Israel still occupies it. Regarding Syria, yes, the Golan Heights are still occupied, and will stay occupied as long as Israel doesn't feel secure that it doesn't endanger her to give it back. This is not the land I was talking about when saying the UN verified that the withdraw was to leagal borders, and I should have probably made that point clearer.
    I think I can speak with some authority on the situation in South Lebanon and the desputed 'Shebaa farms' area. First off the UN has verified that Israel has withdraw to its 1948 borders. Lebanon has expressed its desire to end the despute over the farms and claimed that the land is Israeli, however the Syrians insist on the land being theirs and have told Lebanon it has no rights over ownership of the land. UNIFIL, UNTSO and OGL (Observer Group Lebanon) monitor any 'Blue line' violations by all sides with foot patrols, mobile patrols and heli flights along the entire border's of Lebanon, Syria and Israel.
    M'guy saying that the Hezbollah pushed the IDF from South Lebanon is pure fantasy, I was there at the time serving with UNIFIL. Fact is that apart from RSB's with IED's and other types of gurilla (sp'ing) tactics the Hezbollah cannot and will not take on the might of the IDF with conventional military tactics, its had some minor success's with the IDF backed SLA (South Lebanese Army) but the was it. The 'Security Zone' (or Enclave as we called it) borders NEVER changed in 25yrs untill the IDF withdrew back into Israel. So in 25 yrs the Hezbollah, Amal, Islamic resistance and the PLO never took one inch of land from the IDF untill Barak withdrew his forces in a swift move catching us all by surprise. Btw, Barak promised the withdrawal of IDF forces from Lebanon in his election campaign. Today, 3 yrs after the IDF withdrawal it still supply's energy to over 25 towns and villages in Southern Lebanon, villages held by Hezbollah. The monies come from Israel's defence budget, ie. the Israeli tax payer like Rak_Ani.

  19. #179
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    sorry cyc, won't happen again

  20. #180
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida

  21. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin

    Sad would be more accurate way to describe it. The boy was sent by Tanzim and when asked why he agreed to do this, he said that everyone at his school made fun of him because he's short, and that he just wanted everyone to like him and think of him as a hero. Plus he said he wanted to have sex and was promised 72 virgins.
    Still Europe continues to be anti Israeli. Yesterday at the Hague the killing of Yassin was declaired inhuman, while the sending of the child to commit suicide was ignored. The anti Israeli sentiments in Europe have also gone into sports, when Velencia (from Spain, the country that had the train bombing two weeks ago) refused to come to Israel to play a basketball game in the Euroleague (European basketball championship) against Israel. They're also trying to convince the Euroleague management that Israel is too dangerous for the Final Four to be held in this year. So coming to Israel is dangerous in their eyes, but letting 4,000 Israeli fans fly to a European country which doesn't know the first thing about security and counter terrorism, that is safe for them. Go figure. As long as the US is our friend, I frankly don't really care what Europe or the UN says.

    Newsflash: Violent riots in Heaven, as hundreds of suicide bombers attack Yassin demanding to know where the 72 virgins he promissed them are.

  22. #182
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Fun!, M'guy. Beirut is great fun. And if you don't like, or can't go drinking and clubbing...
    i am against night clubs actualy we have closed many night clubs in our terretory because they r filled with junkies,prostitution

  23. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    i am against night clubs actualy we have closed many night clubs in our terretory because they r filled with junkies,prostitution
    M'Guy, I was going to recommend a movie to you. 'Yalla Yalla'. A Swedish movie about a teenage Arab imigrant to Sweden who's family wants to hook up with an Arabic girl, but he falls in love with a Christian Swedish girl and his Swedish friends falls in love with the Arabic girl his parents were trying to hook him up with. The movie is hilarious and might teach you a thing or two about tollerance. But then again if you see it you might laugh (God forbid) and have a good time (NO!!), so on second thoughts, maybe you should pass.

  24. #184
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin

    Agreed, that is to pathetically sad for words - you notice the "brave warriors of Islam" hide behind sexually frustrated preteenagers, sending them off to die while they stay in the shadows - I dont see them running to get their 72 virgins

  25. #185
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Agreed, that is to pathetically sad for words - you notice the "brave warriors of Islam" hide behind sexually frustrated preteenagers, sending them off to die while they stay in the shadows - I dont see them running to get their 72 virgins

    guys lets be serious do virgins even exist any more?! Lets be real..

  26. #186
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    guys lets be serious do virgins even exist any more?! Lets be real..
    Well if my 8yr old daughter isn't, I'm going to fcuking murder my parish priest. Fcuking catholics.

  27. #187
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yeah i don't really care at all really.

  28. #188
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Well if my 8yr old daughter isn't, I'm going to fcuking murder my parish priest. Fcuking catholics.

    no you flamboyant donkey rimmer i mean women of legal age.. i met about 3 women who swore they were virgins then ended up in a gang bang by the end of the night.. college life..

  29. #189
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Rak_Ani
    M'Guy, I was going to recommend a movie to you. 'Yalla Yalla'. A Swedish movie about a teenage Arab imigrant to Sweden who's family wants to hook up with an Arabic girl, but he falls in love with a Christian Swedish girl and his Swedish friends falls in love with the Arabic girl his parents were trying to hook him up with. The movie is hilarious and might teach you a thing or two about tollerance. But then again if you see it you might laugh (God forbid) and have a good time (NO!!), so on second thoughts, maybe you should pass.
    god **** first time I have seen a swedish movie recomended on any non swedish site
    yalla yalla is great for a laugh

  30. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    god **** first time I have seen a swedish movie recomended on any non swedish site
    yalla yalla is great for a laugh
    I loved it to and laughed throughout the movie. Although I saw it once in my life and it was a long time ago I remember and recommend it. If there are anymore Swedish movies of that sort feel free to recommend them to me.

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