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Thread: Leg day and the pain it brings

  1. #1

    Leg day and the pain it brings

    I was just wondering if im the only one who almost throws up on leg day. And im also wondering if you guys feel extremely exhausted afterwards and have a desire to take a nap.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    if you are training correctly...Yes.....feeling like crap after should be normal...that is how you grow.

  3. #3
    Your not the only one, often times I have had a tough leg day leaving me moving around slower than my grandparents.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I throw up almost every time...sometimes twice!!! Like palequail say's "this is normal" and if your not then something is wrong. I always take 600mg of ibuprofin directly after as this helps with swelling and pain. Peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    That post workout nap is awsome! You just know that it is productive rest. Too bad I dont have time for it anymore.

    My friend and I videotaped one of our squat sessions. In the best part of the video, I am going for 15 with 345. I'm shaking, whining, practicaly crying while having a rather large trainer at Worlds screaming obcenities in my face.

    Meanwhile my buddy is sitting on a box squat cube hurling into a bucket.
    Good stuff.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    Meanwhile my buddy is sitting on a box squat cube hurling into a bucket.
    Good stuff.
    Nothing quite like moral support from your training partner.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by hellnhavoc
    I was just wondering if im the only one who almost throws up on leg day. And im also wondering if you guys feel extremely exhausted afterwards and have a desire to take a nap.
    Yep. Sounds like you're doing it right.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    North Alabama
    Way back when i first started training in 9th grade I met a guy from a rival football team and his legs were freaky huge. Mine thighs were like 19 inches @ 6 feet tall and my calves were smaller than my knees. All I could see was me getting dominated by this guy the second game of the year. I stole some money and bought a 200 lb weight set and had my grandpa make me some squat racks out of wood.

    My first workout I could only squat with 80lbs for 3 sets of 10. In Bill Starrs book "The Strongest Shall Survive" he said you could add 20 lbs per week to your squat and I didn't know that was a lot so I did it. By the end of summer I was squating 200 for four sets of 10, followed by stiff-legged deadlifts with the same weight and rep scheme. I rested 45-60 sec between sets.

    The thing I remember most about that summer was that I would work legs every 3 days at around 10 am, throw up afterward, and then pass out for about an hour. By the next day, my legs felt like they were bruised. Every step I took I was in agony. This went on for 3 months. The day after training I was sleepy all day.

    By the time two-a-days came my thighs were 24 inches and my forty went from 5.2 to 4.8 sec and I didn't sprint at all that year.

    I'm 37yo, getting back into it, and it's much worse now than then.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    love to nap after lifting especially legs and back - the big muscles crave the rest - or it could be I am just old LOL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Meanwhile my buddy is sitting on a box squat cube hurling into a bucket.
    Good stuff.

    ........sounds like me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Meanwhile my buddy is sitting on a box squat cube hurling into a bucket.
    Good stuff.

    ........sounds like me.

    You know DB - people pay good money for this type of comedy

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Legs sessions are brutal, especially when heavy squats are involved. I find that while I'm on gear its not nearly as bad and my recovery is a lot quicker. Never actually threw up, but I came close on several occasions.

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