scheduling, doses, lenght
all imput welcomed, just lookig for personnal preferences.
scheduling, doses, lenght
all imput welcomed, just lookig for personnal preferences.
Scheduling: AM and early-late afternoon
Dosing: 4-6IU/day
Length: As long as possible
Those are my preferences
bump, i just wanna know what you preferences are..
I used to experiment with im injektions at little doses twice every three hours,second one 45 minutes after the first.Dose about 0.5-0.75 units.
results were good,I used about 2-3 units a day,looking to get the best bang for the buck.
The theory was to make the liver get high somatomedin levels,imitating natural gh-release as good as possible,while not surpressing it.
I got back to the twice-a-day regime,though.
I don't want tp post the studies yet until I really think them through, but it appears that somatomedins (namely IGF-1) peaks at 36hrs post exogenous GH injection, when the GH injection is any significant dose.Originally Posted by NewBreed
That´s intersting,I thought IGF-secretion to be more directly about 2h after gh administration.
I also read in a kind of gh-handbook,that a mild hypoglycamia might appear,after your gh-shot and this because the IGF-1.
Is there any kind of effect gh has by itself on BC,or is it youst a placebo-effect,because of my lecture?
GH itself causes a slight hyperglycemic effect, but the subsequent rise in IGF-1 causes a hypoglycemic effect.Originally Posted by NewBreed
Just how soon after GH administration that IGF-1 levels peak is largely due to how the GH is administered (IV, IM, or order of fastest to slowest).
I like HGH before bed, since that's the way the was designed to release HGH while you sleep. I figure that the best time to use it. This debate will go on forever I'm sure, so read up and make the decision from the info you gather.
I think it's age dependent to, if you younger day time injection should be fine but if you're over 35 I'd say go before bed for sure.
Puberty is the time then you devolope your adult muscle size, this happens through high test, hgh, igf-1 levels and insulin sensitivity. So if you can mimic this through a cycle of HGH, test and slin or an insulin sensitized(you know what I mean) you could build some muscle becuse these will be work together. I remember when I was 17 and started lifting I made some great gain with fat lose at the same time something I wish would still happen
I know supergirl made some really good arguments for nightime GH over at S'ology, and I think you make a good point that as you get more "seasoned"Originally Posted by JohnnyB
, it makes more sense to shoot at night, since you'll have less natural GH to worry about suppressing.
Great reply,so my tiredness may be a result of the hyperglycaemia after the gh-shot,but how much will IGF secretion vary,since it might be a good idea to have the IGF at the end of yor trainingsession to peak,because receptor sensitivity is high at this time.
If it really peaks 36 hours after gh peaks,it will be impossible to determine the right time.![]()
The studies that showed the 36hr period until IGF-1 peaks, were very old. There was a more recent study with rats that showed only about a 1-2hr lag. I'm much more prone to believe the recent study to be most accurate. If you're not using insulin, then GH preworkout makes some sense to me. If you're using insulin, then taking the two together post w/o makes the most sense.Originally Posted by NewBreed
Last edited by Carlos_E; 05-12-2004 at 10:05 PM.
At the moment I´m really consequently shooting 4-6times/day IM with a dose of 0.5-1IU and I think this is to me the most effective wa to get the max out of it.
Vascularity increased,fat decreased,hunger increased much more and it´s nearly impossible to lose weight,also I want to,I´m losing fat only.![]()
Mucle groups that are worked out increase,too.
Recovery is better-this all compared to 5-7IU divided in two doses.
Now doses are up(down) to 3 to 4IU/day-think that really works well.
But GH is released every 3-5 hours naturally, based on diminishing levels of IGF-1 from the previous GH pulse. So, by injecting exogenous GH every 3-5 hours, you're effectively ensuring that you don't get the benefit of your own GH releases. By splitting up doses into 1 or 2 per day, you can still benefit from your own endogenous GH during the intervening periods.Originally Posted by NewBreed
I´m using very low doses appr. 0.5IU 1st shot and second shot about 30-40 min. later.I think halflife of GH/IM is about 40 min.,so I have a little kumulation,with the second shot,maybe a third and it should be little enough for gh-pulse when worke-out an hour later for about 2-4 hours.
Then again same procedure.![]()
Just had too say something about this even though the thread is a couple months old... as far as I know make more GH when you sleep so there is almost no point in injecting before you go to bed....unless ur like 90 and not making any anyways... the best time to inject is in the morning right after you wake up!
how soon will you see results from GH?
GH is a long term cycle bro, and i dont think you will really begin to see benefits until your about 3 months in!Originally Posted by latino_athlete
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