Saying **** like "Let's just nuke Iraq and turn it into a giant parking lot." is just stupid and ridiculous. Seriously!!! Smarten up, WHO is going to park there?!?
The problem is the fact that everyone WANTS to be alone and apart from invaders. THAT is stupid. You see, whether you believe in God (religion or not), or whether you are athiest and do not believe in God (it works BOTH ways)...
You see, if Adam and Eve existed (and you believe that theory), then all men and women were ONE colour, there WAS NO FVCKING BLACK, WHITE, BROWN OR YELLOW, so that whole colour/racial thing is BULLSH!T. All countries should UNITE, and put aside their greed for wealth and power! There is no, I'm a "white American" or I'm a "white Swedish" or i'm a "black German" cuz colour has nothing to do with it. If all humans were white, we would still have tons of problems (no doubt) but no where near as many racial battles that always go on.
NOW, if you DO NOT believe in God or the Adam/Eve theory, then your more a science person, and that whole natural selection thing. Well, to the best of our ability, they say that life began in Africa. And most likely, mankind was first born black, or dark brown type colour. Again, just the exact same as I said above, people began to leave the mother land and expand, people's colours changed, attitudes, etc...
IT REALLY seems like man has become MORE STUPID over time. I mean yeah, we got science and computers and all that, but PSYCHOLOGICALLY they are not any better off at all. If they just put energy into getting people closer and together more, that would be great. I mean, I don't care WHAT it would be, say the ENTIRE world was ONE giant United States, or ONE giant Germany, England, Iraq, wutever, as long as it's just one, and people are more concentrated on BETTERING THEMSELVES, not worrying about stupid oil prices and God **** elections and all that ****, this world without a doubt would be a better place.
I CAN'T SEE HOW ANYONE could reject that or deny it or fight that. I dare you to try, and if you do, your a jizz monkey for being against it, a big hungy jizz monkey!!