When doing the Deload is it ok to just do 1 shot of test a week for the 2 weeks,
As in
Week 1- 250mg( 1 shot)
Week 2- 250mg (1shot)
Week 1- 125mg twice a week
Week 2- 125mg twice a week
Testosterone enanthate
When doing the Deload is it ok to just do 1 shot of test a week for the 2 weeks,
As in
Week 1- 250mg( 1 shot)
Week 2- 250mg (1shot)
Week 1- 125mg twice a week
Week 2- 125mg twice a week
Testosterone enanthate
Awesome man, I'm in my first Deload now, and I'm pretty pumped about this. I already did the 250 in one shot, 1 more to go and then I reload. Which I am also pumped about.
Just wanted to make sure I made the right choice
Thx for the reply!
Hey Ronnie. I was rereading the first part of the Slingshot method and have a question on actual workouts. I'm a powerlifter and would like to know your opinion on the Westside Louis Simmons method of training. Specifically the 1 max effort workout and the 1 speed day workout per week for each lift. What are your thoughts on the multiple short rest 45-90 seconds between sets on speed day? Is this beneficial or too short of a rest period. Also Westside basically maxs out on some movement each week. Not necessarily the lift itself but something that is supposed to benefit the lift. It may be inclines or weighted dips for the bench press or just a max set of 6, 8 or 10 reps. Thanks man.
My first ever cycle was going to be test at 500 like you said, my 2nd reload I was thinking Eq with it to help with appetite. Should I include masteron there too? Also if I was to do Adrol which decreases appetite w/ Eq which increases it, would that be an okay idea?
Is there a big difference in having dextrose vs just gatorade for pwo?
Also a guy told me if you take "Dell" it can lower blood pressure if it increases on cycle or if you already have high BP, is this good or is there a different thing I should use? Thanks!
Thanks for taking time to help educate me a little bit more.
not sure if you over looked this one by accident, in my wall of text but i want to put a order in in a few days and wanna make sure i have my numbers right.
can you help shed some light on this? or does the second blast really need to be double of the first?6.) Looking a head for a year of my outline of anabolic use and was thinking of linear dosage and was wondering if you think these numbers would work , please bare with me if this makes me look like a chump.
Reload 1 450mg Test E & 400mg Masteron
Reload 2 600mg Test E & 600mg Masteron thinking of going 750mg test on this one instead.
Reload 3 750mg Test E & 700mg Masteron
Reload 4 900mg Test E & 800mg Masteron
Reload 5 1050mg Test E & 900mg Masteron
thanks again!!
Last edited by mockery; 07-26-2012 at 07:28 PM.
Hi Ron,
I think you missed my post regarding casein, egg, whey in the pages before : http://forums.steroid.com/showthread...04#post6077704
Hey thanks for answering my questions, you didn't say anything about this "Dell" drug but I never heard of it also so idk. Anyways I wanted to know being an ectomorph, if I should seperate carbs and fats at all, apparently if you do that it allows you to kind of eat more calories?
For the first cycle I said I'd do 500 test and 2nd reload would be with eq, how much eq should I go with as well as masteron if I add that in for test being at 500, and also test at 750 (not sure which i'll go with).
I know it depends but a lot of people say you absolutely need nolva or clomid to get back to normal even with hcg after a cycle, just wanna know for sure because i'm starting maybe in a month or two.
If I took hcg during cycle, could I stop it after and use nolva/clomid only? I wanna do just hcg if I can but after the cycle when the dosages are way higher it gets really pricey, it would cost 115$/5000 iu's hcg for me which ends up being a lot when you use over 2000 iu's per day or around there plus on cycle. Thanks I really appreciate it!
[QUOTE=Dtrain17;6089306]Hey thanks for answering my questions, you didn't say anything about this "Dell" drug but I never heard of it also so idk. The only DELL I know of is a computer so whatever it is you are talking about I would steer clear if it lowers blood presure! Anyways I wanted to know being an ectomorph, if I should seperate carbs and fats at all, apparently if you do that it allows you to kind of eat more calories? Slow burning carbohydrates are your best friend being an ectomorph because they slowly convert to sugar-hence keeping your appetite good all day long. On the other hands healthy fats are also very important because they contain over twice as many calories per gram than any other macronutrient. You already know protein is important but many ectomorphs find they can only eat around 1 gram per pound of body weight in order to stomach enough carbohydrates to put on weight. Remember, protein bloats you up and lowers appetite! Also, the thermic effect of protein can actually further speed up your metabolism. Try and get most of your calories from from healthy carbohydrates and add in healthy fats from there as needed to help gain weight. Having a high carb and fat meal combo for breakfast and before bed time will help you gain weight, especially before going to bed! If you still have trouble gaining weight add fats to your lunch to boost caloric intake. Other than that focus on clean carbs to keep appetite high and of course keep protein between 1-1.5 grmas per pound of BW depending on what you can stomach.. /QUOTE]above
Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-03-2012 at 10:16 PM.
Hey ronnie
I am about to start a new cycle after only 2 weeks off (test e 500mg ) considering jumping straight back into my 2 nd cycle but of deca 300 (300mg per wk)an test e (600mg per wk) I didn't read all post 285pages full but what was your view on AI an PCT ?? An being I've had 2 weeks off in full from training an steroids should I just use your blast training (reload-Deload) or slingshot blast training ( low an high volume sets per wk)?? How do you perform your reps tempo? 2/1/2/1 ??
Last edited by Peter32; 07-28-2012 at 01:26 AM.
Great read lots to implement. into my routines
reverse bench press..verses...inclines for upper chest
Hey , I have recently read this whole thread. I`m at the end of my cycle whereas i tried to bulk the first 4 weeks and now trying to get leaner for another 4. Currently I`m on 200 gr rice (breakfast and post workout around 8 pm ), 50 olive oil, 80 gr almonds , before bed, 9 egg whites, one whole egg, 50 gr whey protein, 900 gr chicken breasts. Workout 4 times a week, 20 min of cardio 7 days a week, my sixpack is showing now. I`m 87 kg, 185 cm, 27 years of age. Here`s what i`ve been using :
1-8 test prop 400 mg weeklt
1-7 50 mg stanozol daily
6-8 (3 weeks) - tren acetat 0.5 ml daily (1ml contains 75 mg)
1-8 50 mg proviron daily
6-8 10mg tamoxifen daily
Also I`m running LDN 1mg before going to bed. Respond really well - no testicular shrinkage whatsoever, no low sex drive, nothing.
Vitamin b6 50 mg daily
1-6 t3 (really eats lots of muscle) 3 weeks 25 mg, 2 weeks 50 mg, 1 week 12.5 mg. I`ll quit tomorrow.
I would like to run 20 weeks cycle as recommended here in order to put LEAN mass with the next 10 weeks.
I`m considering running test enan 500 mg weekly + boldenone 400 mg weekly + proviron 50 mg daily. How it looks like?:
9-10 250 mg test enan deload
11-18 500 mg test enan
11-18 400 mg boldenone
11-20 50 mg proviron daily
Keep on using B6
11-20 tamoxifen 20 mg daily
HOw long should i continue the LDN? till week 23?
I have two more weeks on prop and tren and i think i will be able to come down to 9-10 % BF.
Once deload starts weeks 9-10 i would like to start slowly bulking lean mass while maintaining the BF.
How do i up the carbs? Should i get the fats lower?
Your reply will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks heaps Ronnie your advice is greatly appreciated and can't wait to start this new programOriginally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
I'm hoping on my next reload to do a cutting phase using Anavor (first time) what dosage should I use and should this be stacked with a larger test e dose aswell?? Thinking since reducing body fat at this point would be my goal would a twice a week per body part reload phase be appropriate??
Cheers again for your advice
Originally Posted by Dtrain17
I know it depends but a lot of people say you absolutely need nolva or clomid to get back to normal even with hcg after a cycle , just wanna know for sure because i'm starting maybe in a month or two. Nothing concerning the human body can be interpreted in absolutes. It's okay to add nolva and clomid after a long cycle to ensure faster restoration but HCG is the main drug needed and I have seen full restoration of the testis time and time again with hcg alone. However, anytime anti-es are included in the cycle you need anti-es pct as well.
Sorry it wouldn't let me quote, it loaded forever. So if I know nothing is set in stone but i'm getting ready for my first cycle, no Eq in this one b/c I wanna see how I react to test alone, and masteron for now isn't available, I think i'll take proviron though. Id like to know if I did the hcg during cycle, assuming no anti-e is needed, how much after cycle (keeping it less than you normally recommend)? I think I would use nolva also with the lower hcg (clomid I know isn't needed).
Do I need proviron after also (50mgs per day)?
How much nolva? If you could at least say what would work for the avg guy, I know there's no definite answer.
Your help is appreciated, thanks Ron. If I took hcg during cycle, could I stop it after and use nolva/clomid only? You could use that approach. I still prefer using some hcg post cycle for maximum results. Why don't you just continue using HCG at lower dosages for 2-3 weeks post cycle? That protocol would make it more affordable! I wanna do just hcg if I can but after the cycle when the dosages are way higher it gets really pricey, it would cost 115$/5000 iu's hcg for me which ends up being a lot when you use over 2000 iu's per day or around there plus on cycle. Thanks I really appreciate it!
[QUOTE=VASCULAR VINCE;6090575]reverse bench press..verses...inclines for upper chest [B]IMO most people get very little overall chest development from incline presses, including the upper pecs . Muscle stimulation of the upper chest during incline presses only increases by about 5% as compared to the flat or slight decline press bench press. But muscle stimulation in the front deltoids increased by a whopping 85%! This is why I recommend incline presses on a standard incline press at around 30-45 degrees for those who have weak front delts instead of front raises to supplement to their overhead shoulder presses. Incline presse work the front delts more so than overhead persses because the side heads of the delts are strongly stimulated during overhead shoulder presses.
The neck press using a wide grip is superior to incline presses for upper chest development but it's hard on the rotator cuffs. In addition, incline presses can put a lot of strain on the rotator cuffs and the muscles/disk located in the neck (cervical spine)! A better exercise to increase muscle stimulation in the upper chest regions is using a flat bench with a reverse grip because muscle stimulation of the upper chest increases by around 30% when using the reverse-grip as opposed to the regular over-hand grip . However, doing this with a bar puts way too much strain on the wrist, even when using a smith machine for balance control so the answer is using a life fitness dual cable flat chest press machine using a modified reverse grip. Turn the handles so that your palms are facing one another to prevent wrist strain. You also want to begin the movement with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and then allow your arms to travel inwards and slighlty upwards during the contraction to stimulate the upper chest. The modified reverse grip still helps keep your elbows in close to the body and your upper arms parallel to your torso-hence increasing the stimulation of the of upper chest!You can use dumbells as well. NOTE: That funky so-called upper chest exercise you see people at the gym doing with cable where they bring their arms up in front up their body with palms facing upward does not stimulate the upper chest as some have been misled into believing but rather the anterior deltoids! [/B][/QUOTE]above
Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 08-03-2012 at 10:21 PM.
big ron..thoughts on masteron .......during pct????
Exactly, the low dose naltrexone is the LDN I`m reffering to. IMO this works wonders.
Moreover, how should i do the carb loading. Now, I load every 6th or 7th day. Here is what my menu consists of (workout day):
7 am - 9 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 100 gr rice
10 am - 220 gr chicken, veggies, 15 ml sesame oil or olive oil
12;30 - 220 gr chicken, veggies, 15 ml sesame oil/olive oil
3;30-4 pm 220 gr chicken, 100 gr rice
6pm 30 gr whey protein, 15 ml sesame oil
6;30 workout
8 pm 30 gr whey protein
9 pm 220 gr chicken, 70-80 gr walnuts
How would i go about carb loading and modifying fats?
Also once the second reloads starts, you said i`d increase carbs by 50 gr weekly, but how many carb meals i`ll be gettin daily? Only 3 (breakfast , pre and post workout or more?)
Thanks in advance
a bro at my gym has question for you ronnie.....supraspinatus tendon screwed up.... cant take lateral raises at any angle ....overhead press on machine cause no pain........could 8 sets for that one shoulder exercise be used to make up for lost volume??????
Okay so I'll post up a cycle I wanna do soon. I can't get masteron for a while like you recommended though.
1-8 Test E (500 mgs), Proviron (50 mgs), Hcg (500 i.u)
9-10 Test E (250mgs), Hcg (1500 i.u, split into 2 shots)
And then here if I can I would do another blast, but I forget what I do if I want kids (I don't know yet so I'd like to be on the safe side.) Also I know you recommend Eq in both cycles but I'd like to use test alone first to see the sides, and I was wondering if Eq would be better to add in the next cycle or should I just bump up test dosage..too many options! Anyways the next blast would be:
1-8 Test E (500mgs), Eq (600mgs), Proviron (50mgs), Hcg (500 i.u).
9-10 Test E (250mgs)
Pct: Starts 1 week after last test shot (I think?)
1-2 Hcg (1000 i.u eod) (you recommended, to keep $ down)
1-4 Nolva (20mg Ed) *If Idc about libido, then proviron isn't really useful here?
I think you recommend aromasin to have on hand for during cycle also, I know adex is worst.
Thanks Ronnie, I know this is a lot of questions but i'm almost ready I think, I'll post pics up to show everyone the transformation!
hi my name is owen im 31 years of age looking for help i no you will all go mad about this but please im looking for help.iv been working hard at my gym for the last year now and just wanted a bit of a kick start with my size as i have no probs getting big chest but arms just so hard to build on.so after a long look over the internet and a lot of words from i friend that has been lifting for about 10 years.
i been and got Tri-Tren 150 and Trenbolone Acetate iv been told i should take 1m of tri-tren for the first week and then after that i should take 1m of each every week.i no this is a hard steroid and im not sure i should be talking about this on here but could really do with a bit of help as i have now been told i should be running a test-e with this but the source i got these of said it is fine just to run both once a week.so would be great full if someone could help me thank you
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