Back in the day in this lounge, I remember we had a pretty **** good discussion as to not only what your favorite movie(s) was/were, but what criteria you thought needed to be met in order that movie be categorized as truly great. For those who recall my no-doubt jumbled meanderings, I argued strongly for the idea that for a movie to be great, it had to explore all elements of the filmic medium - not just the narrative element, but cinematography, seamless acting, elements of construct, soundtrack, etc, etc.
Well, for maybe the first time in three years or so, I saw a movie that, in my opinion, addresses with great success all the elements of film: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet). The story was engaging as all hell in and of itself, but it was incredibly enhanced by the camera work and the entire visual element of the film. It's often tough for early spring movies to be remembered come Oscar time, but this film is certainly worthy. In my opinion, the movie is made MUCH more engaging if you've been in at least one serious long term relationship...though that's not to say it's not enjoyable regardless.
Anyone else had the chance to see this yet? I'd love to get a discussion going along the lines of our old vanilla sky discussion....this film definitely warrants such.