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Thread: God I love Test!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col

    God I love Test!

    What's up everyone, it's good to be back.

    I've had some very interesting **** happening in my life lately and for those that remember me, you remember i was going to be married, i even did something i never said i was going to do and posted the chica's pic on the site to introduce her to everyone.

    Well she left a month ago, just up and split. So i've been dealing with it in the gym.

    Been running
    750mg Test Enanthate (week)
    400mg Deca (week)

    was trying to bulk up a lil' bit, i was trying to put on a few pounds of muscle and drop the body fat a lil' bit. Well it's working.

    Just finished 8 weeks worth of eating like a pig (still doing some cardio) and getting the strength back to where i want it, while putting on some quality pounds.

    So far i've been on 8 weeks, I weigh right around 215, prolly around 18%bf, i have some pics at home i think and will post them here later.

    Not bad from about 200 @ 16%, now it's 16 weeks of contest prep, so the dieting has began and the cutting is here.

    Still running the same ****, but now it going to be clen/eca stack with some t3 for the last 6 weeks of the diet. I'm doing the same diet i did last time when I had great results, hoping to hit around 8% about 3 weeks out from the show, and come in around 6%. Now that i'm single it is a lot easier to be focused on the gym.

    I still can't believe how heavy i am currently! I'm trying to make the middleweight division, which I think tops out around 176-180 (not sure for this show) This should be interesting...

    I know my weak points (however one is my chest, so i'm hitting **** hard)

    An example of my strongest lifts so far are

    Military Press (not in a smith machine) 225X12 - 245X10 - 275X4 (i was so suprised, given i've never lifted over 245 on military press)

    Incline DB (100X10 - 115X10 - 130 X 6) The 130's i've never done on the incline DB, and i swear i could have done more if it didn't feel like my wrists were going to snap!

    I also recently started deadlifting, not doing anything fancy yet, but a week or so back, i was pissed because of the ex, and i did
    315X10 - 365X10 - 405X10 - 425X8

    nothing impressive but i just started deadlifting about 8 weeks ago...

    I personally have never cared about the weight on the bar, and always followed strict form, but now i'm watching my form and re-focused again, and the strength is just there. It's so odd to me...yesterday i did the 275 (on military) and it was hard, but when i got done, i just smiled and said, ****, now i gotta get that for 10 that's my new goal.

    anyway, i'm all about opinions and if you guys think it should be terribly hard to get down to 6% at around 176-180...i'm trying to find one of the cacluators to do the math.....



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    hey hey how you been !!!!!!!!!!! ,good to see you back

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    I've had some very interesting **** happening in my life lately and for those that remember me, you remember i was going to be married, i even did something i never said i was going to do and posted the chica's pic on the site to introduce her to everyone.

    Well she left a month ago, just up and split.
    Dam'n bro I remember that post, sorry. Women... go figure.

    Good job BTW.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col


    Doofy - what's up man, **** i didn't know you were still on the boards...good to see you around.

    I'm doing great. I was all depressed about the girl situation for about 4 weeks, and here recently (last week or so) it's gotten easier, I guess I just came to terms with it.

    I mean she told me her reasons (which were bull****) but still, you cant force something, and it was her choice....she did take the easy way out by not talking and just moving out when I was at work. But that's ok.

    I'm to lazy to hold grudges, and I mean I wouldn't go out of my way for her, but So long as she's happy, i'm good.

    Either way, i'm focused back in the gym now, cardio at 6am on empty stomach, dieting again, so i stay busy and I can deal with it.

    Besides, her leaving has given me new focus in the gym, at least attirbuted to it, because before i wouldn't work out as hard or for as long, so i could make it home to be with her. Now i have time, so it's back to boxing and the gym.

    Now when i get home, i eat, shower, sleep, so it's good.

    Training for this competition now, so I got a new focus for now.

    I miss her, but she's gone, nothing I can do but deal with it and move on. (i figure i'm glad i had the experience, it makes me a better person, but there is no need to be mad about something I can't change, it wastes energy i could use in the gym)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    good strength gains... impressive...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    sucks sorry to hear it..... but just when you are fine with she will probably come crawling back. Move on to better things, she showed you her true colors.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    I'm not worried about the ex...

    I'm re-focused on the Gym, and my body. I let it slip for some stupid, it's time to fix those mistakes

    8 weeks in to a HUGE cycle, i'm starting to think i'm doing to much Test. I mean i'm horny like 24X7 (and will be no matter what regardless) However, now that i'm dieting i don't plan to lower the dosage simply due to the t3 i'll be running soon.

    A good 6 weeks of diet and i'll take some more pics.

    So what about my question....what does everyone think of 215(ish) to 176(ish) for the show. It's nearly 40lbs...i figure 30 I can do with proper diet, i'm hella worried about the last 10....but i can't find a body mass meter or mass index to see what i should weigh at 6% at my current weight.

    Any help with that?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    welcome back bro!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Hey bro good to meet you, sorrey to hear to hear about your woman. I went through the same thing on a smaller scale a while back, it sucks but it gives you motivation to hi the gym HARD and thats what we like. Best of luck to you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    Quote Originally Posted by Testsubject
    Hey bro good to meet you, sorrey to hear to hear about your woman. I went through the same thing on a smaller scale a while back, it sucks but it gives you motivation to hi the gym HARD and thats what we like. Best of luck to you.

    Good to meet you too, i see a lot of new faces, and checked my PM's and **** I had some interesting ones.

    *stretch* it's been a long time, to long. now it's time for the fun to start all over.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Denver, CO
    it sucks but it gives you motivation to hi the gym HARD and thats what we like


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Just Hit it Hard and dont look back!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col

    a pic of the back

    Been bulking for awhile now, sorta let myself go, and just did 8 weeks of bulking, now i'm into the 16weeks of dieting

    here is the back as of tonight (4/8/04) and also a double bicep, that my bi's are NOT flexed in because i was trying to look at the **** camera;...

    after looking at these pics i'm guessin my bodyfat is like 20%
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	MVC-004S.JPG 
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ID:	31290   Click image for larger version. 

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Thumbs up

    Good to see you turned something negative into something very positive. You're lookin good, & we're all pulling for ya on the diet.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    welcome back and nice to meet you. your better off without her. but i'm sure her bu11$hit is giving you some nice raging pumps in the gym!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good to see you back bro. Glad you have been able to get refocused.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Forgive Not!!!!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    any guess on my bodyfat?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Hey Bro, good to see you back....sorry about the Life Slap.....Keep us updated w/ pic's as you go man.
    Good Luck.

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