Hit it hard and heavy tonight, or at least heavy for me. Got a really good overall pump as well. Was walking down the aisle way at work trying to decide if my legs were going to get me back to the shop and one of the young ladies I cut up.with stopped me and complimented me. Said when I took my rain jacket off she noticed I am getting wider in the upper back and shoulders. Pretty much made my night.
1 set of crunches
Leg extensions- 2 w/u, Work-19,drop,5+,drop,6+ reps. 10 count hold on partials.
Hacks - 2 w/u, Work- 10, rest pause, 3, rest pause,1+ rep.
Reverse hacks- 1 w/u, Work- 10 reps, rest pause, 3 reps. Held the weight just shy of lockout w/o using the safeties on the rest pause.
Leg press- 1 w/u, Work1- (feet wide) 11,rest pause, 2+ reps. Held the weight just shy of lockout w/o using the safeties on the rest pause. Drop a little weight. Work2-(feet narrow)- 10 reps, rest pause, 2 reps. Held the weight just shy of lockout w/o using the safeties on the rest pause.
Standing calf raises- Work- 8 reps, rest pause, 4 reps, drop, 9 reps, rest pause, 3 reps w/ double pump at the top.