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Thread: All the People on Board Who Have Used igf-1 lr3, Speak Up

  1. #1

    All the People on Board Who Have Used igf-1 lr3, Speak Up

    i am starting this thread so that we all know who on this board has experienced this stuff first hand. i already know of a few, but would like to know everyone that used it. so, please post something just to show your name to everyone. if you do not want to elaborate on your usage for some reason, you don't have to in this thread. just say "used it" and that will suffice. thanks.
    Last edited by flexshack; 03-27-2004 at 09:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    used it, likedit, will do again

  3. #3
    I've had great results with it in my experiences....many more mgs in my future.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Ran 1 cycle so far,looking forward to the next one!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Used IT!

    Used it...loved it...and will def. do it weight stayed the same and my waist drop 2 inches in 3 weeks..40mcg is all I needed...arms grew a 1/4 of an could have been the site injection I did! I will run it next time with AS...numbness in the hands is the only side I got...

  6. #6
    Used it, will use it again. Loved it. My IGF-LR3 journal is in the forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Me too


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I am doing it right now at 40mcg, been on for a week so far so good

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    Used it...loved it...and will def. do it weight stayed the same and my waist drop 2 inches in 3 weeks..40mcg is all I needed...arms grew a 1/4 of an could have been the site injection I did! I will run it next time with AS...numbness in the hands is the only side I got...
    and i assume that numbness went away after you stopped?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Solrock
    Used it, will use it again. Loved it. My IGF-LR3 journal is in the forum.
    and i LOVED your journal.

  11. #11
    okay, thanks to all so far who posted and by all means feel free to post more info if you like. i do have some questions that i haven't found any answers to yet. so here they are:
    1.) did anyone experience any changes in mood or feelings while on? (besides just being excited of the results you were seeing)

    2.) were there any positive or negative effects on your libido? (and yes i know that this isn't an aas. i have heard that hgh can help this too though)

    3.) how about excessive or faster hair growth anywhere new or already existing?

    4.) and finally, through anecdotes i have heard mostly positive things about igf-1lr3. sleepiness, numbness, stiffness and painfull pumps (the pumps, which imo isn't all that bad) were the only negatives i can remember hearing about so far. are these really ALL of the bad things you guys experienced? tell me even the smallest of complaints too.

    thanks again.

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