Is there anyone who ran proviron with test and still got gyno?
Will proviron help reduce bloat?
the test i will be running will be test Prop 100mg/ed
I am prone to gyno that is why i am asking.
Is there anyone who ran proviron with test and still got gyno?
Will proviron help reduce bloat?
the test i will be running will be test Prop 100mg/ed
I am prone to gyno that is why i am asking.
get a better anti E than proviron. nolva. arimidex, letrozol.
Proviron is a very strong and good anti-e but its on the expensive site. Most now use liquidex for the price.
I got access to all three. I hear ldex raises your bad cholesterol levels.
I was going to run novla as soon as I stop the Test and Proviron.
no good?
Originally Posted by TRE
Do u recommend running proviron and Noval together?
Its a great combo and I myself have never shown signs of gyno. I would suggest it.
I hear ldex raises your bad cholesterol levels.
Does anyone know if this is true?
Bro i like proviron... i ran it with test prop and had great mass gains and still remained lean and vascular. Proviron will help gyno from setting in... goodluck
Not to mention, test + proviron = horndog!![]()
yes be prepared to be extremely horny, but Proviron is better than Nolvadex and the other stuff. I read an artical somewhere that says proviron does not just 'mask' like the others, but stops estrogen! I use it all the time, makes you hard, keeps bloat down and makes you hornier than you ever imagined.
proviron is great to combine with nolva...
just becarefull when the wind blows cuz
your D#%^ will follow the air./..... ----------->
If you are prone to gyno, and taking Test, you better have a good supply of nolvadex on hand and it would be a very good idea to use arimidex also. Letrozol is strong stuff that could be used instead of arimidex BUT, letrozol needs to be started before your cycle AND I've read that nolvadex @ 20mg ED will reduce your letrozol levels by up to 30%. That will put you in a bad situation if your chest blows up and one anti-e, now at 80mg ED is reducing the effectiveness of another anti-e.
Sorry Bro, you asked about proviron. Yes, proviron is worth using & it will help with bloat. If gyno prone, and using test, IMO don't use it as your only anti-e. Provirons anti-e abilities are more like a positive side effect. Its possible proviron acts by increasing test affinity for the AR while decreasing test conversion to estrogen. AND that helps your other anti-e's work better, ya like less work with a pay increase. IMO, nolva & arimidex would be best for test, but nolva & proviron ain't bad.
I am using test eth tren and prop, I am using 25mg provion and 20mg nolva, I had to bump the nolva to 40mg b/c of gyno, I only used the provion at 25mg b/c with the prop my sex drive was going crazy...if I go up to 50mg I cant leave the would do anything that walked in front of me...but yes its a great combo
good luck
I think i am going to run 20mg Novl & 50mg proviron ED and see how that works.
Thanks for the replies
It has the potential to lower good cholesterol, but using nolva along with it can restore those levels.Originally Posted by en1222
well i run nolva @10mg ed and proviron 50mg ed and i am fine
Originally Posted by Froggy
Would running nolva10mg, prov25mg and arim be a waste or overkill?
You should start your own threads.Originally Posted by mista_liar
Edit******* didn't see the arimidex.
I would run either the Proviron or L-dex along with 10mg of Nolva.
Thks. I'm fairly new at this but I would agree from what I've researched. From everything I've read, much of this debate seems to be centered on this: Whether or not you need *some estrogen in your body as a male during a cycle.
Pls correct me if I mis-summarize:
Pros: prevents estrogen from binding due to it's targeting of the estrogen sites itself
Cons: Estrogen levels now become really high, which could cause an episode with gyno once Nolva adminstration discontiues. Nolva would then need to be run PCT, making it more expensive during a cycle.
Pros: prevents test conversion in the first place due to its affinity with the aromatase enzyme testosterone needs to actually convert to estrogen
Cons: its can be suppresive in nature to natural testosterone production since it does do much of what 'normal' levels of test do for our body; decreased libido upon discontinuation during recovery
So based on above, if we believe *some amount of estrogen is needed, why would you need to run Nolva unless you are running a really heavy gyno-prone cycle or are especially sensitive to gyno?
Proviron seems like the logical choice with a small dosage of armi or ldex for water retention and so forth.
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